Friday, January 31, 2014

Scream art teacher

So I figured I would ask all of you what you would think of me if I wore this necklace to school one day?

What would you think of me?  What would you think if you saw it on someone else?  Are your thoughts the same or would you be different because you know me?  And if so, why?


  1. The idea of a Necklace it to show off something you like like. People make all sorts of weird things and wear them. People judge a lot in this society, people just need to let everyone be themselves. I Personally like the necklace's idea.

  2. The idea of this is kinda weird, but it is whatever the person likes. if they want to bring out their personality in this necklace, then so be it, who cares. I would like to actually see someone walk around school with confidence in a necklace like this.

  3. That is very cool but i though the background was just a light shading on paper until I looked at it a little deeper.

  4. weird and crazy but its cool at the same time.

  5. i agree with the young ad weird and crazy.

  6. Well it is defiantly not a normal jewelry and you would get some looks but not because they are weird but because it is different. Personally I wouldn't wear it because I would someone injure myself.

  7. I would believe that you are a very colorful lady and love art. Personally you probably wouldn't catch me wearing this on the streets. I would think that they could poke you .

  8. That looks so crafty. Like you would wear it to a fun raiser. It should not be worn as jewelry. If someone wore it i would think they have kids and one of their kids made it for them.

  9. I can see you wearing this maybe one day because you are so crafty. But I dont think is a normal piece of jewerly. I would guess that someone made it for them as a craft.

  10. I guess this would be a cool necklace to an art teacher. I personally wouldn't wear it, and I probably wouldn't notice if you were wearing it.

  11. I would never wear this piece. It would be too childish. But I think that children would like it and think that it was pretty cool.

  12. this necklace is pretty cool. i probably wouldnt wear this in public, but its really creative

  13. I'm sure i could see you wearing it during homecoming week, but anytime else would be a little different. If I saw someone wearing it on the street, I would think they are wearing what they like.

  14. This seems like a cheap piece of jewelry. I would probably ask why you were wearing something like that. I would hope no one would actually wear this in public

  15. I can see you wearing this, it is very colorful and you could definitely pull it off. I think it is super crafty and I like it a lot.

  16. I think that this is cool and I could definitely see you wearing this.

  17. I think this is really cool. I think it would be easy to do. It wouldn't be so time consuming.

  18. i like that it is really cool and i would like to do one of them i like that

  19. I couldn't see you wearing this but I could see you wearing something else that makes you look like an art teacher

  20. I would think its unique. It would change if on someone else.

  21. i dont like this ....i dont want it coloring my skin

  22. It looks pretty neat. Don't see how this could change someone's opinion on a person though.

  23. Personally I would not wear this but I can see a teacher wearing this. I wouldn't really consider this art though.

  24. I don't think it's quite edgy enough. You need some abstract clothing and maybe paint shoes.

  25. thats cool how they used the map to make the faces and also taking left over colored pencils to make a neck less i cant say i would wear it though

  26. I think that it fits you! I can see you wearing it, however I dont consider this art.

  27. I think it looks kind of dangerous, because the ends are pretty sharp.
    But I wouldn't think bad of anyone wearing it, but I wouldn't wear it.

  28. This is a very different way to wear jewelry! I think this would look so good on certain people. The idea of it is so cool and even unique.

  29. This type of jewelry is much different than normal, but knowing that you're an art teacher would make it more normal for you to wear it. It is a very cool idea!

  30. If i saw you wearing it or if i saw a hobo wearing it its not to big of a deal because its just jewelry. I mean knowing you and that youre an art teacher i would think it would be somewhat more fitting but i mean its not to big of a deal.

  31. I'd think your a weirdo, and honestly tease you about it . But if you stand your ground and put your head up and not care about what the other might think than, I would say, me and you have ONE the in comment because I wear anything that make me smile, (like soda lid, or safety pin) And that makes me happy because I just honestly don't care what other would thing, but (if you don't care about I think, than there will be some problems between us) haha!, Kidding.............

  32. I think this necklace is cool and would be fun but hard to make. But hey! least you would have a pencil with you wherever you go when you wear it.

  33. The necklace is cool. I think that it would be neat if you were just like wow I need red then you take it off your neck.

