Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Oh George...

So how many one dollar bills would you need to decide to just make them into artwork?  How many 5s are you willing to just cut up and use for a face?  Well that is how artist Mark Wagner creates his works of art, is with money.

So this begs to ask the question, how many dollar bills do you think it took to create these works and is it just me or do that many George Washington heads get a little creepy?


  1. My rough estimate for the amount of dollar bills is between 200 to 500. It is somewhat creepy because it looks like they are all staring at you. The works in particular are pretty good because you have to work with shapes (and heads) given to you and not what you can draw from imagination.

  2. You would definitely have to be pretty wealthy to use all the bills necessary for these projects. There could be anywhere from 500 to 1,000 bills in these works of art. I think the idea is brilliant! You are forced to work with the shapes given in the bills which I would assume is pretty difficult. You would definitely need creativity to come up with pieces like this.

  3. This is a lot of money used to make these! Imagine the time it took to get the pieces just right!

  4. Lot of money used in these works of arts. Don't think its really worth it.To much time for me.

  5. on Abraham Lincoln they is lots of 1's on his beard. That probably took a lot of time put into that.

  6. i thinks it a waste of time. they should be spending there money better than that. they could use that money on charities and stuff like that or new art supplies.

  7. I think this is very cool, because they cannot change the content on the dollar bills so they have to use what they have to make object look like what they are suppose to with the repetitive materials.

  8. This is my favorite thing that is on this site. Even though it is a little bit of a risk of the money ripping. it is still very good art!

  9. Suppose he never has to worry about funds. Cool picture.

  10. I can't even imagine how many dollar bills are in this work of art. I think that if you had this hanging in your house or something, it would start to get a little creepy after a while.

  11. that is really cool the person that did that must have a lot of time on there hands and the idea of doing out of money was better yet

  12. These are really awesome. I could not imagine how much money went into making this, but I guess a lot. I think the person did a very good job at making an original piece.

  13. Wow, all i can say is wow. The time they took to make this is amazing. I bet they used over 1 million dollars in making these. The person did an amazing job making this piece of art.

  14. If he makes his art out of many me must be getting alot of money in return for them other wise he would go broke. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of money it took to make these but i'm betting alot.

  15. I like the concept of his artwork although I don't think that I would ever even attempt to destroy so much money. There seems to be around 430 dollars used to create this piece. I looks extremely tricky to make also.

  16. Well this person obviously needs to find a better way to use his or hers money. That would take so long just to figue out witch way to fold, not counting how long it took to actually do. It is cool though.

  17. This si cool and very stupid at the same time. It is cool for how it looks and stupid for using money to do this. All in all this is really cool.

  18. i do think the heads do get a little bet creepy. but it its also very cool if you think about the time and how they arranged to look things do do with money

  19. I like this project alot! If he is willing to cut up his money to make this project, then so be it! It is very unique and looks really awesome!

  20. its pretty cool but why would you cut up your money like that? but i guess if you really want to waste some money.but the heads are also pretty creepy so is ab lincoln.

  21. I think that all of the Washington faces on the last picture is really creepy. I would expect this from a stripper rather than just an ordinary guy. It is impressive that he can make that good of art with just money though.

  22. So cool!!! But to be truthfull I would rather spend my money on candy! :) I love the Abe though!

  23. I think its really cool. It would take a lot of dollar bills to do this. I am willing to cut up all the money i need as long as my art work would pay it back. i think it is really good and awesome.

  24. This is really cool. I for one would not want to use my money on this. It is a unique piece and it would be cool if someone made one that I know. The work is kinda creepy but it is very detailed and really good.

  25. This is quite interesting. I'm sure it would take a very large amount of money to create such a unique piece of art. Very cool.

  26. That is a pretty sweat looking project. I don't know if i would have the time to do that. i would say it would have to been around 300 to 600 bills to make it.

  27. This is definitely interesting and looks sweet but I would never waste money on this. It's not even worth the money you wasted making the project. I'm assuming it would take a good amount of cash to complete this.

  28. i think this is a terrible project you are seriously wasting money. i would never use my money for something as dumb as this there more money in it than what your getting back.

  29. The person who made this must be rich. Why he is wasting his money i have no idea. This is a cool thing though. It is also very creative.

  30. the first one is cool because it is a picture of Lincoln but i would have made the picture out of the 5 dollar bill in stead because Lincoln is on the 5 dollar bill but it is really amazing how talented someone of these people are and what they can make.

  31. I really like the one with Lincoln on it, it is really cool. I think that if I had to choose something to make a project out of I would probably not choose money.

  32. It probably took over 300 dollars to make this project, but that's such a big waste of money. The amount of George Washingtons on this look very creepy.

  33. This looks really hard! Is this a drawing? I wouldn't have the patience to do this! You would have to take each little piece an picture from the one dollar bill and put them in specific places to make the right picture.

