Thursday, September 5, 2013

Starry Gym

I found this youtube video of a school that remade Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night on their gym floor out of cereal.

I have many questions, but i am curious what you think of this?


  1. I think this is cool, but I dont get why they do it because they are going to have to sweep it up eventually. I think it would be pointless to do all that work to only keep it for like a couple days. But over all i think it would be kind of a fun thing to see when it was all done, because it's out of cereal and you dont see that every day.

  2. This is really interesting, but it doesnt make much sense. It takes them a couple of days to map it out then lay all the cereal on the floor, then after that they have to clean it up in a couple days. Even though this project is cool because its made out of cereal, I still wouldnt like to do it.

  3. This is an amazing thing for someone to try, yet it would take way too long! It is a very unique thing to do, but it is also pretty pointless besides seeing the outcome of it. I love the idea that someone would even think of doing this out of cereal on a school gym floor!

  4. i think this is cool. that would be cool if our school did that. i think it would take to long to set up the the gym to do that.

  5. It is amazing how we can make art out of random, everyday things! I think that this project was awesome, and would be kinda fun, but would take quite a long time and a lot of money.

  6. This took time and it didn't last very long, but it was still a really fun piece to look at. I don't know why or how one thought of doing this.

  7. I think it is amazing how they created a piece of art like this. It was very creative and outgoing. It shows that there are many different ways to create art. The outcome was sick but I wouldn't want to be the one to clean up the mess. Very well done.

  8. Its pretty awesome. But would take a lot of time and effort. I would never personally work on it because i wouldn't care enough to do it all. Awesome though.

  9. Its pretty awesome. But would take a lot of time and effort. I would never personally work on it because i wouldn't care enough to do it all. Awesome though.

  10. I think it is very cool how they did this out of cereal. Although the outcome is cool would it be worth it? it would be a mess to do, and clean up. Also how would you use all cereal to make that?

  11. I think this is very cool. I don't know why they would do it though when there are people that need food and they wasted it. Huge mess to clean up as well

  12. This is interesting, I don't think I would be interested in doing this it would not be fun to clean up. It would be hard to place every piece of cereal how it was meant to be placed.

  13. This is a cool project, but I hope art I never has to do this because that is a lot of work just to have it swept up in a couple days.

  14. I didn't realize it was out of cereal at first so i though it was lame but oh my that's awesome. i feel like its way harder then it looks.

  15. That looks very unique. It is always fun to see people getting so involved in art.

  16. i dont get why they would waste perfectly good cereal, they would have to lean it up anyways they just wasted time

  17. Even the time lapse took FOREVER! Imagine how long it would take to make it! Too long, kinda pointless, and out of cereal... My mom taught me not to play with my food. :)

  18. this is super cool that they used cereal I really like it but I don't think this I a project I would ever want to do.

  19. dont make sense, but its still cool

  20. I think this is incredible actually. Although i don't understand them going through all of that work and putting it on a gym floor.

  21. this is incredible but the clean up would be the real challenge bet they'll have fun