  34. If i saw this on you i probablly would not think much of it just because you are an art teacher. if i saw it on someone else i know i would probablly think it is really weird.

  35. I wouldn't really think anything of it. There would be like no point for it, It would also hurt your neck and be annoying.

  36. It wouldn't be weird for you because you are an art teacher

  37. I think this is a very bold piece, but i could see you wearing it. I could see you wearing this because you seem confident enough to pull it off and because you are a n art teacher.

  38. I think this is really crafty. I think it could be made for someone like you or creative people. I can picture wearing this because you are a art teacher.

  39. I could see you wearing this, because you're an art teacher. If i saw someone wearing this that i didnt know i would think they are werid. Then again, i dont really look at people's jewelry

  40. This would be an awesome necklace, very good cool for someone who has a passion for art. this suits you very well and if i saw it on someone else i would attempt to buy it from them!

  41. If i ever saw this on someone, the first impression that would come to mind is the color of their personality. To me they would look like a very happy, outgoing person. And i would definitely give them props for expressing their personality.

  42. I think it would look cool on you. It instantly tells me that you like art and you have a colorful personality. That necklace would be a statement piece to an outfit.

  43. I think it's pretty cool! I actually like it because its colorful! But, i wouldn't think anything else of you, i actually would be like oh wow thats pretty cool! But, its very creative!

  44. Very creative for an art teacher.. It would describe your personality.

  45. it would describe you very well considering you are an art teacher. However if I saw someone wearing that I would think they were not fashionable because it looks like a second graders art project

  46. I think this is very cute! I was considering doing something like this one time, but decided against it, just because I had nothing to wear it with at the time.

  47. this is such a cute and unique way to use colored pencils! I personally wouldnt wear it because its not my style but for an art teacher its a pretty cute idea! You could even switch up what colors you wanted.

  48. This is sick nasty!! I would totally buy a neckaless like this. I like how they made the pencils smaller.

  49. I mean for an art teacher it would be pretty normal, it would be like a history teacher wearing a bow tie to class. It's not common, but you wouldn't think it's THAT weird. If some random person was wearing it I would probably take a second look, because I mean come on it's colored pencils on a necklace hanging around someone's neck.

  50. that necklace is really adorable!!! It is an accessory that make someone stand out but in a good way.(: I like it... a lot...

  51. I wouldnt really change my opinion of you, Id probably just tell you that its a very fruity necklace and then I would hope to end the conversation there

  52. I would find that a little weird. This defiantly looks like an art teacher thing. No one else would were this unless they were younger than the age of 10.

  53. I think you are more stylish than wearing this necklace, but I wouldn't judge you or anyone else if they were wearing it. I think this is more of a casual expressive piece. I think the necklace describes you as a person; I would never wear it.

  54. This is a classy piece of jewelry for a art teacher. But for someone to wear this everyday or sometimes just isnt right. An Art teacher would be able to wear that more than once. So it looks cool for an art teacher.

  55. This seems very unique. If I saw someone in public with this on, I would think the person was very creative and artistic. I think more colors would look cooler.

  56. I think this is very cool. People have necklaces a lot of the time o show things they like. This is just another cool example. If i saw someone in public with this on i think it would be cool.

  57. This is really cool. I would think that anyone I met for the first time while wearing this would be a cooler person in my eyes. To have something like this, you either are an artist or are a fan of art, because this necklace itself is art.

  58. This necklace is very cool. I can picture an elementary teacher wearing something like this. I think making these would be a fun project also

  59. I think a every colorful person or a elementary teacher would wear this. This is a classy piece of jewelry for a art teacher. This is an accessory that make someone stand out but in a good way.

  60. I think I could see teachers in younger grades like kindergarden or 1st grade would wear it. If a art teacher wore it that would be awesome. I believe this piece of art shows that a teacher can how they are fun and also creative at the same time.

  61. I couldn't imagine seeing anyone wearing something like this in public. It is cool thought and I realize that it is art. I like it.

  62. he necklace is cool. I think that it would be neat if you were just like wow I need red then you take it off your neck.

  63. i think this really cool although it woudnt be very practical
