Friday, January 3, 2014

Had to show

Well someone just sent me to a website about this work of art and so i am also going to send you to this site.  Usually I bring the pictures to you, but this time there are too many great pictures to bring them all to you.  If you like the image I brought to you I hope you will go and check out the rest.  They are all made with cut paper, and if you look close enough you can find letters and even words.

Let me know what you think about these pieces.  Will you ever complain about any assignment I ever give you again?


  1. This pretty cool but looks really hard and like it would take time. Did this person cut this by hand or did a machine do it? It looks almost impossible to do it by hand. It looks like it is cut very thin and looks like it would take time to put it together so you don't try and rip some of the thinly cut paper after all of that hard work. I can see some of the letters but can't really make out what they say. I can make it out on the white section pretty well but not the orange very well because of the color of it and the shading.

  2. This piece would be very difficult because of all the small details that are hidden behind the real picture. Cutting out the letters and placing each of them carefully would take much patience and skill. This work is really cool because the colors together stand out and it makes it harder to find the hidden details.

  3. This is a piece of art work that I would never in my life time think about duing. This had to have taken alot of time and hard work. To tell you the truth i propbally wouldn't complain after seing this art.

  4. This looks like a very complicated art piece and seems like they put in a lot of work into it. I like the details that they added and made it seem very nice. I guess im not really seeing the overall design they had maybe a globe, but other than that it still looks really cool.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. this looks so cool but it also looks very hard and confusing to do

  7. i kinda wonder how they keep all the paper to gather it doesn't really look like they used glue. but its very creative on how make this

  8. WOW!!!! This person must have a lot of patience and a very steady hand to create something this amazing.

  9. pretty, but I am sure it would take more than a month. and I don't really complain about any work you give us, is ether I do it or don't ( I like what we do in your class it's( fun, and easy 101.9) ;)

  10. It's kind of cool, but looks WAY too hard. I will never complain about any assignment you give me compared to this art.

  11. It looks like a very complicated piece of art work. You would have to have patience and if a little piece broke off mot want to quite. All the little pieces and letter you would have to stick together would drive me crazy.

  12. I think that this is really cool and would like to attempt something like it.

  13. i think this is really cool, and would be fun to do. but it would require patience, which i dont have a whole lot of. i would never complain about doing an assignment over again rather doing this.

  14. This is really cool. I think that would be a fun project to do in class. It would be fun and interesting.

  15. i dont even know what this thing it supposed to be, and it would be awful to have to do this. it looks like this would take forever to get done and i know that i would not like doing this!

  16. This is really cool but I wouldnt like to do it in class. It looks too hard and it would probably take forever. Plus, Im not quite sure what it is suppose to be

  17. this looks really hard to do. i'm not a big fan of this because it doesn't really look like anything.

  18. This looks like a very complex and advanced project. The artist really had some patience to complete this. Overall, it looks awesome but seems very difficult. I don't think I would like to do this.

  19. I will complain if we ever have to do this. It is way above my skill set and i would just end up destroying it in the end.

  20. i will probalby never do this it is way to hard. that guy or girl has way to much time on his hands. but it is pretty cool how he did it though.

  21. this is really cool. i dont even know what it is but it looks hard. i wont ever do this, this i way too hard.

  22. This looks like a piece of art that would take an immense amount of time. It's amazing that someone could even think bout trying something like this. It looks very complicated though.

  23. This looks very cool. This looks like it would take a very long time to do. Very hard it looks like.

  24. for some reason that pic reminds me of Stargate.

  25. It looks like plastic made from a 3D printer but it says so otherwise in the section above. The person did a super great job on this because I can barley see the cut marks where the person could make the cut marks so a bent piece of paper can curve without folds and creases in the paper. Attaching the paper without tape is another feat too.

  26. I don't think anyone could complain about your assignments after seeing this art. It must have taken time and accuracy to get it to look this good. It is really neat, i dont think I would have the patience to do it.

  27. This is really awesome. This would take forever to do. It would also be very difficult to make the designs. I guess that is why i will never be an artist

  28. This looks way way too hard. It looks very elaborate and cool, but I don't think I would have the ability to have it come out right

  29. This looks really cool. I would never want to do this, because it is a lot like the project we are doing right now. I don't like the project we are doing now so i don't think i could do this one.

  30. i like it but i think it would be to hard to do

  31. I like this but it would take way to long to do

  32. I like this project, but it would require a lot of time. It is also kind of cool how they incorporated words into the cut out spaces. I will stick with doing your assignments though.

  33. It is really impressive how they make this stand up with fragile paper. It is also really cool that they use letters to make these.

  34. in the top one theres letters, i think this looks way too complex. paper breaks easily and im not graceful. this looks cool but i think its for people who can draw a straight line :)

  35. using paper for this...... the architectural stability and precision needed to even make this is crazy. I would not have been able to do this, I do not have that steady of a hand.

  36. There would be no way i could do this I couldn't keep my hand steady enough. There are so many letters, and its so complex.

  37. This looks really hard and complicating and i know i probablly would like doing this project. it looks really cool.

  38. This seems like it's too hard we should not do it

  39. This looks very unique. I think this is the type of project we should end up doing in Art I after I leave it. Very impressive and the time spent perfecting it must have taken forever but it surely paid off in the end.

  40. This is insane. I feel like I'd hate a project like this. I feel like this is a "perfectionist" project and I hate those kinds of projects.

  41. This looks so crazy. I would hate this project if it was assigned. It looks so hard. I would get mad and not finish it.

  42. this looks like a hard project it would take forever and i dont think i would like doing it but its a cool piece of art

  43. It would take alot of time! this is very cool though. It's amazing!

  44. This looks very cool, but too complicated. It seems like it would take a lot of time and effort.

  45. This looks really hard and i dont know how someone ould even do this. because i would die if i tried to do this. I like how they over lapped the pieces.

  46. i will probalby never do this it is way to hard. that guy or girl has way to much time on his hands. but it is pretty cool how he did it though.

  47. I think it kind of looks like a globe that broke. But other than that i can't really pick out a design. But i like the details it looks nice and complicated.

  48. I mean yes this does look very hard to do but i dont think that is going to stop me form complaining about assignments.

  49. ooh that's amazing art work and it really looks hard. I would never do that if i have a choice. This person hands must be magical.

  50. this is amazing work, i wouldnt be able to do this type of work without any experts help!

  51. that loooks cool i guess

  52. it looks awesome, and it must have taken a long time

  53. This pretty cool but looks really hard and like it would take time. Did this person cut this by hand or did a machine do it. i think this would be really interesting to do as a class.

  54. this would literally take forever, and how the artist made letters and words out of it is so cool

  55. Just looking at this gives me a headache. Its so complex. Not only making the pieces must o f taken a long time but also they way its set up looks like it took days its self.

  56. This would take such a long time. but the outcome would be very cool! this would a good holder for like a globe or something.

  57. This would take such a long time. but the outcome would be very cool! this would a good holder for like a globe or something.

  58. This is really cool. This looks like a challenging piece of art. I wonder how long it takes to do this cool art work. I would like to try this art work but it would have take a long time.
