Friday, January 3, 2014

Chew on this...

So I have done several posts on sculptures that use different or weird mediums, but this one might be one of the more unusual artworks.  Maurizio Savini is an italian artist that has been using chewing gum as his medium of choice for the past 10 years.  Now as far as I can tell I don't think it has been chewed, but I will let you figure out how it is attached.

So what do you think?  I love the texture of the bear and how the chewing gum looks like real fur, but what do you think of these sculptures?


  1. I think this is a very cool way to make art. The way i thiink he has the gum stuck together is by glue.

  2. I think that how he captured the detail and texture is amazing. I think its crazy how he could use such a basic medium and create such elaborate art pieces. I would never think to use a medium like chewing gum

  3. I think to stick these together they used some type of strong paste. I don't know how they gave them the pretty much perfect square shape. They look almost like little building toys. If it was chewed, I don't think I would ever touch it. The please do not touch sign in the museum isn't going to do much for me.

  4. I think that these pieces of art would take a long time. They are very in detail and it would take a lot of skill to sit and do that. It is a much different medium than most people. Most just stick to oil and pastel but chewing gum is out of the ordinary.

  5. I think this is really cool. Im still in shock on how they can use that much gum and how they keep it all together. I really like the alligator one it just looks like one besides the color and all. i also like the details they put into it like how they got the eyes and back of the alligator. All in all it looks really cool.

  6. This would be the most fun project to do ever. Can we pretty please do something like this in class please please please!! I love that it is made out of gum. That is really different.

  7. this is cool and but i dont i would want to do it its kind of scary and that is discusting

  8. This is an extremely interesting thing to do. It looks pretty amazing, but I would never be able to do something like it. It would be a fun thing to try although I don't think I ever will.

  9. Well I for one love gum and it would be hard not to eat some while making it. These are very unique and take lots of time to plan and construct and take lots of gum.

  10. Awesome! but gross too. I love the bear and alligator. they look kind of real.

  11. I love the bear and how the fur looks. I would love to eat some of the bear's ear though.

  12. This honestly looks really cool. The first guy looks creepy though.. I love how the bear looks. It would take a lot of time to make these, but it seems kind of fun.

  13. I think this is a unique way to make sculptures. I think the textures of the bear look like bear fur. I think they did a good job speaking it's made of gum and that's probably not the easiest thing to sculpt with.

  14. this looks cool, but chewwing that much gum to make a sculpture like these. it would be fun but it would be very time consuming.

  15. this is really cool and i actually think i would like to do this some thime. it would be some thing diferent and really cool. the bear would probablly have to be my favorite.

  16. I think these projects are intersting and very unusual. Maybe if we got groups and could create somthing it would be fun. The bear is my favorite also becaise it looks like real fur

  17. I really like these. i don't like the fact that they are pink but i love the texture. The boy jumping is my favorite.

  18. That is really cool. It makes you just want to take a bite of the bear and tell it whats up because it looks delicious. This is also a very neat way of doing art.

  19. i think that they are cool. it is creative and that is why art is so cool since you can take litrally anything and make art from it.

  20. These are very cool. How would someone thing of using gum as the medium? This shows you can make art from anything.

  21. I think this is really cool, but it would take a lot of chewing gum to succeed these masterpieces. I think it would take a long time.

  22. Wow, this is really cool. I couldn't imagine how long this would take to do. I wonder how much gum they had to use?

  23. Wow that is crazy. I think i would chew all the gum before i make something like that.

  24. I think this is a waste of gum. Why would you waste all that gum. I would chew it before making something with it.

  25. This is a clever way to make art out of something that is pretty much useful. I agree with you that you are able to make great texture features, and other physical features that you couldn't make with something like clay. Although kinda disgusting its very unique.

  26. This is really cool. It is really gross as well. I would not like to do this because it would be very sticky and disgusting. If you did it i wouldnt mind seeing it.

  27. it is kind of desterbing but cool at the same time

  28. I like how they used chewing gum instead of paper mache. This project is very creative and shows how you can use different materials to make other textures and features.

  29. these sculptures look really awesome

  30. Wow. I should tell anyone who asks me for a piece of gum to go here....

  31. This is really cool and really creative. This is a good way to use a medium that not many people would think to use.

  32. this is pretty legit. i liked how they used that much gum. i wonder how much gum it took?

  33. Wow people are becoming more and more creative! I like the idea of the bubble gum. I wonder if they have to chew it before they makei it into something.

  34. This is pretty cool unless the gum has been chewed, then it's gross.

  35. Who would ever think of bubble gum is a medium? This is really interesting. I'd like to make something like this but not as intense. I wouldn't want to chew the gum to make it thought because that is disgusting.

  36. From a distance, like the alligator, they would look realistic except they're... pink. I think it is pretty awesome that they made non-droupy 3-D art out of gum. With the bear, it looks like he just put the gum on a cast.

  37. The only thing i could make out of gum would be a ball. my favorite is the first picture of the guy, the guy looks creepy but thats what makes it cool. but a huge waste of time

  38. This is interesting. Its an unusual material to use for a sculpture. This is very creative.

  39. I love how these look. It would take a lot of effort and time. I wish i could do something like this.

  40. I would proabaly satrt taking bits ut of this. This has really good artistics skills. I want to try this sometime.

  41. It looks really cool! But I feel like you would have to chew the gum first in order for it to all stick together and that's kinda gross i guess.. But it is really creative and must have taken some time.

  42. I think this is cool on how this sticks together by gum, even though it might be gross, it looks cool. I find it interesting how people can do that kind of stuff.

  43. I think this is cool because they put all the gum together to create something new. i think its cool how people are this creative and can come up with this kind of stuff.

  44. That is awesome, its made by gum and human saliva, just cool!

  45. This is really cool. I like how he made the bears fur look real with the gum. I'd be kinda gross to use chewed gum as a medium though

  46. this looks realy cool. and this would take a lot of gum.

  47. you could blow one big bubble. it think this is cool but after a while the gun will get hard and wont look as good.

  48. i think this is pretty interesting but defiantly a waste of gum. it must of taken a lot of time and id honestly get really board of sculpting gum after about ten minutes.

  49. i feel like this would be a really sticky situation to be in haha..i think thats really cool but also would be super time consuming and alot of gum

  50. I am chewing gum as I look at this, and it makes me realize that it would take a lot of gum to do this. Like, a LOT. It makes me wonder where this person kept all the gum from the sculptures...

  51. I think this is a waste of gum. Its sad to know how many people have bad breath and could put this to much so much better use. But it does look pretty cool.

  52. Ok this is very creative. I really like these. Especially the alligator.

  53. I have no idea how he thought of using gum for art. It is very creative. He had to of had to chew thousands and thousands pieces of gum to make these sculptures. At first glance I didn't think they were made out of gum. I would've never thought it was gum. I really like the bear because the detail it has for its fur.

  54. This is very cool. I think is very cool how they used gum. That is a hard material to work with i'm sure. I like the bear and how it looks so real and made completely out of gum.

  55. This is really cool. This looks like a challenging piece of art. I wonder how long it takes to do this cool art work. I would like to try this art work but it would have take a long time.

  56. Gun is a unique and different way to make the artwork stand out from the rest. But what a waste of gun! It is very neat but I would not recommend attempting this project

  57. Someone really bit off more than they can chew on this one! It would take me a whole year to finish something this complex. It is really cool.

  58. Wow, this is really cool. I could not imagine how long this would take to do. I wonder how much gum they had to use to make such a thing as this. I like the bear the best.
