Thursday, February 27, 2014

one third wasted

Take a look at these three pictures before you read about them.  Form an opinion before you do anything else.



It has been said that a third of all of the food in the world goes to waste.  Usually that means it has just spoiled before it has even been prepared to be eaten.  An Austrian photographer recently took some photos of spoiled food.  I have a few of them pictured here.  Now if I hadn't told you it was spoiled and rotting food would you have guessed that that is what it was?  How do these pictures make you feel?  Do you feel differently now that you know what it is?


  1. I thought these were really cool pictures, but know that I know what they are, it makes me kinda grossed outl

  2. these are pretty cool pictures. i think that its gross to use rotten food, but it makes a cool finished product

  3. the smell must have been horrid.

  4. I could tell that the middle one was a pineapple, but I didn't know what the other two were. I didn't realize that they were spoiled either. It is pretty sad that people waste so much food when there is people all around the world that starve. I know I don't waste much food.

  5. I think this is definitely unique, however I think this is completely disgusting! And I don't think this artist should have been touching anything with mold on it, let alone make art with it.

  6. I think these pictures are really fantastic actually. I could tell right away that they were of moldy fruit, but it has a interesting concept behind it.

  7. I think these pictures are really fasinating . It is very unquie, with the moldy fruit which sorta disjusts me. I woulnd't want to do that.

  8. This is nasty. I would not like to have this "art" in my house or even near me because it probably smells bad.

  9. I didn't realize they were spoiled fruits. That kinda gross but it looks very interesting. Doesn't make me feel any different.

  10. i dont get how this is art related but okey...that is just sick thoe

  11. No, i wouldnt have known that was food if i wasnt told. It is pretty sad seing all this food being wasted and we ahve starving people every where. I dont waste food really at all.

  12. I think this awesome. The problem with this is that it probably smelt so bad. I would not have guessed it was rotten food.

  13. Pretty cool it looks like they are all spoiled. I like the pineapple one the best because it is split in half

  14. I would have geussed it was food coloring. It does not make me feel differently about rotten food. It is a weird but cool medium

  15. its very cool how he took picture even after they went to waste. the food looked kinda spoiled before so it really did not change how i thought of the picture

  16. I think the way they used rotten food is disgusting. It is weird, but i guess its a good way to use rotten food.

  17. I could tell that this was rotten food. I wouldn't like to be aroudn this kind of art. It would smell bad and is gross to look at.

  18. Rotten food shouldn't be used at all. The fact this food was used and displayed is absolutely atrocious. I don't think it should be used again and alternative ways should be looked for to improve this type of art.

  19. This is pretty gross that he uses rotten food. Its has to smell gross and everything. I dont really like this art very much anyways

  20. That is really unique. It is a way to not waste the rotten food in the fridge. It might smell, but it looks cool.

  21. Eww. This is very gross. I don't like how they are using rotten fruit. This just looks like it should not even be considered art.

  22. It was pretty obvious what this was. I don't like how they used rotting food. The smell would also be revolting.

  23. i think this is very cool. it could be very fun to do.

  24. i think this is stupid molded food is now art might as well take pictures of a land fill

  25. Before I knew it was rotting food, I thought the first picture looked pretty cool. But now that i know that it's rotten food, it makes me want to puke. Who sits and plays with rotten food all day? I guess it's a good way to put it to use, though.

  26. "spoiled art", huh it's kind of gross but some of them look pretty good. I do gag a little knowing it's food.....

  27. I think he made the lemon ones by tying them to strings from the ceiling and then inverting the camera or the photo he took. I do wonder what those dust motes in the top photo are though, spores? And finally, the pineapple in the middle looks like the Sea of Corruption is spreading.

  28. These are really cool pictures, yet using spoiled food would probably gross me out too much. I didn't realize what they were until I read about them. I probably wouldn't have figured it out.

  29. This is a pretty unique way to look at art in our world. I actually couldnt guess that it was rotten food. I find it kinda weird that he finds rotten food and photographs it, but its a cool different.

