Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Ink on a page

Now ink has been on book pages for centuries.  Can you find the date of the first book?  Do you even know what that book was?

Well an Australian artist by the name of Loui Jover has started putting ink on pages in a new way.  He is almost using ink like watercolor paint and creating pictures over the top of recycled book pages.  You can still see the book pages under the artwork.

What do you think of these pieces?  What parts do you like or what parts do you wish would be changed?  Are there any details that stick out for you?


  1. This seems pretty cool but seems like it would be hard and messy. It would be hard to keep the paint/ink from spreading or bleeding into different places where it's not suppose to be.

  2. i think this would be fun but it would be messy. Also i think that it would be hard to do this so people know what you are trying to draw because it would bleed though and get messy.

  3. I think that these pieces are very unique but harder than we may think. It would be hard to keep everything in the right place and not make a mess. One thing that sticks out is that the pictures bring out the small lettering that is still on the pages.

  4. I really like the look of these paintings on the book pages. One thing that sticks out to me is the reflections of the things. I don't know why but its just very interesting. I like these paintings because everyone is unique, and this is a project that i would want to do in our art class, even tho it looks a little difficult.

  5. I really like the look and style of this painting. The thing that sticks out the most to me is how they make it look like it really is raining. Also I would like to try and do this project but at the same tiem I dont. It still is a creative way of duing art.

  6. I really like this piece its probably one of the only art pieces that i would think would be worth my time. I like how they can make every detail well defined and it just looks awesome.I think the only thing i would change is some color to it. The details just stick out to me and i really like this artwork.

  7. i like this artwork it is pretty legit. like gonzo said i would really only try in this one. some pieces really stick out and that is what i like about it

  8. I think it would be really cool if he/she made the bottom one more around 19th century London. I believe it would fit better because the ink he uses looks like water and soot mixed together. I like the top one but it looks lonely.

  9. I think this piece of art is very unique. I like how creative you can get with this. It would be cool to use different colors. I would definitely like to try this.

  10. i like this i don't think would change anything about this i would totally like to do this someday

  11. I like this piece of art. it would be rather difficult to make sure not to get the ink all over. I would like to have this done with a harry potter image to hang in my house. That would be neat.

  12. I don't like anything about this piece, so dark. they should make it colorful! but the person with the umbrella now that I thing is clever though it could still use color.

  13. this looks really cool, but it would be hard for me tho

  14. it sill not sure how he did looks like he painted on the book pages? but i do think the paintings were very interesting

  15. Using ink is not an easy medium to work with. One little mistake and it could end up in a disaster. I like how he created these pieces though. Very simple for the first one and gloomy for the next.

  16. I like how you can kind of see the pages and you kind of can't. This is really neat. I love how he used ink.

  17. These art pieces look pretty dark, and not very colorful, but it's kind of pretty. I like how in the last picture, it looks like it's actually raining. I don't like how it could turn out messy. The shadows they did in the second picture really stood out to me.

  18. the ink makes the pics look real

  19. I think that this would take a while, but the final outcome would be great

  20. the art looks dark, like the artist was in a bad time of their life. how he used the ink was very creative i like how youre able to kind of thee the pages and kind of not. the final outcome is really cool.

  21. This is so cool , I would really like to do this in class. It would take really long but id be fun. I like this project a lot.

  22. I think this would be really cool to do. This looks very very fun to do. I would love to attempt to do this in class!!!!!!

  23. Seems pretty awesome. But i dont think i would like to spend time doing it. But its cool though.

  24. i think this is really cool piece of art, and would definatly like to try tis sometime in class. I like the picture with the rain umbrellas the best. i think it would be really hard.

  25. My favorite picture is the one with the umbrellas and rain. I think this project would be fun to do in class. It would be difficult but it would turn out looking really cool.

  26. I love love this. I would want to hang this in my room. I like the second one more. i wouldn't change anything about it. Its perfect.

  27. I think that these are really cool. I like the way they let the ink drip down to make the rain in the one picture. I think it would be better if they used more colors.

  28. This is very neat. This person oviously hard too much time on there hands but it is cool. They should have used more colors.

  29. These are very unique yet beautiful pieces. I love the looks of them on the newspaper. They show great and would be fun for some people to try.

  30. i don't really care for the first one but i really like the last one that look like someone took there time on it and it looks better then the first one

  31. These look so sad to me. They just look dark and gloomy. If there was one thing I would change about these is add some color to them.

