Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The top of the bottle

How many of you have ever even given a thought to the bottle cap on the top of an old fashioned soda bottle?  Have you ever thought of making that little cap into a work of art?  I am sure the answer is no, but after looking at these artworks that are made from bottle caps maybe you will think differently.

These are bottle caps on a car.  Yes, a car.

Now will you at least look at those caps and see what colors they have on them before you throw them away?


  1. This is really awesome. It would take a bunch of soda and caps to do. The time put into this would be very excessive.

  2. These are cool. I actually had a neighbor once who did this kind of thing. Hi ware smaller though.

  3. These paintings are so cool. This would take so long to too make. It would take a whole lot of caps to make this.

  4. I like these pieces of art. It would take a long time to make, but the outcome is great.

  5. It would be interesting if the portrait version of this but it's you was pasted onto your bedroom wall. I wonder how he collected that many bottle caps. I think the van gogh is my favorite.

  6. This is one of those projects that i would like to do in art class. I like that you can take random items, and make them into maters pieces. Someone of the examples shown are really detailed, and look really good.

  7. This is really cool and unique. I like that they use simple materials to make extraordinary pieces of art. It probably took a lot of time and soda to make these.

  8. I think that this is really cool and it would take along long time to do. I still don't know how they would get the caps to stick to the car and stay

  9. I really like this one. I think it would take me a long time but it would be worth it. i would for sure like to do this in class but on a smaller scale

  10. This is a cool project, but the car one is pointless.

  11. Wow this is so cool. It must have taken forever to create. Very unique.

  12. I think this is amazing. You would have to collect a lot of caps. I'm not really sure where you could even get that many. Anyways the creativity level is awesome. It's a very cool concept

  13. I love the creativity the artist had to have to make something so unique! I love the thought of bringing everyday things and make them art! Kind of like a Rags to Riches!

  14. I really wanna do this. this seems real fun. i wish we could do this

  15. this is a waste of time and money.

  16. This is a very creative and unique style of art. It would take an immense amount of imagination to make something strictly out of pop bottles. I love the idea and wouldn't mind trying this in class.

  17. How they do this I don't know. I wish I was good at art to do these things. It also is a very cool thing by the way.

  18. i have never thought of doing it but i have seen a bottle cap picture before. i wish i had enough skill to make art like that. it is a very interesting form of art and i would love to try it.

  19. Holy cow this is awesome. I never would have thought to done this with all the caps i've used. I'm wondering how many different colors there are on a cap.

  20. This is some cool stuff. Imagine if you were to be driving down the road and all the sudden a car next to you has hundreds of bottle caps glued to it. It would be cool

  21. I like the concept of how these pieces were made. They are incredibly detailed, and I think it is a really cool thing to do. Although I would probably never attempt to try it.

  22. I have actually seen a car like this. Kind of cheesy and dumb idea on a brand new Benz but its whatever. There are alot of these out there and it must cost alot to buy all of those bottle caps. especially if they are metal.

  23. i think this a creative and unique way of doing things. ya its probably a waste of time but it is still cool. plus i didnt even know you could do that kinda thing with just bottle caps.

  24. I think that this is cool. I don't really think it is that unique because I have seen in done multiple times before. You can make many cool designs with this as long as you have a supply of tops, which might be remotely difficult to find.

  25. This is very unique and creative. This would take a lot of time to do this. You would have to drink alot of stuff to get all the caps.

  26. I think this is cool but it would take forever. I would like drinking all the pop to make this though. This is to hard for me.

  27. That is a lot of bottle caps. I think that is cool but a waste of time. I would never drive that car. It would just be for decoration.

  28. I think someone has to much time on their hands. But its still cool and id like to do something like this in class. Also where do you even find that many tops?

  29. this is pretty cool but is very boring. i just wonder wear they got all the bottle caps. this is not something that i would want to do

  30. I think that this is really impressive. It had to have taken a lot of planning and time. There are a lot of people that do art like this. It is very similar to the mona lisa made from the coffee.

  31. this is cool but i dont i want to do because i am to lazy

  32. I think this project is very interesting. It would take a lot of bottle caps to do this though. It is very cool, but I wouldn't like to do it because it would be very time consuming.

  33. I have seen some art work like this, and I don't know how people do this. I don't really drink pop, so i wouldn't be able to make art like this.

  34. This is really cool but I also think this one would also be very time consuming. You would have to spend a lot of time saving them up, finding the right color, and putting it together in the right spot and everything. Very cool though.

  35. This is one project that i think would be really fun to do in art class. It would take a lot of searching though to find the colors you want, but it would be worth it. Its really cool to see how detailed the artists got in the pictures. You would think that they could do that.

  36. I like the idea it creative and unique. I would have never thought about using the top of bottles to make art. I think this would be a cool project to do, but it would take alot of bottle caps. Plus it would be hard to find the colors that they want. Also it would be really time consuming because you woud want the right color in the right spot.

  37. This would be so cool to try and create, but I wonder how they got all the caps in the first place. And how many sodas they would have to drink to make that. The colors really stand out and give it a texture to actually make it look impressive!

