Monday, August 26, 2013

What do you see?

I really don't know what else to say about this picture.  I would really like to just know what you see and what you think about the piece.

What catches your eye first?  
What do you think is the most creative part?


  1. i think it is very cool how the made the persons face out of trees and other outdoor stuff and how they made the nose out of a boys back side who ever made the panting must be a famous artist i wish i could do something like that i really like it how they made very thing flow together and became a person it really looks like a person and it is just made up of all kinds of outdoor stuff.

  2. this is cool, i like how u can see through it, its creative.

  3. The first thing i saw was the big face, and then i see the little boy as the nose. I think this is really cool how they did this, it is very creative. This would be cool to do in class.

  4. The first thing that i saw was the huge eyes staring back at you. I think the most creative part is how they put two pictures and combine them into one. The boy as the nose makes you think twice and makes you really look at the picture.

  5. The first thing i saw was the outline of the face with the trees. I really like how the artist made two pictures into one. This would be fun to do something like this

  6. At first I saw the trees, and then I looked again and i saw the face. i thought it was very creative how they used the other objects to make the facial objects. this would be fun to do.

  7. At first I saw the trees, and then I looked again and i saw the face. i thought it was very creative how they used the other objects to make the facial objects. this would be fun to do.

  8. The whole thing is very creative. The way it's like to pictures in one is mind blowing. I love how the face makes up the different structures in the rest of the picture. It all lines up so well to make the piece complete.

  9. First the whole things is very cool. The one thing that caught my eye first was the face between the two trees. I find it very creative because the mouth is made from a rock the kid is sitting on.

  10. WOW......this picture puts smile on face, seriously.......I would love to do in class. and I love how that dude is a nose......gross but cool.

  11. the big face in the middle was the one that caught my eye first but as I looked closer I realized that there was more to the piture than I thought.

  12. The first thing that caught mye eye was the face. Then i saw how the nose was the boy painting the hut which were the eyes. that was the most creative part.

  13. The first thing that caught my eye was that there was a giant face made out of random things in nature.I think this peice is really creative i love that there is a guy making a painting in a painting

  14. The first thing that caught my eye was a boy painting the picture and of the whole scene. Which then makes it look like a face. I think this is an awesome picture.

  15. The thing that catches my eye first is the art of the face in the painting. Its cool how they lightened the colors in the painting where the boy is painting to show what and where he was painting. One of the most creative parts is how they worked they boy in there as well as adding the face into the scene.

  16. If it were to be presented to me instantaneously, I think I would see the face first. The details in the chin and trees are pretty good. I think that it is pretty creative that he/she got the face and the landscape in the same picture.

  17. the first thing that catches my eye is the guy as the nose painting on a canvas. it's pretty cool how the artist was able to put both nature and a human face together in the same picture

  18. In this painting, the very first thing that i see was the face. Once i laid eyes on the face and its features, i noticed the man in the picture (who is obviously used as the nose) painting another picture on the inside. This painting would be very complicating for me and I'm sure many others just trying to fill in all of the neat nature details.

  19. The first thing that I noticed about this piece was that it was a face. Then I took a closer look and noticed that it was the scenery of a boy painting a picture of a few cottages. I think the piece really tricks the reader into taking a closer look. It's really amazing how the artist could create such an illusion

  20. Right away I see the face of the guy, but when the guy painting the picture I can see everything that is going on. It is really impressive that he could incorporate the big face along with the man painting a picture. Anyone could paint either a man painting or just a mans face, but it is very hard to do both.

  21. This is sweet. Right when i looked at the picture i honestly thought that the kid wasn't in the picture. I love how the man's eyes are the two huts in the back.

  22. The first things I saw were the eyes. I think it is so creative how they made all of these things come together to make a face. It would be fun to do in class, but would take a lot of hard work and time.

  23. This is a really creative project. I think its cool that there is a painting inside of a painting. This would be fun to do in class, but it would be time consuming and you would have to stay focused.

  24. Wow this looks like it would take a lot of time to do. At first all i saw was the trees and the boy painting. Then I looked harder and was the face and everything.

  25. I think this looks amazing. I personally think this one is my favorite. i thought it was only the trees and a boy!!!

  26. I really like these kind of paintings. It really amazes me how that possible. I notice the man on the rock first and the two houses. I don't think i could ever do that.

