Thursday, January 2, 2014

Super money -$$

So it is illegal to deface money, but you see it done all the time.  How many of you have ever used a dollar that has writing on it?  I know I have.  Well the artist below decided to make he money into super heros.

So what do you think of these creatively done dollar amounts?  Should we make them the new currency? I am guessing that more of you know who these characters are then the real people pictured on these bills.  In fact I will give double points to the first person to give me the super hero and the real person from each bill.  That is four combinations for double points.  Good Luck.


  1. These are pretty cool. On the twenty dollar bill, there is Wonder Woman covering the face of Andrew Jackson. On the ten, there is Batman covering Alexander Hamilton. There is the Green Lantern on the face of Benjamin Franklin on the one hundred dollar bill. On the fifty, Ulysses S. Grant is underneath Superman. On the five, Abraham Lincoln is hidden under Flash. The Justice League covers the Capitol Building on the fifty dollar bill.

  2. This is pretty cool! It is funny how they got each super hero pretty much perfectly and to fit so well to each face and body!

  3. I think this is funny and very creative. It cool how they got each supper hero to fit the presidents face. I think it would be funny having them accually on the dollar bills. But I wouldnt do this to my money but I would do this to someone else.

  4. I honestly feel like this is insulting to our presidents. That someone thinks some made up characters can be written over some of the most important people in u.s. history. So these should be abolished and never shown again.

  5. I think this is very creative. I don't think the person should be able to use them as money though. It changes the whole out look of the money.

  6. this is so mean ................what a waist of money

  7. This is a neat idea but I don't think that they waist money just to get there names out. The twenty dollar bill Andrew Jackson is Wonder Woman. The ten Alexander Hamilton is Batman. On the hundred Benjamin Franklin as the Green Lantern. On the fifty Ulysses S. Grant is Superman. On the five Abraham Lincoln is Flash.

  8. it's waste of money. if they don't want they can give it to homeless people! NO. WAY.

  9. This is really cool. But it would be a huge waste of money. I mean just coloring on money i would never do that.

  10. It's a waste of money, but awesome. It's sweet how they incorporate the presidents and other characters. We shouldn't make them the new currency.

  11. its really cool, but its a waste of money. It's neat becasue they include the presidents in the superhero figures.

  12. I really like this art because it shows that you can take one thing and completely change the look of it. It would be cool if we could use this as money, because its a waste if you cant!

  13. i think this is pretty cool. i dont think we should make it the new currency. i would name the people , but that has already been done.

  14. This is pretty cool! It is cool how they got each super hero pretty much perfectly and to fit so well to each face and body. Seems pretty awesome to me.

  15. This is literally one of the best works on this blog. I absolutely love super heroes, and this is just so funny. I feel like this should be our currency; it is a lot better than boring green paper.

  16. This is a waste of money and time. The person who made this has way too much time on their hands. I would never do this.

  17. This is pretty funny actually. I love how serious all the presidents look in their superhero costumes. If we had this as the United States currency, I would smile every time I took out bill to pay for something

  18. This creative yet illegal haha. But this is really cool how he made them into the justice league. I like this idea for art.

  19. This is a waste of perfectly good money. I would spend it before drawing on it. I could bye myself something nice with that money.

  20. It reminds me of Canadian money. Very cool and I'm glad I got to see the different things you can put on perfectly good American currency.

  21. This is cool. The 20 dollar bill is Andrew Jackson/ wonder women. The 10 dollar bill is Alexander Hamilton/ Batman. The 100 dollar bill is Benjamin Franklin/ Green Lantern. The 50 dollar bill Ulysses Grant/ Superman. The 5 dollar bill is Abraham Lincoln/ Flash. The back of the 50 dollar bill is the Capital building and the justice league.

  22. I actually really like this artistic view on the currency. i find it interesting, and kinda funny that the artist thought of this idea. i also like how they used colorful colors to do this so that it stands out more, and gives it a good perspective view.

