Thursday, January 2, 2014

All about perspective

Have you ever seen those magic eyes that are in the Sunday papers?  They are the images that look like nothing until you stare at it from a different angle, usually with your eyes crossed.

They are just a new way of looking at something, or a new perspective.  The same way that two people can watch clouds and they each see something different.

 Well one artist has taken logs that are cut and placed them in the sand.  From one angle they look like a jumbled mess, but when you start to walk around them and see them from a different point of view, you can then see that they become a work of art.

So what are your thoughts on this?  Do you think that the jumbled mess has some beauty or is it just the face that you find amazing?  Would you like to see this one or would you like to make one?  Do you even know who this is a picture of?


  1. I really like this type of art! I think it would be interesting to try something like this, but of course if would take a long time. Is it Nelson Mandela?

  2. This looks strange at different angels, but I believe that people will find great interest in these. I like how they look although, I don't know who it is. This would be pretty tricky to do, but it should be cool.

  3. This would be hard to cut each piece to get the perfect picture you are looking for. I would think that if you make even a slight mistake that it wouldn't turn out right. And I agree with Morgan...Is this Nelson Mandela because it kind of looks like it?.?.?.?

  4. I think this is really awesome. I think i really just think the face is cool and how its so defined and you can see. I just feel like its really awesome to like cormemorate someone like they did here with nelson mandela.

  5. I remember one that was placed in a museum that was the same but instead of the artwork itself making a image, it was the shadow. It looked like a meteor with a huge spiky hole in it but it was really amazing. I like this type of artwork because it takes skill to make.

  6. This is really amazing. I have never seen anything like this before. This is a really cool way of art and very created.

  7. Incredible, I can see how this is done, but this would take a lot of time and precision. I may play video games A LOT but, even if I didn't I don't think I would have enough time to do this. Let alone make it look good.

  8. omg this is so cool i have never seen something like this before

  9. It is a very interesting piece of work that would take a while to create because you would have to look at different angles. Not sure on who this really is or how they did it but it does interest me.

  10. what can't be made into art? face. see this one:) Nelson Mandela.

  11. This i neat. I would never want to do it. It kind of looks like nelson Mandela. I think it is in honor of him.

  12. This art is unusual. The face is the only thing i find amazing. I think drawing is hard, but compared to the face in the picture, drawing seems easy. I would like to go see it. I dont know who it is a picture of.

  13. this is really interesting, but it would be very time consuming, and hard trying to get the pieces to fit perfectly in line together.

  14. This piece of art is really cool. It is interseting how someone can make something like this. I think it would be really hard to make one, so I would just want to see this one. Im not sure who it is but it is really interesting.

  15. this is a really cool piece of art and it would be cool to make a little minurature one of these. i have no idea who this is though.

  16. this is a cool way to make art. it is very creative. it is also a great way to honor people like his did here with nelson mandela

  17. I think this is really awesome. I think i really just think the face is cool and you can see the sides to know how to kind of do it. Its Nelson Mandela.

  18. This is so cool. We could make miniature ones in class as a project. I would think it would be interesting.

  19. This is really cool how they made it look that way. It would be really hard to do something like this. I dont think I would ever want to do something like this.

  20. This is really cool how you can only see the real picture from one side. This type of art would take alot of time and creativity. This is just a great way to honor Nelson Mandela

  21. I think its cool but i would be really had to get the exactly right and for some people me included would get frustrated really easy with this alought it does look cool.

  22. This looks very unique but rather difficult. I'm glad to see it was made though and it really stands as a strong symbol to everyone.

  23. This perspective view would be extremely hard to accomplish. It would take much time, and perfection to get it right. Especially to be able to show the true figure in it. Although if it can be done it is rather beautiful.

  24. This would be extremely hard to do, because you would have to get the placement just right in order for the picture to come together. The famous person in the picture is Nelson Mandela, and this is a great way to honor him.

  25. that is awesome! it looks really mathematical with getting the lines just right but it is really cool!

  26. i seen something like this before, its cool

  27. Wow, looking from the side you never would've thought that's what it is.

  28. this is a great way to honor Nelson Mandela. i dont think i wouldve had the patience to do

  29. I can see Nelson Mandela in there. And no i wouldn't like to do this in class. It would way to hard and difficult. You can only look at it in one way or you wouldn't be able to see the face.

  30. Wow, this is amazing! I see the face of Nelson Mandela. I would like to try this, but on a smaller scale.

  31. I think this would be really hard to do. The placement would have to be exact and right on. It would be very time consuming. I do think it is really interesting.

  32. Looking from the side of this you would never guess it was art. It would be fun to make this but definitely on a much smaller scale. I'd like to see art like this in person.

  33. I really think this art is neat. It would be really fun to go to a museum full of these pieces of art. It would be really time consuming to get all of the poles lined up, but the end product is really neat.

  34. I think that this is really cool and it would be fun to try something like this but smaller.

  35. Oh wow this one is very cool. It would be fun to go see it up close and walk away to find an image. who has got the time to make this?

  36. I see Nelson Mandela and i really like the piece of art, i think it would be hard to learn but fun and exiting to

  37. This looks very cool, but i wouldn't want to do something like that. It looks hard, and it would be hard to cut every piece into a perfect line or shape.

  38. I want to see this in person to just see how much of a difference it is. If i walked by it from the side i would think they were just big sticks. But this is something i would want to try. Perhaps not as big

  39. Very interesting! wish i could see it in person.

  40. holy cow that is amazeballs

  41. i mean it would take a long time

  42. I think i really just think the face is cool and how its so defined and you can see. i would really like to see it in person and see how it is constructed. really cool!

  43. its amazing how just perspective can make one thing into a few things. from one side you can see all the logs scattered and from the front a picture appears. i love it

  44. I want to see one of these in real life so bad because if would just blow my mind
