Friday, January 31, 2014

Reading a map

Have you ever read a map?  Now I don't mean mapquest or some other GPS locator, but a good old fashioned paper map?  The kind that you have to figure out how to fold up after you unfold them.  I am guessing that most of you have never really looked at one before.

Do you know what the different lines and colors meant?  Do you know why the page looks like it is yellow?  Well each color told different things, from roads vs interstates, rivers, parks and sometimes elevations.
Well I found one artist named Colby who is taking a map of London and changing it into a scary image.

So what do you think of this?  Do you think he did it more for artistic purposes or political purposes?  What message do you think he is trying to say?


  1. I think the idea of using anything to represent a skull can mean death, or sadness. The map showing the city. While the skull showing how sad he is about how society is right now.

  2. this is pretty sweet how they did this. Out of maps i probably wouldve never thought of that.

  3. I think that he did this more for the artistic view. i dont quite know what he was truly trying to say, or the point he was trying to get across. Although its a new way to actually look at things or different point of view of things in our lives

  4. It is a interesting piece of art. I don't really think it is a political version, I just think he might have got the map of there was some background to the story of the skull. I'm not really sure what he was thinking when he made it but it does look interesting.

  5. This is pretty cool. I don't know if it is for art or just for something to do. I would guess it is for art, because he put so much detail into it.

  6. Wow, I couldnt imagine how long it took to make this happen. I like how all of the red roads kind of lead to the center of the skull. I dont think i would have the patience to do something like this.

  7. I don't know what type of message he is trying to give off. It is very cool though. I don't think he is doing this for political purpose. Joey would definitely eat the map.

  8. I don't really like this. It just looks like somebody was bored and had a map and just drew one it. It gives off a sad message.

  9. This doesn't really impress me. It looks like you could take any drawing and turn it into a map. I don't really understand what the artist was trying to accomplish.

  10. I really dont like this. I wouldnt want to do it in class, and it isnt that impressive

  11. I have looked at and used a regular paper map. This is really cool that he used the map to make a skull. He probably just made a skull for an artistic purpose rather than an insult to London.

  12. I think that the lines and routes on the maps make the figures look even more realistic. I think that the idea is really impressive. I think I would get too frustrated trying to figure out how to make the figure look real on the map

  13. This reminds me of something that would be on Pirates of the Caribbean. I think he used this as an artistic purpose, and not to insult anyone.

  14. I like this and I would like to do it, but I would most likely fail.

  15. Wow this is very cool. I like how the routes on the maps make it look like it has texture. This is so awesome. And it kind of looks real.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This is absolutely delightful! I'm so glad I got to experience this amazing piece of art in my life. A map was once made to seek direction in the world, now, it is made to make amazing art.

  18. This is interesting. It is not my favorite because it is not very unique. I think that is would be one of the easier ones to attempt.

  19. I don't think this is very interesting. However, I think he used it for artistic purposes. This project looks easier compared to others.

  20. I think its cool but its not one that i would like to do.

  21. i think it is cool but i think it would be hard to do it with all of those lines

  22. I think that this is cool but I wouldn't want to do it. I think the artist just did it for artistic purposes.

  23. This is very unique. I would never do this. This looks very hard to do.

  24. thats cool but its a waste of time

  25. Oh wow, this is really sweet! Seems like it would be really hard to do.

  26. I doubt it's political, London is a pretty nice place from what I've heard. It's not like Glasgow or anything. It does look cool though.

  27. I really like this type of art, maybe in a different design? But I still think this took alot of planning and talent to acheive this!

  28. I do not think there is a modern day message. The skull map however is a map of London so it might be referring to the year 1666. Further evidence pointing to that is that the lines are he drew look like the material it is made of is ash.

  29. He is saying that our heads our our maps to life

  30. This is actually really cool, but looks hard. The map idea make unquie its cool.

  31. This looks like something that people do on long road trips when they control the map. It is really spectacular how much detail went into the skull; I believe they used hatching to shade the dark areas. I don't see how it could be political, but maybe people argue that it makes London look like the city of death.

  32. this is very cool. i would like to do this one day and it could be very fun

  33. I like this, this looks sweet. I would never be able to do something like that.
    I think he did it for more artistic purposes.

  34. This would be an incredibly hard piece of work to create! It seems like such a complex thing to do. I love the idea of using maps.

  35. i like this it is super cool. i would never be able to do it but it is very seems very complex.

  36. This a cool way to look at art work. When i look at art i think is there a story behind it, or is there a reason why the artist made it a certain way. I think there is supposed to be a secret reason for this, but dont what. I just like that its a different way to look at art.

  37. I think that this artist just used this for artistic reasons. It is very cool and I think it would be a fun side project to attempt.

  38. I think its kind of cool. He puts something helpful on the skull. I like it because im really into maps. I cant really pull out any message in this that hes trying to send.

  39. its sad, that skull with em lines, dont know what it really means, but its got to be some type of story behind it

  40. It's not Halloween. and the skull picture is creepy, I'm guessing that it means that the person who made it must have a purpose of doing it. But, I honestly thing is a more political purposes than art.

  41. This would be hard to fold to every color and area of the face exact. I think the message he is possibly saying is that the country is maybe killing us with taking our money and other political problems. Or maybe it's something else that I am not getting from this.