  32. I really like how everything is only silhouettes. Really cool look.

  33. I think this is very mesmerizing. It looks really interesting and unique. Although is kinda looks dark and depressing. It really looks like they were expressing their sadness throught the art pieces.

  34. This is a cool technique, I like how the ink runs down the page. I would like to try that.

  35. This is really cool i like how the old yellow book pages make the art look. But this seems like this would be a long, messy project. I would really like to do this but i dont think i have the patience or the artistic ability for it

  36. this is cool. i really like the yellow pages. and i would like to do this

  37. This looks awesome! I did something like this with sharpie and it was very fun! I would make this in class.

  38. i think this is stupid i could do alot of better things with this ink than that.

  39. I think that this project is beautiful and I would defiantly want to do something like this in class

  40. I really like this art, because I feel like he is making everyday life beautiful! I wouldn't change anything. I like everything about this project.

  41. I really think that this would be fun, but I would most likely fail at it!

  42. I think this is a really cool project but it would be messy. I think it would be hard to get the ink not to run and mess up the whole project. The thing that sticks out to me is the tiny letter in the background.

  43. I like this. It looks like you could really express yourself. It would be rather messy I would think. I think is would be a cool project to do.

  44. This is awesome. I would want to do this project

  45. I really want to try this, the water color city that we made would look awesome with ink on a page.

  46. I think that this is so cool! And it seems a little darker or lonely, but I still think that they have a lot of unique and creative characteristics.

  47. It looks really sad, but also beautiful at the same time. I like how the last one actually looks like it's raining. The shadows stick out to me, it's amazing how they did this with ink.

  48. This would be hard to do. considering it already is full of ink it would spill over and blot a lot. I do not even want to try to attempt this feat.

  49. i think this is so pretty, the people lood sad or lonely though, i think it would be interesting and messy, i can imagine a lot of spilled ink.

  50. i like the second image, its real.

  51. I think of newspapers as boring because it inquires reading to do it. I would like if instead of just telling the story they showed it as well.

  52. I would love to do something like this because it turns out really cool

  53. I've seen some pretty fantastic art in my days, but this, this passes it all. This piece of art is described by only one word and that one word is phenomenal. Thank you good sir for making such beautiful art and sharing it with the world.

  54. This looks hard so that you don't get the ink to bleed all over the paper. I think they should try taking a stencil and putting the ink in it so that it might not bleed through as much? How do they do the shading as well?

  55. This looks hard, i would become way too stressed out if i tried to make something like this. I like how it looks, it looks like the person incoorporated shadows. I would hate working on this, but it turns out good.

  56. This is so interesting. It is taking something that you see and use everyday and turning it into something that i`ve never seen before. I would like to try this sometime.

  57. this would be hard to do and it would take alot of patients but pretty cool

  58. This has to be my favorite post yet. I like how they used the book pages in the background. They are so unique and creative.

  59. Very touching, cool, and seriously took much time! I love this! I wouldnt mind looking at more of these paintings or sculptures

  60. This is so unique and creative. I would never be able to do something so creative.

  61. This gets the full effect, it shows great detail, and what eveything actually looks like. This is an awsome project ot do i hope we do it.

  62. This is a really creative way to recycle. It is also a great piece. The writing from the book pages in the picture caches your attention but doesn't take away from the main picture that the artist is trying to show.

  63. I think that the pictures have a nice dark feel, and are very stylized. I really like the way they convey a sort of mysticism with the art all seeming to be silhouettes.

  64. I find this inspiring! it's cool, takes alot of time i'm guessing!

  65. those look awesome, i love how they use old books to make things like this

  66. this is really neat, the writing on the page kinda gives it a shadow effect which is real cool. I like it a lot.

  67. this is very cool it look like it is made of old peices of news paper. And they used what looks like ink.

  68. this would be one messy project. i think it would be hard to control it also.

  69. This is probably one of my favorite pieces of art to blog about. I find these paintings really cool to look at. I love that he's using old pieces of paper from books to paint on. I think it gives it an older look.

  70. i like how it has a vintage look. i would really like to make something like this because it is really awesome and interesting.

  71. i think its really amazing that the books really arent going to waste, where you can make a piece of art out of something so simple.

  72. This is really cool. This looks like a challenging piece of art. I wonder how long it takes to do this cool art work. I would like to try this art work but it would have take a long time.

  73. I love the use of books for the drawing medium. It is a wonderful way to make something like an book into something beautiful. Very inspiring and unique.

  74. i like how it has a vintage look. i would really like to make something like this because it is really awesome and interesting.

  75. I love how they can take things like that and turn them into such beautiful and nice looking art
