Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Jumping paint

How can paint jump you might ask?  Well artist Martin Klimas has found a way to make paint jump and then photograph it.  In order to take his shots he has to set his shutter speed to 1/7000th of a second.

But how does he get the paint to jump?  I am curious what you think would make the paint fly through the air like it is in these shots.

I love the colors he chooses, and I love how the paint is starting to mix and swirl as it flies into the air.  But that brings me back to my main question, how does he do it?  What is he using to make the paint fly?

The first correct answer gets double points.


  1. i like the splatters in a cool formation

  2. He probably used some kind of percussive force. Like putting paint on a drum and hitting the bottom really hard. Probably need a special kind of drum to do that though.

  3. The blue man group does the same thing with paint using drums, that's how I came up with my answer.

  4. This is so cool. I bet he put it on a speaker and turn the bass up too a max and let it go. I wish i was able to do this some how.

  5. This is very cool! It reminds me a lot of the crayon project the upper classes do. I would love to take these pictures! It would be fun to attempt this, you would have to have a fast camera though.

  6. I think this is really cool. I think of theslowmoguys when I see this, and I think it would be a great thing to do!

  7. How in the world someone thought of this just blows me away! I love how you can almost pic out the 3D in each burst of paint. It is so simple yet amazing to look at!

  8. This is really interesting and cool looking. I like the colors of it and i think it would be cool to do. I think this project is really amazing and would be fun to do.

  9. I like how it jumps off the page it makes it unique. This project seem like it would be really hard to do speaking of how many pictures you would have to take to get the right shot. I also love the colors that he put together they mix well. I still dont know how he makes the paint fly.

  10. I really don't know how he did this but i think this is awesome. I think he made it by clay and then through paint all over it. I think this is very awesome and you should consider doing this for a project for us.

  11. This is a really unique project. It kind of reminds me of what the advanced classes to with the crayons. It would be cool to do, but i have no idea how they get it to stay. It would be a very cool project to do. The name for it 'Jumping paint' really goes well with the project.

    1. I think that he sets the on a flat surface then puts that on top of a speaker and sends a sudden blast to the paint. Therfore the paint flies through the air and he gets the perfect pic and mikes it look cool.

  12. I think he put the paint on top of speakers and then blasted the music so it made it jump and he took the picture and that's how he got.

  13. I like the lower middle one the best because it looks like people are jumping up and celebrating. Somewhat what the first Fourth of July might have looked like when they received the news of declared independence. They would make the paint jump by putting strong vibrations through the ground, launching the paint up.

  14. this is so cool! i love the colors. i'm not sure how he did this but in some of the pictures it looks like there is water in them

  15. This is really cool. I have literally no idea how he would do it. I think he used a fan that blew up and then captured it.

  16. i think he has some one drop it on water while h takes the pic (or vice versa) but this is really cool! my favorite is the bottom. i love how you can see the swirls in the drops

  17. Very interesting. I don't know how it was completed. Maybe a drum was used.

  18. I bet they used a sub woofer. i personally like the lime green and yellow one the best. those are by far my 2 all time favorite colors

  19. i still think this is a waste of time unless you are selling these and makeing money its a waste of time.

  20. I honestly have no idea how he could pull this off. I think it looks pretty sick and it's amazing how he can capture an image like this. The colors look awesome when they collide into each other.

  21. This is a really cool painting. I am puzzled on how he does this. He must be talented though to figure it out.

  22. i like this painting because it jump in the air. i want to know how it does that. i will be if we can do that in art class. if i did that i would make a lot of money doing this

  23. I have absouletly no guesses on how he does this. This looks really awesome though. I would be really cool if someone could figure out how to do this though. Thats all i got, bye :)

  24. I believe that he uses speakers in order to accomplish these pieces. When the speakers get really loud, the paint would jump upwards, and he would be able to take the shots. The colors are really cool, and I think that doing something like this would be really fun.

  25. If you put a penny on my 10 inch subwoofer it flies of. Each beat gives of air that pushes the material out. I bet he uses a method similar to that but if you used a subwoofer it would not stay in one spot. It would probably fly everywhere.

  26. I like the splatters, it is a really cool formation, and I like the color combinations. The colors make it cool, also I like how they are bright colors and not just dull, dark colors.

  27. i think this pretty legit i mean how its jumps in the air is pretty cool. they should do all more cool stuff like this. i think there is a commercial about this something but it is with boombox and water

  28. Making paint jump it a really cool and neat way of art. When you look at other pictures of "jumping paint" you see that they use a speaker and music with a loud base to get it to jump. It is really cool and all the colors together make a nice combination.

  29. Maybe he uses speakers to do it and use a loud song to make it jump. I like this. I would like to know how its done.

  30. Im sure they're are a lot better thinks we could do with paint but it would still be fun to do. I like the third one from the top.....USA..USA!!!!!!!

  31. This is really interesting, I would like to try it sometime. Usually when seeing "jumping paint" its because someone puts the paint on speaker and blasts the bass from the song.

  32. Honestly, I have no idea how this person did that but it looks really cool. This is something that I think I would like to do in class.

  33. I think maybe he put the paint on a speaker thing, and turned the speaker up really high, and the paint would jump maybe?

  34. I think what they do to make the paint jump is to use something really loud with really large sound waves. The loud sound and large sound waves would then make it vibrate and that would be what causes the paint to jump.

  35. i think that this a very creative way to make art using paint and then photographing it in its unnatural state. i believe that he uses a boom box and sets the paint on like a plate on top of it to make the shaking or jumping formation. I also really like how the colors start to mix and they really stand out.