  34. This looks really cool but extremely hard. I wouldnt have the patience to do this because you have to fold all the dollars the exact way you want them. You would have to take every dollar and make it into the exact shape and size just by folding it. And i have no clue how many dollars it would take to create this.

  35. I'm not sure if those are actually dollars. I wonder if he just used photo shop to make his art. It would be very complicated to photo shop George Washington's head in the the picture or all the ones.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I don't know about 999,999,900 billion? anyway is it even real money? if it is than I guess what people been saying is right! (WPDDSS) why waste money? on things like this?

  38. UMM! i really dont know how amny ones they used but im going to guess around 500 dollors to make this. No i dont htink they get creepy.

  39. I dont even have a guess on how many dollar bills he used on these.But even though it is pretty cool, he wasted that money. If he wants to cut up money, why not fake money? He could give all that cash to me, that would make him a good citizen.

  40. Abraham Lincoln one looks awesome, i should do that too

  41. Using dollar bills on a project does not sound like the best idea to me, but hey it sure does look nice. I have 67 one dollar bills at my house, and even with that amount, I still don't that I would use money as a medium.

  42. i definitely would not use my own money to make art work. Especially when you are ruining it, and can not use it again. This would be very hard to do although because of the edges, and trying to find the spaces to make the face features. I bet it took way to many dollar and 5 dollar bills to make his art work.

  43. I don't think this a very good idea. It is creative and challenging yes, but i wouldn't do it. It is interesting though.

  44. this for one would cost a lot, depending on how large the picture is. On the other hand, taking apart and defacing money is illegal so he probably didn't do that, unless he printed his own to use.

  45. Holy money!!! I don't know if i've ever held that much money at one time!!

  46. these are pretty cool. i wouldn't like to use my own money for this project. this would be a little too difficult for me

  47. I bet he made a good bit of money selling that

  48. these are cool, but they would cost alot to make and i would end up making a mistake. Although they are cool i would not want to do them.

  49. These are very creative. It would end up costing a lot to make these pieces of art. I would have a hard time cutting up money for art.

  50. i think that is a waste of money. there are many more objects you could use in this case for this project. Money should not be something you cut up and make art of it is wasteful and could be used for better things.

  51. I don't think I could waste money like that unless I could sell those for alot more than I put into them. Also that is kind of a waste.

  52. I dont think i would be able to cut up real money to make art. It looks like you would probably have to spend several hundred dollars to make a project like this. It just seems like a waste of money to me.

  53. This is cool. I don't think id waste money on this though. It looks like it takes a lot of money i wouldn't have to spare. It also seems like it would take a long time.

  54. It is really cool how this is done but I would not have enough patience to fold each piece of money. I also would not want to waste money turning it into a sculpture even though it looks really cool. I especially like this because it takes an everyday item and turns it into something really cool.

  55. that's a lot of money but i bet the works are worth way more than the dollar count.this looks fun to do.

  56. These are really cool. I like the one with the dinosaur the most. It's kind of a waste of money though.

  57. I love the use of the United States currency colors and the design and artistic talent of these photos. The Abraham Lincoln one if my favorite, but the George Washington one is a close second.

  58. This is cool pieces of art. These are the coolest pieces of art I had seen. This would take a long time to do, but it is a waste of time.

  59. I think this is really cool. This is something really unique. I think it would take a very long time, and a very expensive time.

  60. This is highly illegal and someone is in deep stuff. Its a cool concept though. Anyone who “mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together can be fined or imprisoned."

  61. I can tell this would take a huge amount of time and I probably could not do it because I have no patience.

  62. I think this is cool. I don't think I would so this because I have little patience for things like this. It would be cool to try though

  63. I guess around roughly five hundred dollar bills. I still haven't figured out what the background of the theater is supposed to be. And it gets creepy if you stare at the faces to long, but imagine it in a scary or horror movie, then they would all turn.

  64. It would take a lot of time and money to make these pictures. Just to make these pictures you would have to cut a lot of dollar bills.It does get a little creepy around the faces.

  65. this guy must be crazy to cut up that many bills just to make works of art im sad in i lose one five i couldn't imagine cuttin up this many

  66. I would not use my money to make something but this is pretty cool. Would take forever to make.

  67. This is really really cool. I wonder how much each one cost to make. They look amazing though.

  68. Money. Woah. I don't have any.

  69. This is very cool. The last one looks very trippy when you stare at if for a very long time. It also looks like money but I don't think it really is money.

  70. Oh my, it is money. That is cool. It would take a while in order to do something like this. I like the last one because you see about of Washington's face as the background.

  71. This is an expensive project, literally. But isn't cutting money up defacing it? Or are they just folding it behind so you can't see it?

  72. Thats why too much money to be wasting. If you have that kind of money then use it but. I dont know alot of people who can afford this.

  73. i like how they took money and made art out of it. it looks very cool.
