Friday, January 3, 2014

Landscape art??

So when you think of landscape art, what do you think of?  Do you only think of paintings, drawings or can sculpture be made into landscape art?  What about a landscape art installation piece?

  An installation piece, for those that don't know, is a work of art that can really never be sold or is too large to be displayed in someone's home or office.  They are usually pieces that are created for a short term exhibition or show.  Usually they are made to make some sort of political or environmental cause or some other type of cause that they are trying to bring attention to.

I would like you to tell me what material they are using in this installation landscape piece, and I would also like to know what message you think they are trying to send to the viewer.

Now I am guessing you will figure out the medium pretty easy, but I am curious if you have any guesses as to how many were needed to create this art, and I also want to know how it makes you feel or what message you get out of seeing a piece of art like this.


  1. This looks like it takes a lot of cups and a lot of time. It looks like you have to really measure out the cups to get to the right height for each column. It would be a lot to clean up. What do they do with all of these cups when they are done?

  2. This looks like they used cups for shure. Im guessing around one million or less. It makes me feel pretty good about my art. Also shows that, that person has absolutely not life for atleast a month or two. But it still is a pretty cool looking art.

  3. Im going to guess this is about over 100 million cups there. it just looks cool i mean im sure they could have used some cotton or any other medium but very unique with the cups. i think the big message or what i see out of this is that its a winter day.

  4. This piece reminds me of the alps in Austria. It is very beautiful and interesting. I have no idea as to how many cups they used. A lot is all I can say haha.

  5. this landscape looking good, mountains, clouds

  6. this is a landascape made out of cups..........its cool

  7. Well to tell you the truth I'm pretty sure it would be hard to keep track of how many plastic cups they use for this piece. It is amazing that different people can create so many amazing things from daily used items. It is a great wintry scene that it created with so little equipment.

  8. 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 or more? I am not a good guesser so yeah. it just make feel like I have something better in my life to do, than stake cups. :(

  9. I'm sure there is over 1,000,000 cups in this. This is so cool. This is interesting.

  10. The amount of cups this had to take is slightly ridiculous, but it looks really cool.

  11. I think it's kind of weird they tried to make art out of cups.. There are so many other different things you can use to make art. There is probably over 10,000 cups in this, and it would just be a waste of money to buy that many cups.

  12. i think its kind of weird to make art out a cups, but it looks pretty cool. im not sure how many cups are used in this piece, but it would be way too time consuming.

  13. We should do this project in the class. This would be very very fun. It would be entertaining for all people.

  14. The landscape is made of cup, there is so many. It would be very time consuming and its a much different thing to use cups and make art out of them.

  15. it is definatly made of cups, and i have no idea how many i know would not like to do this either. it looks way too time consuming.

  16. That really interesting. It just makes me think people dont have lives:) i dont understand why someone would do that .

  17. I think that it is awesome and someday i would not mind doing a project like this on a small scale. it would also be cool to do a big one as a class

  18. this looks like it took a lot of cups to do this. this is so neat i dont think i could do this with actual snow. this guy is creative.

  19. This looks like something that would take a long time to try. I think this is really cool bu there are just so many cups! It would be too hard for me to even attempt, but the idea is great.

  20. Id say around 500,000 cups to do this. Probably not correct. But its cool, wouldn't like to do it though because it would take an immense amount of time to do this sooooo. No.

  21. I think this would make really inpatient because you'd have to have a certain amount of cups in each one. It is really cool though. I think it would take forever though.

  22. that is really neat how they made that out of cups. it looks like mountains with snow on them.

  23. This is so cool. This would take forever though. Imagine having to fix the measurements on all of the stacks of cups. Interesting medium though.

  24. This is just a bunch of cups. this would take forever. It looks like its all snow. This is really cool

  25. I cant even imagine how many cups it took to makes this. But i think its trying to send the message about plastic ruining the enviroment. That was probably wrong but i tried and i think it counts anyways.

  26. I dont even know how you would even plan this out. time and lots of patience i guess.

  27. It would have to take way more than 1 million I would think. I think te message is you can make art out of anything.

  28. This would take a ton of cups and I would lose my mind waiting for it to be done!

  29. Wow! This looks so awesome. I would love to do this inside the gym at school. We could make a mountain.

  30. seems like a big waste of time

  31. There were obviously thousands of cups used to make this. I love how this turned out but I would probably never want to do this. It seems like it would take too much time

  32. It would take a lot of patience to do this project. And a ton of cups. I mean it looks really cool, but I would get frustrated and give up on it

  33. This looks really cool and all, but the cost of all the cups would add up. I think it would be very long and boring to do. It would be cool if you did this and we all could see it.

  34. This project looks cool, but is kind of boring. The cup idea is kind of cool, but this would take way too much time to complete

  35. I estimate between 1 and 2 million cups. It might be from their local landscape, and since it is made of plastic cups, it might be to raise ecological awareness. I personally like it because it reminds me of a old story about a magic box of sand that could create topographical maps about unknown territory.

  36. This is absolutely ridiculous. I see a lot of talk about reducing plastic and it takes every word and every second some of these people have spent and just throws it right back in their face. Nevertheless, it's still pretty.

  37. It looks like a sea of paper cups. i would get bored with this pretty easily. why sit around and play with cups all day? they should recycle them rather than make art.

  38. This project would take a lot of cups to complete. Although it looks cool, it seems like a waste. This is very creative.

  39. i like landscape art but i dont like this project because of the usse of all thoose cups. but its a very creative piece of art, you cant take that away from it.

  40. it look will cool the way they made it look

  41. It looks like alot of bubbles, cups, or like cloud! It blew my mind!

  42. I think this is cool because there is alot of cups and there is layers of the cups, and it kind of looks like a huge cloud.

  43. This would take thousand of cups. It looks so cool, and very creative.

  44. This really good for being made out of cups, it looks really real to. If you would ahve seen the cups you would have known what it was made out of proabably.

  45. Its kind of a weird idea how they thought of using cups. At first i didn't think they were made out of cups until i looked closer. It looks like it'd take a lot of time.

  46. it seems like millions were put into this art, one cant even fathom. It reminds me of what the senior prank that one year could have been, but they would have had to raid every store within 50 miles of sioux falls in order to get enough cups for this project. An they would have had to take about 5 months or so to make it as well.

  47. The landscape is made of cup, there is so many. It would be very time consuming and its a much different thing to use cups and make art out of them.

  48. wow, that's a waste of cups. you could fill those up and give them to homeless people.

  49. The landscape made up of all cups is a really cool idea. I think this would take a lot of time and patience. I couldn't do it but it is a really cool piece of art

  50. this is cool because it is made of cups. this would take a lot of time and cups it is cool.

  51. now this is something that is really cool. it would take forever to make and is kinda a waste of cups. but, it would be fun

  52. i think this is kind of dumb because it' a waste of cups and i really cant tell what it is by just looking if they wouldve done a building or a bridge it wouldve been cooled

  53. lots and lots of cups to make this snowy landscape, i wonder if they threw all the cups away or if they used them

  54. I feel like this would be a lot of money! All of those cups! this is pretty ridiculous and cool at the same time.

  55. This is really cool. This looks like a challenging piece of art. I wonder how long it takes to do this cool art work. I would like to try this art work but it would have take a long time.

  56. OMG, whoever did this must have no other life than art! This would take me forever to do. It is still cool, but nothing I would want to do.

  57. This is really cool. This is something that is using a simple object. It is unique.