  30. I would've never guess that it was rotting fruit. I think that it's a pretty creative idea, but a little nasty. I definitely wouldn't go through the trash to collect the medium for this project.

  31. I thought for a second it was food, but was not quite sure. I think that this i sgross and we definitely should not do this project.

  32. I wasnt quite sure what was wrong with the fruit but it didnt look good. This is an other wise neat idea and makes you actually think about what youre eating.

  33. These look awesome and amazing. They look like pictures you would set at your background. It is really cool how they did this work of art. The pineapple is my favorite

  34. I probably would have just because of the different color they are. They make me grossed out because i dont like looking at spoiled food in my free time. I dont feel any different besides a little grossed out.

  35. the Lemons looks like its moving, or rotting around.

  36. looking at the these picture I was just in awe, it reminded me off shinny things, like diamonds, and jewels. haha I love shinny things.

  37. I never would have guessed that that's what it was if I didn't see the name of the food under the pictures. After I saw the name, that's when I decided that it was spoiled food. Gross!

  38. That is a crazy number. 1/3 of all the food we eat goes to waste. It's hard to think about knowing how many kids are hungry. I had no idea that those were food until i saw the name. It looked so green and gross!

  39. I don't think this is that cool. i wouldn't want to do this in class. i defiantly feel like if you hadnt told me that it was moldy i probably would not have guessed that.

  40. These art pieces are interesting. I think most all of us take what we have for granted and don't appreciate the food that we do get. I knew right away that this had to be moldy food. Just the color and the proportions of the food gives it away.

  41. I think that its kind of gross that he had to touch and place all the rotten food in the right position to take the picture.It is sad that there is so much food going to waste and still so many people dying of starvation. They look cool until you finally know what they are. But the shapes of the fruit can tell you what they are.

  42. This is so neat. I would never of guessed this is rotten food. Whoever did this is a true genius. I like this a lot.

  43. i like what they came up with but rotten food is bad maybe try something that will not become moldy

  44. I personally think that this is disgusting. Also that it is not really art. It is just moldy food that someone is passing as art but really anyone can leave a strawberry out to mold and stick it on a string or something.

  45. The rotten food is really gross, I would not want to do this project.

  46. I guessed that it was rotten food right away and I like how he made art out of something so wierd

  47. At first, I guessed that it was rotten food. I think it's cool that someone took pictures of it. Even though it is rotten food, I find it interesting.

  48. Rotten food was the first thought that came to mind what the artist was using to make the interesting art. It amazing that people can make amazing art out of the grossest and ugliest things. It makes the feeling of it even better.

  49. it is cool but i dont know about the rotten fruit that is the only bad thing about it.

  50. This does not look like rotten fruit. I hate that they used rotting fruit, it's disgusting. It makes me want to puke. Why are they wasting food when they could use it for something useful?

  51. I think it is gross to use rotten food. I think he should of taken pictures of something else than rotten food.

  52. This is a cool idea for a project. I didnt realize it was moldy fruit until I looked closely. It is really creative.

  53. The pictures are good and i like the idea. Its kind of wild that it is a third of our food that hit the trash can..

  54. This is a really interesting piece. I wouldnt have found out its food unless i read the comments.

  55. I think this is pretty interesting. I would not think moldy fruit could be used in this way. I would just throw the fruit away.

  56. Honestly i like this, it is very unique something you don't see to often. This person has a very creative mind and if they wanna play with rotten food let them! Everybody has there own ways of creativity, that's just how people are ^w^ (happy cat chibi face)

  57. i was literally staring at this picture for the longest time thinking of what was on the fruit and i thought it looked really cool. but than i realized it was mold and it shocked me that something moldy would actually look really nice

  58. This is a cool project, but I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't like mold on my art projects.

  59. It wouldn't be the best smelling project, but it is still a good idea with a cool use of the food. I wouldn't do it because of the smell.

