Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Playing with keys

Now I know that all of you have had a key fall off of your computer keyboard at one time or another.  And while I am sure it was an "accident," you are aware of how easily they come off and can go back on.  But have you ever stopped to think about those keys and what you could create with them?

I am sure none of you really have stopped to think about that or what you can do with computer parts, but stop for a moment and think about all of the discarded computers out there.  We have been using computers for almost 30+ years, and you and I both know that they don't last that long.

So what could you do with those parts?  Well one artist from Melbourne, Australia named WBK (works by knight) has started creating portraits out of recycled keyboard keys.

So what do you think of these?  Can you think of any other computer parts that could be recycled into some really cool art?  Or whose portrait would you like to create if you had all of these keys?


  1. The top one probably took about 6 keyboards

  2. I think that the top picture took a lot more time and detail. It is a really creative idea though. Someone could use the screens that have different colors to make a huge picture. I would probably try to make a portrait of Alex VanAsselt but I would need a lot more keys.

  3. the top one to me is a close up of it. i think all the pictures took the same number of keys. it is cool though how they were able to make a person out of them.

  4. cool, n mr. south Africa will be missed

  5. i think this is really cool, especially how people have this muc time and used something as random as keyboard pieces.

  6. This is really creative. They used keys from different kinds of keys to create this amazing piece.

  7. I think this is cool with how they used the keys. I really like the Jay Z one. It would be cool to do something like this in class.

  8. i think doing something like this would be fun. Also it would take alot of time and alot of keys. It would be fun to do though.

  9. I like this artwork and find it very unique. It shows that art can be made almost out of anything. This would take an immense amount of time and effort. I also like how detailed these can be.

  10. I think that this is very cool! I like it when artists take things we throw out or dont think twice about and make it art. However, I think that I couldn't do this myself.

  11. This is really cool. I think it would be hard to change your perspective to get the bigger picture out of the small pieces that it took to actually create it. It would take a lot of creativity to come up with the awesome mediums that these artists use to make these peices

  12. I think this is a very unique and interesting idea. It looks rather time consuming so I would most likely not attempt to do something like this. It would very cool if someone from our school to do this.

  13. Wow that is pretty cool. I wonder how they got different tints in the keys.

  14. These look cool, but so time consuming. You could probably use some of the mouse parts to recycle into art work. I would probably make a Michael Jackson portriat

  15. This is really cool but seems like it would be really hard trying to find the right shading on each of the keyboard keys for the pictures but they look like they are really accurate and look a lot like the person like the one I can as it looks like Jay-Z.

  16. Why are there brown color'd keys? Or blue for that matter. I think he may have colored some of the keys because I can't fathom where he got keys any other shade than black, grey, and white.

  17. this painting is very interesting and would be fun to do. i like the texture look too. i wouldnt mind trying to do this thing.

  18. This is very cool but i dont think i would want to do it. i would be very confused and it seems like it would take a while to make.

  19. i think this is a waste of time i dont like it?

  20. I think that this is cool but it would be annoying trying to find the right color of keys and it would take too long

  21. The time and effort put into this would astonish me. Seeing those keys gone from their keyboard makes me sad.... Think of all the people who don't know their way around a keyboard and try to type D: (that is probably not the case[case sensitive] :P)

  22. These are really cool! I think this would be a really fun to do in class. Doing this project would require a lot of effort and time put into it, and in some cases it would be hard to find enough of the same color of keys to keep the face/object looking like what it's supposed to.

  23. i believe this would be a very fun, and different way to art that i think i would actually enjoy. its almost like a jigsaw puzzle and you have to find the right places to put the pieces, but instead your making a portrait. Another thing that would be cool to do is like the tops of nails or something creative like that.

  24. This seems like a very neat project! You would have to get all the part and keys all done right to make it look like a real portrait. Some of these people that make these have amazing creativity skills and blow my mind! Random everyday objects used as art takes time to think of and precise.

  25. This is pretty neat. I could probably attempt to create something like this, but i'm sure you wouldn't come out like anything of those portraits.

  26. Wow this is really cool. It would be extremely hard to make the pictures with keys. This would take a lot of time.The only problem of trying to make this project around Joey is that he would eat all of the keys.

  27. This is very interesting. Its not my style, but i can see this hanging in an office. It something my brother who is a computer programmer would like.

  28. I think this is really interesting. Compared to other projects I have looked at on this blog it doesnt seem very hard, but I bet it is. I think it would be hard to get all the shading done in the certain colors and plus it would pretty time consuming.

  29. Wow this looks hard, I really like it though. It is crazy what people come up with to make art. You could probably make art out of the hard drives inside of the computer.

  30. I think that this is really cool and interesting. I would like to do something like this in the future

  31. I think you could use the gears inside the computer and paint them and it would look cool. i like this artwork but i would not enjoy doing it myself.

  32. this is pretty sweet

  33. these are really cool. although it looks very hard i think it would be cool to do in the future

  34. This is really cool. It would be very time consuming and tedious. It would also need a lot of computer keys and that is a waste.

  35. I think that it would be hard to find all the colors that you need to do this project

  36. These are amazing. I think it would be hard to find computer parts that had the right shade of color. If I could make someone out of this it would be Kobe Bryant.

  37. cool but who gott time to sit and do this

  38. i think you make paintings maybe out mouses or other very interesting things

  39. i think this is very cool and it would be very fun to do

  40. I would try to do a cartoon character, because it wouldn't be as hard as real people portrait. You could probably use some wires for hair, and the on buttons for eyes. I think that these look amazing.

