Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Need a refill??

So what is the strangest medium you could think someone would recreate the image of the Mona Lisa in?

She has been done in candy, and tools, but what might seem stranger yet??


How about this?  

Did you guess what they used to make this image??
I will give an extra blog post to the first person to tell me what they used and how they made it look like different tints and shades.


  1. I think it took a lot of time to fill all of the cups. I think it look cool. It probably took a long time to find all the colors.

  2. Coffee, they added different amounts of milk. boom

  3. I think they used paint to do this project. I am not for sure but i have seen something like that before. It is a very cool and interesting idea and would look cool to see it in person. It would be a cool thing for tri-valley to do. Maybe have it be a mustang or something.

  4. I think they used paint to do this project. I am not for sure but i have seen something like that before. It is a very cool and interesting idea and would look cool to see it in person. It would be a cool thing for tri-valley to do. Maybe have it be a mustang or something.

  5. I have no idea what they used for the art thing. It does look really cool though. I like how they made it into the Mona Lisa. That would take forever and a lot of patience. That picture has swag written all over it.

  6. This would be so awesome if we could do stuff like this at Tri-Valley. Im not entirely sure if they used paint for this. It looks like a mixture of coffee creamers.

  7. Looks like they used paint cans, It does look cool though.

  8. it dose look like they did use paint cans to make the art it is really cool what they can can come up with to make art

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. i think its pretty cool. i would end up probably drinking them and other stuff too. They must had alot of money to buy all those.

  11. This would be difficult for me to do, as I would trip over and/ or spill the coffee. It is really cool, though. I like there use of coffee and then tinting it with creamer.

  12. This is so cool. There is no way i'd be able to do this. I would probably fall and knock over all of them. I just love the way they used coffee.

  13. it is Amassing. i think it's make out of different color of paint

  14. When I first looked at this type of artwork, my first choice for it to be made out of was coffee. Then to make the coffee look lighter they had to add more milk and creamer. To make it dark, they didn't add any creamer. This is a really interesting thing to do, but it would take an awfully long time to create.

  15. this looks so cool is amazing what people come up with to make things out of. I think that it make out of coffee. I would not have enough patience to do this at all.

  16. This is really cool. I wonder how many days this took to finish?

  17. This is a very creative way to use coffee. I think its cool how they used different amounts of creamer to make the different colors. This must have taken hours.

  18. they used coffee using different amounts of creamer and milk. i love how creative they are. they amount of time it must have taken to complete had to have been a long time

  19. they used coffee using different amounts of creamer and milk. i love how creative they are. they amount of time it must have taken to complete had to have been a long time

  20. I think they used paint to do this amazing work. It is really neat! It must have taken alot of planning to make this look exactly like Mona Lisa!

  21. it is amazing that they can get the shades of coffe just right to make it look right. and it looks just like mona lisa. i wonder if they just use milk and creamer for the white parts?

  22. This was really creative way to remake the mona lisa. To use just coffee and creamer is pretty unique. I bet it was really expensive to do this though.

  23. That is so interesting, I though it was class or something simple at first. I think its made of coffee and creamer.

  24. It's made out of coffee. The coffee has different amounts of creamer in each.

  25. Coffee! I especially love this piece! It goes to show that you can turn anything into beautiful art! It reminds me of one of the color scemes we are working on in art, picking one color and adding black or white to tint it!

  26. They used coffee. It is very interesting how something so simple can make something so unique.

  27. i think once again its a complete waste of money there either gonna have to poor themm all out or give them away to people i dont see how this people benefit from this.

  28. They used coffee. They added different amounts of creamer to give it different color schemes. This would be extremely hard to pull off so props to whoever did this.

  29. I think that it is cool. Yet then again I think it is a complete waste of money. Some art you can dry out and take home, but all of these coffee cups are wasted and no one gets to keep it.

  30. They used coffee and various amounts of creamers. It would take steady hands and feet and plenty of patience to be successful at this. I dont think i have the patience to do this kind of thing.

  31. It looks like they used coffee to do this project. They used creamers to get the shades. If they wanted to make it lighter they would use more creamer and vice versa.

  32. It looks like they used coffee to do this project, and then to get the shades and tints they used creamers.

  33. this is amazing how they got it so perfect. I think this would be really fun to do. but it would also get frustrating. it looks like coffee to me but they could have used other things too.

