Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Got Tape???

So I found the work of artist Erika Iris Simmons who is a self taught artist.  She likes to focus on Pop Art (short for popular culture art).  She likes to use everyday items in unconventional ways.  For all of these pictures she used various tapes and films and created the stars that created them.

If you could create art out of anything what would you create it out of?  Can you think of an unusual medium that would make interesting art?


  1. It is so amazing how someone did this with just film. It seems that they used only one continuous roll which makes them seem even more amazing. I think this would be something interesting to learn, or at least attempt.

  2. The tape film idea is super creative. I don't think I would be able to come up with it. It's crazy how people can just think of random materials and make amazing works of art out of it. I've seen some art pieces made out of empty pop cans, plastic bags, bottle caps, even empty egg shells!

  3. At least they caught this one on tape (later struck down by god for the poor pun). But really, it's pretty nice how they managed to do this, with the tape catching where their hair would have shined. Looking at these makes me realize how much creativity you would require to make art.

  4. It is amazing how good some people can be, and their patience level must be over 9000. It must take a ton of time and effort to make this, plus an enormous amount of creativity

  5. Lot of time put into those tapes. I would probably try like a certain kind of candy like skittles. That would be pretty fun to try.

  6. This is so cool. I dont know how someone could do this. The Bob Marley one is my favorite.

  7. This is so cool. I want to know how they do that because it is cool. They s gotta be lots of tape in that.

  8. I would use licorice because it is awesome and smells good. It would also work good with twisty things. It would be awesome.

  9. i like the Bob Marley one by far the best. he is pretty much my idol. i plan on following in his foot steps.

  10. This is amazing. Imagine the time and effort they put into this. Any little harsh mistake could tear the tape and it would be ruined. It would be interesting to try to do this.

  11. it is just amazing what people can make out of anything they want and it had to take some time to do that that i amazing

  12. This is really creative and unique. I'm especially amazed at that the artist is self taught and made something as spectacular as this.

  13. Lot of time put into those tapes. You would need patience up the wazoo to be able to do that and i hope that i never have to either.

  14. it must of took a long time with those tapes.Especially the 3rd Pictures

  15. i would use CD shards of different colors and make a mosaic. I think that would be really cool and make different items out of them.

  16. i would use something different like strips of tape to do that. but it is still pretty cool. they should make like animals and stuff

  17. I think that it would be fun to make a piece out of eye shadow. It is unusual and would be something to talk about. The creation above is unique, and I like how she makes people out of the tape.

  18. I think that I would use pieces of dried corn and beans to make my creations. If I could make something out of old tapes, it would be amazing! I dont know how she did this.

  19. it is cool that they can use that and get it perfectly in place. but it seems like a waste of time for something that can be moved with just one little breeze. but it is still cool

  20. It is really impressive that she can make that good of art out of just film. There is a lot of detail from something like film. I think it would be really fun to make art out of game pieces.

  21. I didn't even know cassettes had that much tape in them. That is really cool.

  22. This is really neat. Bruno Mars has this in one of his music videos. I would make something out of toothpicks. I don't know i could probably think of something creative.

  23. These people of way to much time in their life to do this.

  24. This is super creative and interesting. I like how they use tapes, that is really creative. I think it would be a really hard, but fun project to do.

  25. Wonderful piece of art. It is always fun to see the ideas people have created and came up with to make art. Very well done.

  26. I think this is a waste of tape players and money.

  27. It is very impressive how you can create this from cassette tapes. This would be extremely difficult and take time and patience. This would be a fun project to attempt, even though it would be a miserable fail.

  28. this is a waste of time the time that would take to make these is just crazy. it would be long to get the accuracy would be terrible i would not have the patience

  29. This is a very interesting project. I would not like it because it would take a lot of my time to do this. It would be really cool if someone from our school made one. I like that it is very precise and does not look like it was just thrown together.

  30. I think that this is really creative how they used tapes. it looks to hard for me to do. I don't think I have enough skill to do that.

  31. This is my favorite picture of art so far. It's amazing how they used tapes and how it looks just like a really good drawing. Also, it'd be kind of cool to make an art piece out of candy bar wrappers.

  32. This seems very hard. Unless you glue the tape strands together (which I hope they did) I don't think they would stay. If I did this, it probably wouldn't turn out too well. If i made one of these, I don't think it would stay together very well either. One move and it's all ruined and out of place.

  33. this maybe but it is kind of stupid, why would anybody waist their money just to do this

  34. I think this is very creative but if i ever did that it would look really bad just saying

  35. Princeton from mindless behavior! of course. bones? just kidding, but clothe

  36. If i could make art out of any thing it would probably be hay or straw. This would be an intresting medium of art.

  37. wow, i wanna do something like this

  38. I think it cool how she used tapes to make art. I would probably use some kind of candy like M&M's or something like that to put more color into it. I think this project would be fun to try.

  39. I'd definitely like to do this. Im sure I have enough tape to use

  40. I think that this is really cool. The fact that she self taught her self is interesting and I want to learn how she got interested.

  41. I would probably just make something out of objects around the house, CD's & chords and the like. I dunno. That tape ort of musicians was pretty neat though.

  42. That is incredible! I think its very cool how she made these out of tape! I would have never thought of that!

  43. I wonder how a cd would make a artists face

  44. This is obviously very creative in a different artistic way. Its intriguing, but not so much my type of art.

  45. wow this really cool. i seams like someone was just messing around with a broken tape and accidentally made something amazing.

  46. This is part of my element. I love this creative idea. It makes things from your simplest forms of things. Not many people would think of doing this, which makes me like it.

  47. This is really cool. This is really creative to do. These would be really cool to do but it would also be really hard to do. This would take a long time.

  48. This looks really cool, it seems like it would take lots of time. I would be awesome to do something like this.

  49. Wow this one is really cool. I would like to try something like this sometime. This is one of my favs.

  50. It's weird how you can make that all out of film. It would take a long time to make. I would never think of this idea.

  51. this is kind of weird but also really cool at the same time i wish i was talented enough to do something like these works of art

  52. I think that this kind of art is very cool and that the person that did it is very creative.

  53. This is the equivalent to making a design without lifting your pencil, except you can't cross lines and it probably doesn't like to stay in place. Very cool but very difficult.

  54. This takes alot of placement and effort. The bob marley one is really cool. Idk how people do it

  55. I wish we could do this. They are all really cool. It looks like it takes a lot of patience.

  56. this just shows the true creativity needed to be a artist. People constructing literal artwork out of the most random things. they are using something you would listen to music with. Its defiantly awesome.

  57. these are cool. i liked how they used tape to make them.

  58. This looks like it would be easy but hard at the same time . This would be a fun project to do . I think we should do this in class .