  41. This is a really cool and interesting art creation. I love the idea of it, but I would never be able to create such a good work of art. It seems like a hard thing to do to use the colors together.

  42. I think this is really cool! I would never have thought to make an old keyboard into art. It seems like it would be really hard though, and it would take a long time to find the right colors.

  43. I think its a really cool thing and neat to make. I would love to do this project as long as im not making joey because i would need about a billion pieces just to get his left arm. I dont think any other part would work so much.

  44. Very unique and oh so interesting. I am very glad I got to see this type of art. It has inspired me to go above and beyond.

  45. This is very unique. I think that it is the best use of computers. I think that someone could make something out of the mouse cord.

  46. there is now way i would ever do this. you would have to be insane to do this.

  47. This looks way to hard for me to ever do and if i did ever do it, i dont know who i would do. but i think it looks really cool

  48. It would be extremely frustrating trying to find all of the right colors to make and out this art together

  49. These project is really unique. It would be very time consuming to create a pictures of someone, so I woud not like to do it anytime. Also, it would be frustrating.

  50. you mite need long arms for that

  51. This is awesome. I would enjoy doing something like this because i like computers. You could use monitors to make into something

  52. This project is awesome. This takes garbage and turns it into art. This would be fun to try.

  53. i love this kind of art when you take a lot of something and make it into something cool. i also think it is a hard skill to master.

  54. This is so cool how they made these with the keys. It looks like it took alot of time and creativity.

  55. this art would take a very long time to get the perfect face and stuff out of computer keys very cool art.

  56. It's hard to believe that these are made of keys. It would take forever to collect all the keys to make these.

  57. It's an interesting way to recycle computer keys. For some reason it kind of reminds me of those pixelated pictures.

  58. This is really cool. I don't know how they got the keys, but its amazing. Seems like it would be confusing to do.

  59. First thought on them was, "WOW! That's very cool!" Like i wouldnt be able to have the patience or time for that! I think its amazing how people take there time to do these things!

  60. This art looks time consuming, but its really cool

  61. its cool. this looks fun. but hard to do

  62. Sometimes i wonder how people do this kinds of stuff, but then i think, they probably have a lot of time to do it.

  63. I think its really cool our they used computer keypad to create this. I Think this is really cool but it looks really hard to make.

  64. I like how they actually used the different color keys and that it actually has color distiction. This would awsome if I could have one of these

  65. I think its a unique idea to use keys and the different colors. Its cool how they can shape everything out and see the shapes.

  66. That is pretty cool they all look really realistic. Where do you get all those different color of keys?

  67. I didnt even notice it was keys I thought they were domino's. Its a great way to recycle and im sure you could use other old computer parts to make art. For example, a mouse.

  68. I like this idea of the keys. I like how they used the different styles, sizes, and colors to make it. The darker keys are like for the shading and thats really cool.

  69. Keys are a very unique medium, I enjoy looking at the blog posts because the artists find very exotic ways of making their art into reality. Its also cool how they used different colors of keys to shade the different parts of the faces

  70. i loved looking at the pictures and how they made it

  71. Those look so aweosme! I love how they have them made out of computer keys

  72. These are really cool pieces of art. Keys are a very unique medium to use. I think its cool how they used different styles shades and sizes of keys in this art piece

  73. That is super impressive! The different colors of keys define the picture. I'm surprised at how dead one the portraits are. You could also use the cords or maybe the things inside the mother board.

  74. This looks really cool because it is made out of old computer keys. the first challenge of doing this is finding all the keys for the sculpture. It i very cool

  75. i think this is neat. it would take a long time to do. i wouldnt want to try this.

  76. I wonder how many keyboards where torn apart to do this.

  77. that is really awesome how clear you can see the pictures out of a bunch of keys i love how you can really tell who the person in the picture is

  78. This looks like it would be very cool to try. I think that it would take lots of keys to make something like this. it looks like it would take lots of time to do. It looks like it would be a very cool medium but it would take lots of time to do.

  79. This is cool knowing that its out of computer keys

  80. This is very cool and unique. Someone had to have been very creative to make this out of computer keys. I would never do something like this but i think that it is cool.

  81. Computers are expensive. I wonder how much it cost to scrap this many keyboards. But it looks pretty good.

  82. Since computers are so expensive, this would have bben costly. It ;looks good in the end, though.

  83. This is really cool. This looks like a challenging piece of art. I wonder how long it takes to do this cool art work. I would like to try this art work but it would have take a long time.

  84. they made all of these out of recycled things. they are trying to help reuse things so that some things arent going to waste

  85. This is very cool and unique. Someone had to have been very creative to make this out of computer keys. I would never do something like this but i think that it is cool.


  86. This is really cool. I like how they look old keys off an old keyboard and make it into something cool. I think this would be fun to try.

  87. I think this is cool with how they used the keys from a keyboard. I really do like the picture of Jay Z. It would be cool if we did something like this in class.

  88. This would take forever and the planning would be very long and mind busy

  89. This is a very unique idea that is cool. I did not really think it was made out of computer parts. It looks fun to do but would take a long time.

  90. First thought on them was, "WOW! That's very cool!" Like i wouldnt be able to have the patience or time for that! I think its amazing how people take there time to do these things!

  91. It's interesting to use keys from a keyboard to make art. It's interesting and seem like it would take a while.