  38. does the words ewe! mean anything to you? well in case your wondering why I said that is because it looks like a chewed up gum. HATE. IT.

  39. this would be something that i would like to atempt to do. The colors really stand out and make it look really impressive. I would have never thought of using bottle caps to make art.

  40. it looks like it was made of marble or something, but look amazing though

  41. This is very creative. This would be something I would like to attempt to do. I think it would be super hard to find the colors that you needed.

  42. I wonder how many caps it took to make that

  43. This would be a very interesting project to do, if we had enough bottle caps and creativity to do this.

  44. this is yet ANOTHER waste of time i dont even know how they got all of the tops

  45. I think this is amazing. You would have to collect a lot of caps. I'm not really sure where you could even get that many. Anyways the creativity level is awesome. It's a very cool thing.

  46. Wow, i never thought you could make something out of caps. I never really thought they would be useful.

  47. I have done something similar to this before actually. When I was in third grade I made a picture out of bottle caps for my dad. This does bring back old memories of mine, good ones.

  48. These ones are very detailed and i think they are made out of bottle caps and i think its cool how they used different colors of bottle caps to define the project.

  49. This is a new take on something. Its really interesting. Its taking something basic and turning it into something amazing.

  50. Something little that can turn into a big picture would be an amazing project to try. This project looks fun and seems like it would take a while to do.

  51. I never thought about all the colors on the lids. That is a very cool idea! It would be pretty fun to make something out of lids.

  52. in the future caps are the currency so these are like gold

  53. This looks really cool and looks like that it would be fun to try. I think it would take lots of time. I looks like it would take lots of time to find the right color bottle cap to make each one of the painting. I looks like it would be fun to try but i would probably lose my patience.

  54. This is a really creative idea! It gives the whole piece a modern vibe even though it may be an old work of art. I especially like the one of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It takes the very special painting from the start, to a whole new level.

  55. This is so cool and clever. I think that this would be a fun project to do, even for fun. It would make a cool decoration for a room or something.

  56. this is pretty neat and creative, i think i would consider it "Pop" Art lol

  57. This art is super creative and original. I do wonder where they get all of these caps though. Do they really go through that much pop? Either way, this art is very fun to look at.

  58. this would be cool to do. you would have to drink a lot of things that have pop bottle lids to pull it off but it would look cool

  59. This would be cool to do. This looks like it would take a long time do this. You would have to drink a lot of pop bottle lids. This is probably the coolest piece of art.

  60. I think this is really cool. This is something really unique. I think it would take a very long time.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I think it is cool that someone saved all the bottle tops to do that. You don't see very many glass pop bottles anymore so they must have been saving them for a while.

  63. I've never really looked at bottle caps in this way before, like a small piece of a bigger picture. I think it's really neat.

  64. This is really cool. I love how they use soda cans to do it. I know for sure there is no way I would be able to do this.

  65. This would take forever to do. You would have to drink a lot of soda to do this. It would take forever to even find the perfect color cap to make the picture work.

  66. these are amazing works of art especially the one of starry night that was really cool and i've seen people do stuff like this before but mostly like coffee tables not works of art

  67. I have actually done this before. This is really cool to me. I would like to do this again

  68. I never thought of doing something like this before, I only have seen blue or white bottle caps, never anything other than those colors, or i don't remember at least. I like the ones on the car, but I would be scared to drive it unless to the museum. My other favorites are Princess Peach and Starry Night.

  69. Art made out of soda caps is very interesting. It would take so much time. They even made a car out of them.

  70. I would abosutly love to do this. This is amazing. I ope they didnt paint any of the bottle caps.

  71. I love me some soda, so this is great. I would love to knock is over.

  72. This is pretty cool. I didn't realize that there are so many colors of bottle caps. It is quite amazing. I think i know now why people keep and collect bottle caps.

  73. Wow this is so cool. It must have taken forever to create. Very unique.

  74. I think that doing art like this would take a long time. i think that it looks really cool. i would not mind to do this art sometimes.

  75. I would have fun with this. My favorite type of art is abstract which I think would be fun to do with bottle caps. I would like to do this as a project.

  76. This is a very unique thing to do. It would be a good use for them instead of throwing them away. Some people throw them in the environment and they kill animals. This would make them more useful.

  77. You'd have to go get some from other people or a recycling plant if you wanted to do something like this. Otherwise diabetes may be a thing in the future. It is a very good way to use these though.

  78. This is a very cool and unique thing. It would be hard though to find all of those bottle caps and certain color ones to make a piece.

  79. I really like how this person recreated one of the most famous painting in the world. The bottom one is really good.

  80. i would like to do in art class. I like that you can take random items, and make them into art pieces. Some of the examples shown are really detailed, and look really good.

  81. I think this is really cool. i would like to try this. it would take a it of bottle caps though.

  82. Where do you find that many bottle caps? Its cool but it lot of time. I don't know how people do that kind of stuff.

  83. this looks very time consuming. it also looks very fun.