  27. I really like these kind of paintings. It really amazes me how that possible. I notice the man on the rock first and the two houses. I don't think i could ever do that.

  28. This is a really cool picture. it is a painting inside a painting. there is also a face on the outside of it. It was really confusing at first. Until I started studying it more then I saw all the drawings

  29. This picture is very neat. The boy painting the picture was the first thing i saw. Then i looked again and saw the face and huts and the grassland.

  30. This picture is very neat. The boy painting the picture was the first thing i saw. Then i looked again and saw the face and huts and the grassland.

  31. i think it is cool that someone can draw that because i cant draw that. i think it is cool because it is a painting inside a painting.

  32. This is very cool. I see a boy painting and looking around at houses and trees. Very cool though.

  33. i saw the mouth first, then the face. i tried to focus on the kid but it was so hard to no keep seeing the whole image

  34. I saw the scene at first glance, then I looked closer and realized it was a face. I thought that was cool, and I learned to always look twice at art.

  35. The man in the middle catches my eye first. I think that the most creative part is the paint of the eye and the real eye. You can hardly notice a difference.

  36. the man in the middle that looks like the nose. that part of the picture caught my eye right away. the most creative part of the picture is that it is different objects that make up some of the man.

  37. i think it is cool. its cool how its a picture in a picture. they should keep doing these.

  38. the first thing that caught my eye first was probably the guy in place for the nose. i also think that is the most unique one considering that it is the most out of place one. it is cool.

  39. very very cool love it , i didnt realize it at first and i saw the man in middle

  40. I really like how the artist combine two different paintings into one. It really makes you look at it twice. This is very creative and would be hard to pull off. The artist used different things such as the boy for a nose or trees for the hair.

  41. i like how its a picture inside picture. And how creative the artist was to create this picture was painting different things.

  42. Looks unique. I noticed the right eye first because it's a cool eye. Very interesting.

  43. I like this one a lot. I first noticed the painter in the painting. This is something I would like to do. I would fail but it would be a nice thing to try. It is very interesting.

  44. painting within a painting with a face due to the painting within the painting. I love it! Anything with "inception" of same object within another intrigues me.

  45. I always like these perspective pictures. The one with the "two old women" that you see everywhere are my favorite. You don't see many of these otherwise, unfortunately.

  46. I looked at the face first. It's pretty cool how he was painting an eye on a persons face and making it look like another picture. Very cool

  47. I really like the fact that they used the painting thing to make symmetrical eyes. This is one of my favorite types of art. I think it is so creative it hurts.

  48. This is super cool. At first I only saw the big head but once I looked closer I saw the smaller details. I want to try painting something like this because it is a really creative idea.

  49. This is super cool. It plays a trick on your brain just looking at it. I think it would be a challenge to do, but I think it would be fun to try to do something like this.

  50. This is super cool. It looks like a fun piece of art but a little trippy. This would be a hard piece of art to do. This would take a long time to do.

  51. It looks really cool, and I noticed the face before I noticed the components. It would be cool if there were boulders that looked like giant mouths, that would make a good sculpture.

  52. I think this is really cool. You can look at it and see different thing from a different view. This is something I would not like to try ever.

  53. The face caught my eye first. I had to look a little to find that the boy was painting the house. I thought is cool how the house became the eyes and the nose was the boy.

  54. This is very cool to me. I like how they painted a person but if you look at it in a different way, there is a kid painting a house.

  55. The first thing I saw was the outline of the man's face with the trees as his hair. I really like how the artist made two pictures out of one. This would be fun to do something like this in our class.

  56. I see two pictures in one. I see a little boy sitting on a rock between to trees painting a picture of a house and a mountain, but I also see two eyes, a nose, a mouth , and a chin. It's so cool how you can make two pictures in one.

  57. i see two picture in one kinda like an illusion it is really cool tho i definitely saw the face then after that i saw the boy painting

  58. I see three different sceneries in this picture. I see a kid painting, I see a face, I see grass huts. It is pretty cool how we are able to see that many images in one painting.

  59. I like how there are so many different colors all put together. Also I like how they put a couple different scenes all in one picture it makes it look really cool. It is also pretty trippy.

  60. I like these kind of pictures that you can see more than one thing in it. I see a face and in the face there is a person painting. I would like to do a painting like this.
