Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Negative art

Now negative art doesn't mean that it is mean art or has a bad attitude.  Negative art deals with the space in which something is used.  In the case of this work of art, usually the tree is filled in and the area around it is in negative space, but this time the object was flipped.  The tree is in negative space, or empty space, and the area around it is filled in with string and nails.

So what do you think of this piece?  Is it art or is it more crafty?  Sometime there is a difference and sometimes there isn't.


  1. This piece of art is more crafty. I like the idea of this and it is a interesting design. It seems kinda hard to pull off.

  2. This is a very cool piece. I think that this piece is both. They used everyday materials that make it have that crafty feel, but then they also have made it into an amazing piece of art work.

  3. the idea of making a negative space the main point of interest is very different. Normally the positive space is used as the main attraction. In this case negative was used to show the artwork, very nice idea.

  4. This is a very cool piece. I think that this piece is more crafty. They used everyday materials, and i would for sure like to do this in class

  5. did a project just like this. its really awesome how they did this. they used everyday materials just like carter hausmann said.

  6. Finally a project we could do!! This seems easy and looks like it would take a long time, so I think we to do this sometime in the future. You better buy a lot of string.

  7. This seems cool but hard. I think it would be challenging to start of with imagining the shape while nailing on the nails when you don't have really any stencil or anything to go by when starting off.

  8. I really like this piece but it looks very challenging. I think that it is more crafty, because you are using more out of the ordinary utensils that you usually dont use that often in art. It would be hard without an outline and it would be confusing to make all the patterns make sense.

  9. I thinh this is a crafty art. also this is something that I wouldnt have the passince to do this. It is a really cool art though.

  10. This isnt really art its just a crafty piece and someone had to much time on their hands. It looks pretty cool and the designs are very nice. It looks like they are well defined pictures and they did a good job.

  11. This piece is really cool! I think that it would take a lot of patience to wrap the string around the nails though. It would be a fun craft to do, if you had the time to actually start and finish it. It's really awesome how you could make such an amazing piece with a few things you have laying around your house like nails and string.

  12. I am very impressed by this art. It is very modern and would be just my level of challenge. It is a mixture of craft and art, and I would really like doing something like this.

  13. I think this piece is cool.......makes me feel alive so full of energy. crafty, art is like colory, cuty, drawing. (haha I am just making up word, but seriously I think it's crafty.

  14. its cool how they used different things in art to make things also how they makes thing opposite like by filing in the space the don't want. To make the tree

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. i think its really modern and sophisticated. it looks clean. i would love to try this sometime :) we could really do anything for a design. i think its more of an art.

  17. I love it! it would be a great project for us to do! I have done something close to this and I think it would be something to enjoy.

  18. This is really cool. I think it is more crafty than art. I sure as heck couldn't have done this.

  19. I love this! I have always wanted to do a yarn project this is something we should do.

  20. This is so cool. It looks more crafty. I would love to try and do something like this, but i probably wont be as cool as the ones in the pictures.

  21. This project is really cool! It looks pretty crafty to me. I think this project would be time consuming but it would look awesome when we finished it.

  22. this project is really cool! it looks more of a crafty project rather than art. it looks like it could potentially be hard, but it would totally be worth it in the end.

  23. This is very interesting and I would have never been able to do this! It would be fun to try though.

  24. This is actually really cool. We should try doing something like this.This would be really fun to try.

  25. This is super creative. It looks so hard thuough, it looks very time consuming also. I thing id be a fun project though.

  26. I like it because It brings out the silhouette of the tree while still keeping the detail. It reminds me of that one pin and string artwork of humans at the beginning of the year. I think that type of painting would work best in a dark environment because you can tell where it starts and ends without blinding you.

  27. Its cool how they used different things in art to make things also how they makes thing opposite like by filing in the space the don't want. Id like to try this in the future.

  28. i think that this is really cool. i definatly think i would like to try this sometime. it looks like it would take alot of time though.

  29. I really like that, Its different. I think its more crafty then art. I just seems crafty because its like a simple method done more creatively.

  30. It is both art and a craft. It is art because it is creative. It is crafty because I think that it just looks crafty. It is cool and I like.

  31. It is both art and a craft. It is art because it is creative. It is crafty because I think that it just looks crafty. It is cool and I like.

  32. I think that this is more of a creative and crafty idea. All they do is fill in the area inside or outside of an outline. It isn't much different than just coloring in a coloring book.

  33. This is more art than anything. This looks really hard to and i wouldnt like to do this.

  34. This is so cool how they made it look opposite, and it really stands out! It would be a fun yet hard thing to do. It is creative and is incredibly unique.

  35. I think it’s a creative and crafty idea. I think it would take a lot of time to place all the string in the right spot and not where it supposed to be empty. I think it needs more color in it.

  36. i like that i would like to do that but of myself and but i am sure it would have to take a lot of time to get all that to come together

  37. I think that if you make a shape or picture out of string and nails, I believe that it is more art than crafty. This would be a time consuming project, but in the end I think it would be worth it.

  38. This looks cool! I know we can do something like this here in our school. I would like to try this i think i would be able to do decent on this piece of art.

  39. I really want to do this. I have seen some people do these for their projects and I think its awesome. I hope we get to do this soon.

  40. This is really cool! I really like how this is the opposite of what the normal porject with rubberbands and nails. I hope we can do this project.

  41. this is very cool, i would like to do this, it would be cool

  42. I really love how this looks! Making nature stuff with this would look very beautiful. Id make one for my room

  43. some people may like this but i dont.

