Wednesday, August 21, 2013

When a line travels

Until a few days ago I thought the following picture was someones idea of being very creative with a continuous line. It wasn't until I read into it that I learned it is actually a very old joke that had turned into an art form.  Yes, a traveling salesmans joke.

It turns out that traveling salesmen would map out the routes they had either walked or traveled and the started to see that they were forming artwork on their maps depending on how their European streets were mapped out.

Of course these pieces are not the route someone has walked.  This is the artwork someone has created from the TSP (traveling salesmen's Problem).  They are one continuous line that weaves in and around.  In fact it might be the best mazes in the world.  Since none of the lines ever touch.

Do you think you could find the beginning or the end of these lines?  Would this be a project you would ever like to try?  Do you think you could do it?

If you want to see more look up TSP art.


  1. I never found the beginning or end in of any lines in these pieces of artwork. I don't think I would be able to do this kind of artwork since i'm not that talented. I would love to try it, but I would most likely fail.

  2. This is really starting to confuse me, because i have been looking for the start of the lines and i can't find them. This would be a cool project to do, but i don't think i have enough skill for this.

  3. This is a really interesting project and it would be cool to do. However, I think it would take to much time and I dont have that kind of patients. It reminds me of a never ending maze because i never saw a start or a finish line.

  4. I think this would be a really cool thing to do in class but it would take forever. I'd need a lot of consentration and i would probably start getting dizzy looking at the lines so much. Other wise i think it's super ceative.

  5. Oh My Gosh, I love these pictures so much. but it's so wired, well maybe that's the reason I love it so much. and I don't like many things in life.

  6. this looks so hard, and i cant even find the line this would take me a year to do it. but its so cool

  7. This seems like a really fun but challenging project to do! If I tried really hard, I think I may be able to make a smaller less intense picture, but it would take me a long time to make it look good. I cannot find any line endings so that would be confusing to make, but they look great.

  8. i think its so cool how its all one line, i think the ends are hidden in the more crowded areas where there would be harder to see. i think it would tae a while for an art project, but it would still be fun!

  9. This is a very cool project. It looks hard and would take a while to do. I like this project, but I dont think I would be able to do it.

  10. This project looks very cool. For some to draw a continuous line and make it project as Marilyn Monroe is incredible, and very impressive. I don't think i have the skills for this yet.

  11. This project would be very difficult and time consuming but it would be fun to try. I don't think that I would have enough patience to try to find the beginning and end of all these lines! I don't know if I would be able to do the project but it would be cool to see if anyone could!

  12. this would be a project that would be very hard for me to do. i think i would loose interest in it after a while, but it would be cool once finished. i definitely cant find the end to these lines.

  13. Just trying to find the beginning or end would be time consuming. I think this project would take me forever to complete. I would probably get really confused and tangled up in my own mess.

  14. For me this project would probably be a hard project. I would be willing to try it but only if it was to be easyer than these ones. I dont think i could find the end of any of those lines.

  15. I don't think they actually have a certain starting point. I think that they had one and then connected the end of the drawing to the start. I don't think I would be able to do this or like to do this because you would have to be very precise with your lines and it is very detailed.

  16. i never found the starting point of the lines. i dont think that they have a certain starting point either. i think the start and end it the smae place but connect the lines.

  17. this is awesome, but cant find the starting point and the ending. wish i could do this.

  18. It is really impressive what they can do with just a continuous line. The most impressive thing is how they shaded the hands. Just by drawing the lines closer together or further apart they can create a very impressive piece of art.

  19. I think that finding beginning and end would take a long time to do. I don't think that i would ever want to do a project like this because it would take forever and take a bunch of skill. I think I would be able to do it, just not easily.

  20. I think that finding beginning and end would take a long time to do. I don't think that i would ever want to do a project like this because it would take forever and take a bunch of skill. I think I would be able to do it, just not easily.

  21. If I tried this project I would just get mad. I looks very Challenging,and i hope I never have to do this for art.

  22. The use of Zentangle in this project is amazing. It probably took a lot of time and practice, but it was worth it for this aw-inspiring project.

  23. You know i don't think that i could find the start. Also this would be way to difficult for me to even try. Although if i could i would love to try it.

  24. If i had to do this i would cry. I don't even know where to start. It is a cool piece of art.

  25. Its a very nice peace of art. If i had too i probably could find the lined beginning to end. I would not even want to try this. It just seems too hard. I wouldn't be able to handle it.

  26. I dont think that i have the brain to remember where i have looked and havent looked. I dont think this is grade level appropriate. I could probably make one but it would be too obvious and it would look only like scribbles with no shape.

  27. I dont think that i have the brain to remember where i have looked and havent looked. I dont think this is grade level appropriate. I could probably make one but it would be too obvious and it would look only like scribbles with no shape.

  28. If I got assigned to find the beginning or end of these line, I would probably get beyond frustrated. It would take a lot of patience to find the origin. Hopefully, I never have to do that because I'm not the most patient person ever.

  29. I couldn't fin the beginning of the line. I would actually like to try this project. It would be very fun to do. I think I could do it but not near as good as they can do it.

  30. I dont think I would ever be able to find the beginning or end. It seams like a very intersting project. I think we could do it if we were able to create something really simple.

  31. I agree with Malary it would be cool at the beginning but at the end it would be terrible. Plus i think this type of thing is way to trippy.

  32. This would be a very challenging project. I like how It's one continuous line throughout the entire thing. I don't know if I would have the patience to find the beginning, but this is definitely something I would look into and attempt to do.

  33. I don't think I would be able to find the beginning or the end of these lines. It seems very complicated. It is cool how the lines up close don't look anything like a picture but once you look at it from a distance it is a picture.

  34. This is very cool. This would be very hard to do. I could not find the begining. I would never try this. I know i could not ever do this.

  35. this would be pretty cool. but looks very hard. but very interesting

  36. I love this art! It seems difficult, but I think with the right technique this would be pretty simple! I would like to try this sometime!

  37. It looks really cool. I don't think I would enjoy doing it but it still seems cool.

  38. it looks really cool
    i probably took a while to do this

  39. i dont think i could find around in these line's and if i tried i would be so frustrated but it's a cool idea.

  40. This is a really cool piece of art. I looks confusing but it is so cool how they made this stuff with just using lines. This would be a challenging piece of art to do.

  41. I think it would be very hard to do this. It is challenging to draw a picture and not pick up your pencil from drawing the continuous line.

  42. This is pretty cool. I would think you could do so many different designs with it. Looks hard. It also looks kind of confusing. It does look like it might be fun though.

  43. I have been looking for the start for ages and still can't find it. If I could find the start and the finish I would definitely want to complete the maze. This would be a really fun project to do, but I don't think I have enough patience for this.

  44. i've never found the start or the end to the lines they seem like they never end though they are really cool pieces of art

  45. I think this would be hard to try. Because it is a bunch of squiggly lines and stuff.

  46. This seems like it is very hard to do. I tried following the lines to see if they are all connected and it was too hard to follow. I wanna try it but i don't know how good it would turn out.

  47. I think this is interesting. It is all one line that has no starting and stopping point. I don't think I would have the patience to do this.