  60. I think it is a great idea to use things that have gone bad in one way, but to use them in a different, creative idea that expresses things greatly, and it is a good way to portray some good art

  61. I think this is a really cool piece of art work and obviously took a lot of time. Although it is unique work of art i think it would make me sick to my stomach to ever try creating this.

  62. It seems cool, but to be honest it's really gross. It looked cool at first, but then when i looked at the description i was thinking, why would they use rotten food for art?

  63. I could immediaetly tell that this was rotting food, but i dont know why he would take pictures of it. I think he just wants to show that even fungi and molds can kinda look okay. Even still, I find mold kind of disgusting, and have no motivation to copy what he did.

  64. I think the artist was very creative by making this peice but it doesnt really fit well with my stomach. I understand that these took time obviously to make but i just dont like it at all. he or she couldve picked anything else but it had to be rotting fruit!

  65. These art pieces fascinate me! I would have never expected that these fruits were rotten, rather just painted. It is nice to see that this rotten food could serve another purpose instead of just being thrown away. I think the pictures turned out very, very cool. Yes this art might stink, but every masterpiece has its flaws.

  66. I honestly didn't know what it was until someone explained it to me. I saw the pineapple cut in half but i had no idea that it was rotting. I think by the end it looks really cool but if I was an artist I don't think I would waste my time trying to make rotting fruit look cool.

  67. This looks like they took an object and cut in half and drew it. The looley pops look like they haved mold on them. It looks like some pretty good art.

  68. It does kinda make me sick.

  69. i love it! its unique i would wanna try to do this! its beautiful

  70. It looks like it would be kind of a smelly project but it looks like it would also be lots of fun to do at the same time. It is a really cool and creative idea that would be fun to try sometime.

  71. I think that this would be very hard for me to do, I cant stand looking at mold itself. However, I think it really stands out and changes the way people look at things!

  72. this looks really cool because it looks like it is mad of glass.

  73. Without reading the description, I would have never guessed that theses were rotting pieces of fruit. I figured they were just painted like this which made it look very creative and cool.

  74. I couldnt tell at first until further examination of the pineapple, which is naturally yellow. In all honesty, I would not want to do this kind of art. Respect to the guy who did it though.

  75. Before i even read the description i didn't really know what it was, i would of never guessed that it was rotting fruit, it is pretty cool how people can make art out of pretty much anything

  76. This would be a fun project to do I think. I believe that it would make us realize kind of how lucky we are. It shows what can happen today even if we don't notice it through that picture. And how its not all what it looks like.

  77. This is defiantly different. I mean taking old rotten food and going to splay it nice then going to take pictures of it i don't really get it.

  78. This is so weird knowing that its actually rotten fruit.

  79. I have seen mold on fruit before and I thought that it was cool how all different types of food rot in different ways. I am glad someone made a project out of something natural like fruit and mold.

  80. That is gross you do not take pictures of spoiled food. I do not think I would be able to last long enough to get a really good picture because of the smell.

  81. This is a unique way of taking photos of fruit. I am amazed of how they look. The different colors of mold really makes the fruit look cool.

  82. Although I cant tell what some of the foods are they are really cool. It is sweet how you can take something like spoiled food and make it into art.

  83. Even though they look rotten, they look beautiful. I still think they are a beautiful work of art. I really like the creativity that went into this.

  84. This is kinda grody because who would want to make an art piece out of rotten food

  85. These fruits and vegetables looked spoiled for sure before I knew. I think it looks nasty, but I think I'd be tempted not to take a little bite, idk it might taste a little good you never know.

  86. It looks really gross. I don't know why someone would want to to make this. The only one that looks decent id the pineapple.

  87. These foods look really disgusting. It is really sad how a lot of food is wasting when people are starving. I think the pineapple was the best looking one.

  88. That is really unique. It is a way to not waste the rotten food in the fridge. It might smell, but it looks cool. This would be cool to try.

  89. This artwork is so defined. It is very eye catching. Probably one of my favorites.

  90. I would not have thought that food was spoiled. I love how it stands out when you see it. Crazy what you can do with wasted things.