  23. that is really cool i want to make something like that but we would have to use dewitts money:)

  24. I do think that this it pretty cool! But I wonder if you can or even want to use them when your done!

  25. love how this works..... This may be illegal if done on actual money though. I wonder if this was just a copy of a dollar bill or actual dollar bills......

  26. this is so cool! i feel for jackson, he has to be a woman. but this is so creative! do you suppose they have to get special permission to do this?

  27. creative! money makes the world go around

  28. This is illegal. It is called Destruction of American Currency, and is a felony charge. This is also a huge waste of money!

  29. I think these are pretty cool, and creative. This is a waste of money, and not to mention illegal, but still really creative

  30. I think that it is very creative. Such a great way to honor such a great man. I think that you can only look at it one way or it just looks like a bunch of sticks.

  31. i love super heroes this is awesome. i wish i had the talent to do this. i wish they made a spiderman one

  32. Wow, these are really neat also. I would probably think these were more cool if i was more into super heros. Its still really creative though!

  33. This is interesting and creative. I would do it if someone else gave me the money. However, I think it is could be insulting to some people that are obsessive with their presidents. I would probably not want to do this.

  34. These are pretty funny, but I would not ruin good money like that. I think the five dollar bill looks really good. You could do so many different things with money. The possibilities are endless.

  35. This is really cool and I have never seen anything like it, but I would not waste one hundred dollars for it.

  36. I dont like this at all. Mostly cause i don't like superheroes. This is pointless, people shouldn't draw on money

  37. We shouldn't make it be our new currency. But i like the idea of superheros becasue its cooler than presidents. its cool for little kids

  38. This is a cool material for art. I think its cool because its such a new idea. This is very creative.

  39. The 20 dollar bill is Andrew Jackson/ wonder women.
    The 10 dollar bill is Alexander Hamilton/ Batman.
    The 100 dollar bill is Benjamin Franklin/ Green Lantern.
    The 50 dollar bill Ulysses Grant/ Superman.
    The 5 dollar bill is Abraham Lincoln/ Flash.
    The back of the 50 dollar bill is the Capital building and the justice league.

    I really like this and i think its some awesome drawings and again Thank you Google :)

  40. I really like this. The super heroes are so awesome! This actually gave me a big smile on my face and it was quite funny.

  41. I really like this one because they made the presidents on money super heros and it is a good idea and its really cool.

  42. We should try this soemtime, it looks really fun and makes you have fun to. To bad we have to watse money though.

  43. This is totally awesome, they just made the presidents the coolest people on earth

  44. This is awesome. He made money cool to look at. The super hero are awesome looking. He did a great job

  45. this is awesome they made money in to super heros. mytwo favorite things money and super heros

  46. this is cool. i would just keep the money instead of draw on it. this takes some creativity.

  47. i honestly dont like this cause its a huge waste. yeah its cool but not as cool as buying clothes or something else. sorry but not my type of art.

  48. i thought it was funny and i bet its worth allot more than the actual bill. i dont know if i like it too much though because thats alot of money pretty much wasted

  49. Being a fan of super heroes, I really love this. I think it's really funny. This is one form of graffiti I can get behind.

  50. this is very cool. But it is also a waste of money haha. But it s extremely creative!

  51. looks like someone had some fun with there money and i would like to see what the cashier would sat to the person handing over the money

  52. looks like someone decided to get creative with there money and that would be intersting to get chang back and have superheroes on it

  53. This is awesome, but he had to use several hundred dollars to make this. Also, I think it is hilarious Andrew Jackson is wonder woman.

  54. This is really cool. This looks like a challenging piece of art. I wonder how long it takes to do this cool art work. I would like to try this art work but it would have take a long time.

  55. I can't wait to see the face of the person he gives it to when he pays for something. They would be confused and maybe even refuse it, even though they have to take it.

  56. I really want to mak one these because it would be cool to have one and you could put it on your wall or for show
