Friday, August 23, 2013

Don't trip

So I saw this picture online and thought that I would share it with you.

So what do you think this is?  Would you be able to be in a room like this?  Would you want to have a room like this?


  1. This is really cool, it just is so weird how someone can make the floor look that way. I know I would definitely get dizzy walking on this floor. I would want a room like this once I got use to how it looks like it is bumpy.

  2. This is awesome but i got dizzy just looking at it.I know its just the look of the carpet but it looks so real. I dont think i could be in a room like this for very long.I wouldnt be able to survive if this was one of the floors in my house.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This picture is really cool, it makes you look harder and try to figure out how to make the floor look the way that it does. Being in a room like this would make me very dizzy and confused because you would try to step down but you wouldnt be able to. I wouldn't want a room like this because it would be way too confusing for me!

  5. I love how cool this floor is! It is amazing how anyone could design it that way, and it also is mesmerizing just by looking at it. I would adore having a floor like this, but I would probably end up trying to step over the indents!

  6. I like how creative this floor but it is really confusing and i think i would get dizzy if it was in my house

  7. This is really cool. I would get really dizzy, and i could not be in this room for a long time. I would not like to have a room like this!

  8. This floor is very interesting. I think just stepping on it would make me feel like I'm stepping in a hole or off balance with the rest of the surface. I think it is a very cool illusion and is eye catching.

  9. Having a room like this would be very intresting but fun. I would feel like i was walking on an uneven surface and i would probably become disy after being in there for awhile.

  10. I think this whole room is a fibb and it is supposed to make you think that it looks like its just an illusion but I think those are real holes in the floor. just my oppinion

  11. thats is so freaking sweet. it would be hilarious to see how many people trip over it but then the realize its just an islliusin. its also making me really dizzy

  12. this is picture is really cool. it makes my eyes hurt just looking at it. its makes me really dizzy. i wonder if this is a real floor?

  13. I think it is a room with a floor that is shaded darker where it dips in and the lines are curved to give it that kind of effect. I think I would be ok in a room like this but I don't think I would WANT a room like this.

  14. this picture is really cool. it makes you think harder on where to step and whether its going to be a normal step or a hulk stomp. I myself would would hulk stomp every step i take because for my brain it would be confusing.

  15. I don't even know what this suppose to be. and no I don't what to do that in class. it looks hard.

  16. Its an okay picture. Its looks cool and awesome. I could be in a room like this because i don't get dizzy and because its awesome. I wouldn't want this room in my house though because the bumps would be there and my friends would say i made the bumps when i fell down because i'm a big kid.

  17. this looks cool, its like everything falling apart

  18. This picture is really cool carpet. I would like to have carpet in my room to look like this. I think after awhile I would get use to the look of it and it woukd be normal.I would like to see all the reactions I get from my friends and family when they would walk into my room

  19. I think that the lines that they put on the floor was very creative. It would be very hard to not get confused and stumble. Whoever owns the store was very smart and probably laughs every time someone stumbles or falls.

  20. I think this illusion was really creative. I would not like to have this in my roon because I would probably stumble. Its really unique and confusing at the same time.

  21. I like this carpet for a few reasons. First, it is definitely something that would make many people fall and stumble, but is also very unique and creative

  22. Very cool but I think that I would get sick of it afer a while. I might be cool in a store but i wouldn't want it in my room.

  23. This is so cool i would easily trip. I would like to use this my house.

  24. This is really cool. Ithink this is the pattern in the carpet. I would like to see a room that has this. But I dont think I could have a room like this.

  25. that is really cool it looks like so one painted the floor but i would not like it because stuff like that makes me sick it is really cool.

  26. That is really awesome. I like that it looks like the floor has waves in it. It also looks like it has holes in it and your going to fall through. This picture was awesome.

  27. That is really awesome. I like that it looks like the floor has waves in it. It also looks like it has holes in it and your going to fall through. This picture was awesome.

  28. This is very interesting. It kind of gives me a headache. I honestly would not even want to go in a room like this. i think i would have a worse headache if i went into it.

  29. Ummm, i dont think i could keep my food down and i would probably get a headache from staring. And it kind of looks like a video game store.

  30. Ummm, i dont think i could keep my food down and i would probably get a headache from staring. And it kind of looks like a video game store.

  31. Having a floor like that would distract me. I would never get anything done, because I would be too busy staring at the floor. The intricate lines and "dips" would entertain me for a long time.

  32. Wow, this is really cool how someone figured out how to make a floor look like this! I think if I had this floor I would get used to it. I wouldn't want a floor like this though.

  33. i dont get how its art this is dumb

  34. that floor is pretty cool and interasting. i wonder how they did it.


  36. This looks like a bunch of strings tied together laying on the floor. I wouldn't be able to be in a room like this, it's too crazy. It looks cool, but it's way too trippy to look at everyday.

  37. I feel like I would get a headache and get sketched out from walking on this. Just looking at this makes me dizzy. I would want to go into a room like this just to experience it. I makes me wonder how someone could pull this off.

  38. I could hang out in this kind of a room, yes. I actually think the floor is really cool.

  39. Well, It looks like a floor with holes. I wouldn't want to be in a room like this simply because it doesn't seem appealing or fun.

  40. Id love to see these kind of floors in the mall. I think a lot of people would find it interesting!

  41. Digital 3d modeling lines used as a floor, cool. Whoever chose this is way too into technology. I can stare at this for days, considering I have done 3d modeling on computer before and I'm use to this.

  42. This is really cool but super confusing. I wanna go to a store like that. I find it very interesting.

  43. I find this really interesting and fascinating. However, I find is really confusing and hard to look at. If I look at it too long I get kind of dizzy. It is like an illusion.

  44. im not sure if it's a painting or the floor it forms like that i think it would be cool to experience but not in my room.

  45. I dont know what is on the floor. But i dont think i could be in a room like that. Looking at the picture makes me dizzy.

  46. I think having a room like this would be crazy. I think that i would be tripping all of the time and trying to watch my step. But i also think that it would be cool cause you could like prank people with it which would be funny.

  47. This floor is amazing. It is hard to look at because they floor looks like it is bubbling and going down. This would be really fun to do in this class.

  48. This is amazing how they made this look optical allusions. This is such a cool floor.This would be hard to do. I wonder how long it took to make the floor look like this.

  49. Its pretty neat how the floor looks like it has high and low parts to it. I would probably trip even though its flat.XD

  50. I wish my room was like this. I would be psyched out every time I stepped in my room. This floor is the coolest thing I have seen.

  51. I like how they mess with your eyes and make it look like the floor is dented.

  52. the floor is really trippy and a very good illusion i don't think i could walk straight in this room

  53. I think this art is trippy. It would probably make me fall over trying to walk on it.

  54. I really like the floor, and the patterns they made to make it look like it is moving,it looks cool:)

  55. I would definitely have a hard time walking in this room. It looks really cool and interesting. I think it makes the room more interesting than just boring floor.

  56. I would not want this in my room. It looks cool though. It would make you dizzy when looking at it.

  57. This looks really cool, and how they did it in a shop makes it look really cool. I would like to tr it out and see if i could actually do it. I wanna know how they make the hole looking holes in the floor.

  58. This would be fun to look at. I would probably fall a lot. I feel that I would get confused while drawing this. It would be a challenge though.

  59. This is awesome but i got dizzy just looking at it.I know its just the look of the carpet but it looks so real. I don't think i could walk straight in this room

  60. Its weird how the design can do stuff like that. The floor is probably flat but it's how the design is. It would get super dizzy.