  36. i love this one, its not too boring its fun

  37. He uses speakers and music to get the paint to jump! he sets the speakers under the canvas or whatever the paint is on and blasts the music. As it plays the paint jumps and the longer it plays the more it mixes and the louder the music the bigger the jump!

  38. DO I HEAR A PARTY? cause this picture is totally amazing. but I really don't know how he made the paint stand up, just that it's AMAZING.

  39. I think that he uses speakers of some sort and plays the music loud and that is what makes it jump. Also they longer he plays the music the more it mixes.

  40. It looks like he drops something into it and it looks like the water bounces back up and if you drop an object into something repeatedly it will mix itself.

  41. i love the one that sitting on the bottom of the water, it looks really cool, we should do something like this in class

  42. Very creative. I'm not sure how he does it. Its probably some scientific reaction. The colors are awesome.

  43. i think he maybe dropped a heavy object into a mixture of different paints. i like how creative people are these days. I could not do this.

  44. I think he either used drums or bass to get the effect. I bet we could do this in our art class!

  45. I really like his combination of colors. He probably made vibrations on the surface where the paint is and that's what made it move. It would be really fun to do this.

  46. He probably used a tarp over a stereo to get this effect. It would be hard, but fun to do. It would be a huge mess to clean up, though.

  47. This is really awesome. How the got all the different colors and everything how they jump. I think it would be an awesome project>

  48. I really like this. Ive seen a video when they slow motioned it and it was awesome

  49. Im pritty sure i already commented on this picture before but it still looks really cool. Its amzing how they could take a picture like this. your camera would have to be extremely fast.

  50. The use of a sound speaker and plastic wrap over the top of it. This technique is used with water and starch mixes as well. Causing liquids to fly and become solids momentarily due to the sound waves.

  51. This is really cool. I have literally no idea how he would do it. I think he used a fan that blew up and then captured it.

  52. I dont think it is actually flying. he used some sort of shading that causes the eye to think it is actually in the air, when it is actually just on a sheet of paper.

  53. is it a still picture. still pictures aren't art anyone can take a still picture

  54. I would imagine that he drops something into the paint. I don't really know, but I think that's what it looks like.

  55. I've seen this a few times before, I think they put the paint on bass speakers and turned the volume way up. This causes the paint to 'jump' and they simply snap a picture.

  56. this is very cool it really emphasizes on the fluidity of the paint and i really like it.

  57. I like this type of artwork because it is very vibrant and catches my eye. There is lots going on in this pic so it's not boring at all.

  58. This artwork is truly mesmerizing. It's really flattering to the eye and it looks beautiful. I think this would be a really fun project to do, as long as we can get our timing right.

  59. This art is really amazing. It would be really fun to do this in class sometime. It is really cool how they splattered the paint.

  60. Paint is a very crazy thing... there is many uses to paint to make art. I love using paint to make things new again. Or changing the elements of the theory of paint. Which this person is doing here with speakers!

  61. I admire this type of random, messy art. I don't know how they got the paint to fly.

  62. These are really pretty, they look like something to hang on the walls of an apartment. I would like to see one with purple, blue, black and white.

  63. I think this is really cool. This is something really unique. I think it would take a very long time, and you would need a fast camera to capture it.

  64. I think this quite cool. I know when I saw blue man group they did something like this with drums. It's really cool.

  65. This is really cool , I would like to try this .

  66. I love all the color. It is very unique. I wouldn't mind trying this. Looks like fun. Very interesting.

  67. This is really cool , especailly how its looking . i would try it , and the colors make it look great .

  68. This is dope. i like the colurs

  69. This is really cool. I really would like to know how he did this. This would be cool to try

  70. It's so cool how the paint flies. I think that he takes a picture right after he drops it to the ground and then it looks like it's flying. It would be cool to try.

  71. I really like this it's so cool they could take a picture at the right time. It reminds me of oobleck.

  72. this is really cool and it is cool to see how the colors mix in the air and i really dont get how he makes them jump

  73. This is beautiful. The time it would've have taken to capture it though must have been extensive. This would be a lot of fun to do though.

  74. I love being able to drop a rock in a bucket of rocks and have kids type some suck up half a** comments. The End.

  75. This is really cool. I have literally no idea how he would do it. I think he used a fan that blew up and then captured it.

  76. In the first picture I love how the paints come together. The paints are so colorful and vibrant.

  77. I think these pictures are really cool. the third one is my favorite. This is really unique and not a lot of people would think to do that.

  78. These pictures are really pretty. I don't know how he got the paint to jump like that. I wonder what kind of camera he used.

  79. I like how the colors mix together in the third picture. The first one in my favorite because the colors don't mix that much and it looks cool. I think the surface that the paint was on vibrated enough to make it jump.

  80. Yo this I very cool and think it would be fun to do. It looks even cooler with the mixed paints together. Watching this in slow mo would be really cool.

  81. This is awesome looking. I think it might be a speaker used to make it jump or some sort of sheet that can snap back into shape quickly.

  82. This is really cool.I like this type of artwork because it is very vibrant and catches my eye. I like the second one.

  83. These are really cool and would be something really cool to do and capture. It would be worth the mess it makes.

  84. these pictures are really cool. it looks fun to do. i like the colors

  85. They probably used like a sub or something like that. It would get real messy. How did he get those camera shots.

  86. I think these look really cool. it probably would have been hard to get the perfect shot.it would make a big mess, but i think it would be fun to try.

  87. This is really cool . It probably was very messy when in the process and it would be hard to get a good picture of it . But this would be cool to try.