  44. I like this a lot and think it would be really fun to do in class

  45. This is really cool. But I think it would be really hard to do in class. And you would need a lot of rubber bands.

  46. Holy crap this is cool. This is most diffidently crafty. You have to be very skill to pull something off like this. That is why i will never try this myself.

  47. This is really neat! I think it is a mixture of both art and being crafty. It looks fun and awesome to try!

  48. I like it a lot and would really like to try it!

  49. This is kind of a mix between crafty and also can be art. It depends on what the artist wants it to be.

  50. This is really cool. This would take a lot of time. I wonder how long it takes a person to do something like this.

  51. This is cool and would be fun to make

  52. this is really cool ive seen people do this before in class and it looks sweet but it looks like a ton of work

  53. This looks awesome. I would want to hang the tree up in my room or living room. It looks a little more crafty. I would enjoy trying to make one of these, I could at least try. I would have to have a lot of patience.

  54. I really do enjoy tree art. I'm glad that I saw this and got some new ideas for some future projects that I will do. Huzzah for art!!!!

  55. This is really cool. This project would be very time consuming. I hope we never have to make anything like that

  56. This is really cool and seems pretty easy to do but it would take forever to do

  57. I would like to do this sometime. Even though it looks time consuming, it looks fun to do. I think this can be a mix between art and crafty.

  58. that is a good idea about the tree

  59. Oh my, this tree is absolutely stunning. I am a big fan of tree art. One day, I hope to end up making beautiful pictures just like this one.

  60. It looks hard to do to get the tree looking like a tree. This does not look like string. It looks more like dental floss.

  61. This is cool. My mom would like to put this in the living room. It looks modern and my mom would probably buy it if she saw this in a store. It looks like it would take a long time to make though.

  62. This looks like something fun to try and do. It would be cool to use as a decoration. This is really creative.

  63. I would really like to try and make one of these some time. It's super creative and you could make anything.

  64. I really like these. It seems like it would take awhile, but they are pretty. It looks crafty to put in your house.

  65. I really like these! To me this would take forever! But, maybe it's just me because im not patient at all!

  66. I really like how they used some common things you see everyday. It look to be a really free project where, if they messed up it wouldn't be hard to go back and fix. Very creative !

  67. In this instance, I think it is art. I feel as though a craft usually has a use. Not to say that this piece is useless, but it certainly isn't a tool. It is an interesting way to make a picture. I bet that they had to step back and look at it quite a bit during the process!

  68. This art looks like it was made out of rubber bands and help together by nails, i think this is really cool. and i think it would be hard to keep the rubber bands together.

  69. this is like the oppose it of what you usally do. You usally color the tree and not the background here you filled in the background and not the tree. I like that a lot better.

  70. I am in love with this project! I think it looks really cool and it is kind of a simple but still takes a lot of time and accuracy to get the job done.

  71. This project looks really cool. I love how the scenery of the artwork really compliments the project. Its so pretty.

  72. This is a really cool piece, I think it could go for art and crafty. I like how well detailed it is.

  73. I love how the piece is so simple and intricate at the same time.. just pretty...

  74. i like how pretty it is. it's very unique.

  75. i love the rubber band portraits like theses they're so fun to do

  76. This is cool they used rubber bands and nails to make a design. It is cool.

  77. this is cool. i cant tell if its rubber bands or string. i would never do this one

  78. I would love to take the time to create something like this. To be honest, i don't think it would take alot of work, just plenty of time.

  79. That is a lot of bands

  80. I think this is really really neat. I think it looks cool as a decoration but is also a fun art project. I think it balances out pretty well with being creativity or art. People are doing this for their letters and i think they turned out awesome.

  81. i like how the nails blend in all together to fully form the amazing picture and i love how the tree is all wooden with the white string it really makes it pop out

  82. I don't think that this is really artistic more just crafty. I think it is cool and looks fun to do though.

  83. This is really cool. This looks like a challenging piece of art. I wonder how long it takes to do this cool art work. I would like to try this art work but it would have take a long time.

  84. it has to take a lot of patients for someone to use string and do all of that. i have seen a lot of people do it and it looks like it would be cool to do.

  85. This looks like something I would like. It must have taken a long time to weave all that thread around, but it is for surely still a cool piece of art!

  86. I have actually seen something like this before. I think it is a really cool way to use string.

  87. This must have had to taken a long time and precision. It is quit amazing. It is more crafty but it can still be art. I think that this person has a lot of talent and is very creative and imaginative. I admire this work of art and wish I had it in my bedroom.

  88. this would be un to do but it would taake a very very long time and alot of planning

  89. This is pretty neat and I think it would be a fun project to try sometime. Its cool how they made something pretty neat from everyday things.

  90. This is pretty cool, I like how they make a picture in the center of it. This is something I would like to try. I Also feel this would take a long time

  91. I think this is really cool. I think its more crafty but also somewhat art. I've always wanted to something like this so i think it would be a good in-class assignment. I've also seen similar pieces but instead the picture is filled and the background is plain

  92. I think this would be really hard to make but it's really cool. I wouldn't be able to do something like this though.

  93. I have saw lots of projects like this and I would like to try it myself someday. I think it would be very easy to be creative with this project. I really like they decided to leave the tree open and fill in the space around it.

  94. This is a really neat idea. It is more crafty but it could be art. I think it would be fun to try some day.