  34. Like everyone else is saying, it looks like coffee and creamer. This would be so cool to see.

  35. This would take a lot of time. You would have to put the right amount of coffee and cream into the cup to get the right color. Then you have to find a pretty clear space, transfer the cups of coffee from one place to another, and try to make this without knocking any over!

  36. i dont know why somebody would waist their time doing this . but i want to see it

  37. This art makes me really thirsty

  38. looks like coffee and creamer. This would be so cool to see.

  39. This Mona Lisa is made of cups of coffee. That is amazing what people can just create out of nothing. Who would think of coffee to create the Mona Lisa!

  40. I don't know, i'm guess what they said?^. it looks better far way than closer btw! ;)

  41. I think the cups are filled with coffee. Also i think this is a pretty cool way to make art.

  42. It looks to me like they used differnet cups of coffee. They added creamer to the ones the wanted litter. They just used regular coffee with no creamer in it to make the darker ones. This is really cool and creative

  43. i am pretty sure they used cups of coffee to make the picture. Then for the lighter shades they probably used creamer or milk. This is actually pretty cool to see. It would be hard to get the shading of the colors to be as good as they are to make it look realistic.

  44. Mona Lisa, love that painting, she looks really beautiful, n i like that smile

  45. I love that they use cups of coffe as art! The things people thing of nowadays..

  46. Anything using coffee is great in my eyes. The fact that they made the Mona Lisa out of coffee is mind baffling. This is really impressive, and it would be a lot of fun to try making something else out of a drink of some sort.

  47. i think once again its a complete waste of money there either gonna have to poor themm all out or give them away to people i dont see how this people benefit from this.

  48. Wow people actually took the time to mix coffee to make that. That's interesting.

  49. Its really cool, but I think its a waste of money and coffee to do this. They probably used milk or cream to lighten the color of the coffee.

  50. I think that it is cool. Yet then again I think it is a complete waste of money. Some art you can dry out and take home, but all of these coffee cups are wasted and no one gets to keep it.

  51. It looks like they used cups of coffee, and used the creamer to change the colors. That is an awesome idea. It would be cool to try!

  52. This is pretty cool. I think that using coffee and creamer to make it lighter or darker is pretty cool. It is an awesome piece of art.

  53. i would so want to go see that and what did they use and how did they get the different shading for it

  54. This is really cool how small it is. It is really creative and I wonder how long took to make it. I would like to do something like this.

  55. Wow, this just tires me looking at it. The time in this had to take hours and hours just to get the cups in the right spot and the right color. I would definitely want to see this but the artist not so much!

  56. I think this is really cool. This is something really unique. I think it would take a very long time, bet the coffee is cold.

  57. I don't know what it is, but it is pretty amazing if you ask me. That must of took a lot of time to do. I don;t think I could ever do that in my lifetime.

  58. i could do this bro. Its lit

  59. I think this is really cool. It looks so much like the real thing. This would take a lot of time

  60. I am sure they used coffee, must have used many different flavors to get the right shades and tints. The shop that sold them must've made a lot of money unless it was a homemade project then moved. How did they keep the rain from getting into it, there isn't any tarp above it and they can't get them all inside before it's too late.

  61. I think they put different color drinks into cups and made it. It's so cool how they got the different shades and made it look like the mona lisa. It would take a long time to make.


  62. I think that it is cool. Yet then again I think it is a complete waste of money. Some art you can dry out and take home, but all of these coffee cups are wasted and no one gets to keep it.

  63. I wonder what they did with all the coffee after. If they just dumped it out then thats a waste. I wonder if they had people drink it.

  64. It's buckets of paint. Would love to drink them. Wonder what they taste like.


  65. i think its pretty cool. i would end up probably drinking them and other stuff too. They must had alot of money to buy all those.

  66. It's amazing how someone can create that out of coffee cups with coffee in it. i think that would be hard to do. I like this piece because it's made out of coffee and I love coffee.

  67. i think that it is very cool that this art is made of coffee cups.i like how big this art is. i bet it took a long time to complete.

  68. This seems like it would take a ton of time to do. It looks like it also is very hard to do. In the end the person should be proud of there self for how it turned out.

  69. Are these cups of coffee?! It is cool. I would not be able to do this because I would drink it. It is cool how it shades with the creamer.

  70. This is definitely coffee. I think it's cool, but definitely a waste of coffee. And I bet that room masks every other smell with the smell of coffee.

  71. This is cool but weird at the same time. It would be a waste of whatever it is and start to smell after a while.

  72. Its kind of weird. Its is coffee? I dont know it would take wayy to long

  73. this looks like it would take a long time.