  42. Definetly artistic purposes because no one wants to read a map on a skull. It would be too hard to read. I hope we never have to do anything like this in art class.

  43. This is really weird and i know i would not want to do this it looks kind of boring. i would much rather carve some oreos or something.

  44. I don't really know what kind of message the artist is giving off, but it is pretty cool. i myself wouldn't be able to do it. It looks like it would be time consuming and I don't have the patience for it.

  45. I like that they used something other than a plain piece of paper to draw on. But it doesn't look too challenging. Not too impressive.

  46. Maps are really confusing to me, but this art is cool. He might have a deep meaning behind it. To me it just looks like art. It would be a fun project to do sometime.

  47. I think this skeleton made of a map is really creative. I think any picutre made from a map would look cool. I think this is made for artistic and not politic purposes. This project looks fun to do.

  48. This project is creative. It takes something ordinary and makes it interesting. This looks like a fun project to do.

  49. I really like the way it is done. its add something cool to something ordinary. looks like a good and fun thing to do.

  50. this is a cool painting how they did this out of maps. it had to take some skill to do this.

  51. This is my kinda art, pretty awesome ;D Skulls rock!

  52. Although I'm not a huge fan of skulls, the way they made a map look like a skull is really cool.

  53. you can make anything pretty like the skull by splashing colors all over

  54. That is neat that the skull is like a map looking thing it is pretty cool what you can do with a skull i would not have thought of that.

  55. These are really cool. I wouldn't like to do this in class, looks like its too hard to complete.

  56. This artist could have done this for artistic and political purposes. One way its a beautiful picture, the other, its a map representing death. Wherever you go there is death... kinda depressing.

  57. Using maps!? What! I couldn't be able to make things out of maps because to me thats very confusing! Don't get me wrong i love it!

  58. using maps! cool and it looks hard to do

  59. This is very unusual, but extremely creative! I think it is very cool, and that the message may be that the world is a scary place.

  60. Well that's interesting and yet dark.

  61. this is really cool. it would take a long to find the right maps to make the picture. this would take a lot of patiece and skill

  62. this is really cool and i unique and beautiful i would not like to do this though..

  63. oh my gosh i love this peice! this would be such a fun project to do in my art class. I love how the map was used! i think its trying to say a message? i do really like this a lot.

  64. I think this pretty if you ask me. I like how they take a part of the map and then put it on a draw. I wish i could do this

  65. I think that this particular city fits the bill for atristically matching the photo. However, i think that there was a more political motive behind the art. Mabye this city has a high murder rate, or it has some thing to do with the death penalty.

  66. I think it's cool how he could take something like an old map and making something creative out of it. I'm sure there is some hidden artistic message that we were suppose to get from it but I really don't know what it could be. Maybe he just really hates trying to read maps.

  67. Maybe he is trying to say that he doesn't need a map because he can get around by memory? like he has a map built into his mind.

  68. I think this is so creative. Memorizing a map off the top of your head would be hard to do, so I think he is just placing it on there to make it look more scary.

  69. It makes the skull look more realistic, in my opinion. It looks as if it is not only the skeleton but there are nerves and veins on it and stuff and i dont know i guess that pretty cool

  70. This is really col and creative. He does an amazing job at making a map on this skull. It makes the skull look more scary and realistic at the same time

  71. I think this piece of art is very interesting. The artist probably created it for artistic reasons, but I could see the busiest areas at the brain and go by importance. He could be trying to make maps more fun to read.

  72. this is really cool. something like this would take a long time. it would be fun to try

  73. The idea of creating a skull out of a map is very unique and different. I don't think this would ever come to mind in my head. I think it is very cool and the right placing of it would have to take some thinking definitely. Props goes to this artist.

  74. The idea of using maps to create are is cool. I think it would be hard to get the shapes and colorings that you would want. Very neat.

  75. i love how the map just ties the whole skull together and it blends very good.

  76. It is defiantly a different piece of work. Its not one of my favorites tho it looks like they just took a skull head and wrapped a map over it.

  77. I think this is really cool but would be better if they used a different object instead of a skull. Because skulls are kinda creepy and i don't think it lives it up to its full potential.

  78. This is super cool. I belive he only had an artistic purpose making this, but I can belive people would try to find a deeper meaning to it.

  79. I don't really like this at all. It really isn't very cool. It looks like it is very hard to do. And would be very time consuming . I would never do something like this.

  80. This is really cool. This looks like a challenging piece of art. I wonder how long it takes to do this cool art work. I would like to try this art work but it would have to b a long time.

  81. This type of art looks like it is really time consuming. I would not want to do this as a project, but this is really cool. It is really cool how they used a map to create this.

  82. this looks really cool. i dont think there are a lot of people that can make a skull out of a map

  83. I think this is really creative, but then again it looks a little to time consuming for a project I would like. It is still really cool and someone for sure spent lots of time doing it.

  84. this is really cool. something like this would take a long time. it would be fun to try

  85. This is awsome. I like how they used maps to create a picture. Ths is very creative and it looks great.

  86. I love how they o this kind of stuff because it gives a different meaning to art

  87. This is really cool. I like how they take old maps and and make it into something. This is something I would not want to try
