Monday, September 9, 2013

A fine doppelganger

Have you ever heard of the term "doppelganger?"  Well if you watch "how I met your mother" they are always on the look for someone's doppelganger.  Basically a doppelganger is someone else that looks just like you.  Have you ever been told you look like someone else or that they look like you?

I have been told I look like either Drew Barrymore or Amanda Seyfried.  I will let you decide which one or maybe you think I have been told wrong.

Anyways, I found this post of people who have found their doppelganger in art museum paintings.

Do you see the resemblence in any of these pictures?  Do you have a doppelganger?  Have you ever seen a work of art that looks like someone you know, or maybe one that looks like you?

I will give you extra points if you can find a work of art that looks like you or someone that I would know.


  1. I like these artworks because it make one think about these guys just hanging around the art museum when one of them points out, "Hey bob (or whatever) that picture kind of looks like you." I particularly the lower middle one because it looks like it was painted by a good artist from the bible. In 60 years, i might look like the guy from American Gothic.

  2. I find it really interesting people are able to find artwork that looks like themselves. It would be amazing if I could find a painting that looked like me. I've never seen a piece of artwork that looks like me or anyone I knew but if I did I would probably be extremely interested in the piece. Maybe one day I will be able to find a piece of artwork that looks like me

  3. I really like these pictures because of how people look like the people in the art. How cool would it be if you were walking around a museum and you looked like the art.

  4. i think it is cool that the people in the photos are like the people standing in the picture.

  5. I thinks that these paintings are cool. It's interesting that these people can stand by a painting and resemble the painting. I think it would be awesome if I could find a painting the looked like me!

  6. I found it interesting that people could look so similar to famous painting. It would be really cool if they dress up like the painting, and just take on the feeling of the painting.

  7. I think some of these people are the same and some you could say its a stretch. I think its cool that people look like some of the most famous art found. I wouldn't care if i had someone that looked like me.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This is a really cool picture. The people dressed up to look like the pictures. It would be cool if someone had a picture that looks like me.

  10. That's pretty cool that people look like what artists have painted and drawn. All of them look the same to me. Really cool pictures though.

  11. that is so awesome. i want to see a mona lisa look alike

  12. it is good but is not the best i have seen

  13. Those are pretty cool. BTW are you getting these? It says I don't have any blog posts up but I know I put some up....

  14. I think it is very neat that people can have doppelgangers. I would really like to see mine but chances are that is not going to happen. I found online that Sylvester Stallone's doppelganger is in a famous piece of art in the Vatican.

  15. Wow they look almost exact; is the painting of that person? If someone could paint i would love to see it. It would be hard though cause it needs to look perfect.

  16. This is really funny because its not every day there is a famous painting that looks a lot like you. The most impressive one is the bottom one because the guy actually dressed up like the one in the painting. I hope that someday I find a painting that looks like me.

  17. i think its very cool that there is paintings. but if you think about it over time and all the people in the world it is bound to happen where there is a painting that looks like a person today. it would be cool if this happened to me

  18. I think that the top painting has about the same face as the painting, The mona lisa isn't very similar, but then again most people don't look like her. I've never found a painting that looks like me, but maybe someday I will.

  19. i think its stupid. i dont get what there trying to do. use there time more wisley.

  20. it is pretty cool how things work out in this would be awesome if there was a famous peice of art floating around that looks like you.

  21. i think that it is pretty interesting that there are people out their that look like other people. i haven't seen a doppelganger of mine yet, but that would be cool.

  22. It's so cool that people can look like others. It is very interesting.

  23. I think it's interesting how they can make the connection with two people. I would love to have a famous painting that resembles me. Maybe someday my fame will rise.

  24. i dont get how looking like a painting is art this is jut stupid.

  25. That's kind of crazy. I think these pictures were kind of set up before they were taken to make the actual people look like the paintings. I think it is very rare to find someone, something, or a painting that looks almost exactly like you (the original).

  26. Um i dont know any dobblegangers, that look like me.I cant think of any paintings that look like anybodyi know. But these are cool. :)

  27. its funny how one that is on the back or background looks different

  28. I actually did this when I was in a museum in new York. It was a picture of a dancer posing

  29. I dont get the point of dressing up like a piece of art. I dont know how this is a real form of art.

  30. It would be amazing to find some painting that had somebody in it that looked like you. Very rare occasion though.

  31. This is pretty crazy. It would be weird to find a painting that looks like me. I hope there isn't, that would be scary.

  32. I see the resemblance, but it is even better when they dress up like the last image, then it is impossible to deny it. Though I find the second image the least resemblant in my opinion.

  33. It's so cool how people just find someone that looks like themselves. I would like to find someone that looks like me.It would be so cool.

  34. this a really cool and all the art is actually really accurate to there same face i wish i had a monalisa that look like my face

  35. This is really funny. Apparently everybody has 7 other people in the world who look exactly like them. I dont know it was some random fact i read on pintrest.
