Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day

The first day can mean different things to different people.  Some love the first day and they can't wait for it, while others are filled with fear and dread of the unknown.

What were your feelings on the first day?  Were you excited, scared or nervous.  What are you looking forward to this year?


  1. I felt excited, its one more year closer to graduating. I wasn't nervous because i have been going here for years. I'm looking forward to passing my junior year of high school.

  2. I honestly did not want to come back to school, summer went by way too fast. I am only excited because I am junior this year. I am looking forward to all of the activities this year.

  3. The first day is always the same with some differences. It just feels like the same environment with different people. With new freshman and no old seniors, it can seem different. But its still the same old school with the same old routine.

  4. Going into this year of school i wasn't really excited, nervous, or scared. School comes pretty easy for me so its pretty chill coming into my sophomore year of high school. I am not looking forward to the school part, but I am looking forward to everything else. Like Friday night football.

  5. On the first day of school i wasn't excited to get up early in the morning ,and come to school and do something i don't want to do. It was also fun seeing all of my friends.Can't wait till school is over.

  6. I was very depressed in going into this year. I don't like going to school because they never feed me right. I would really much rather be at home eating what i like. I do not like school at all.

  7. School again?! Back to another school year with lengthily assignments and getting up early in the mornings. There will be good times with friends though which doesn't make school as bad.

  8. On the first day of school I was ready to see my friends. But I wasn't looking forward to learning and getting up at 7 in morning. I'am looking forward to playing football. And it should be a good year.

  9. the first day always drags on. its always the same, going through the rules and meeting new kids. lets just say i am very glad the first day is over.

  10. entering as a freshman, i was confused on where to go or who i was supposed to be with. finding the new classes was a challenge for me. i got lost a few times and had no clue where i was. i'm just glad that the first day of rules and going over everything we would be learning throughout the year!

  11. I love the first day of school, and was really excited for this year. I wasn't nervous this year because I am a Sophomore and i knew what to expect. I can't wait to see how the rest of the year goes!

  12. I wasn't too pleased going into this school year. Summer seemed to go by too fast. It's always good to be back and see friends though. I was mostly excited because its football season and the first game is right around the corner. It's time to get back in the swing of things and have a good year. Go big.

  13. I wasn't so excited about going to school again. Summer was fun but way to fast and wish it was longer. I'm glad that i get to see my friends and meet new teachers. Hope to have a great year.

  14. Honestly i didn't want to come back to school. I just was not ready because my summer just flew by so fast. I was kinda nervous to be a Junior. In school when i seen all my friends it made it all better. I'm excited to be a junior and next year a senior. time went by so fast.

  15. I wasn't excited for the first day of school at all. I wasn't looking forward to getting up early. I wasn't nervous, excited, or scared. It's just another year of school. My summer went by way to fast, and I wish I could go back.

  16. I didnt want to come back to school this year. I wasnt ready to get up early to go to school and learn. But i was excited for school sports starting up again.

  17. I was very mad about having to go back to school because I don't Want to learn. The school also doesn't give us enough food for lunch. They gonna Learn today.

  18. I really wasn't looking forward to the first day back to school. The only exciting thing about this year is that it is my last. I took a hard schedule, but i shouldn't have. To graduate I needed to get a fine arts credit, so I decided to be in chorus. After one day I decided that chorus was a bad idea and I joined Art 1.

  19. i wasnt looking forward to school . but then i realized that football started a week before so it would be easier with school and practice after not 3 hour practices every day at 8 o clock.

  20. I kind of liked the first day of school, I mean it I imagined to be but it was okay. plus I thought there would be new people but noooooooo, still the same boring people

  21. the first day of school for me was okey but it was so boring and i hated when the teachers talk about new rules its just too much

  22. The first day of school was not as bad as I thought it would be. I expected it to be a long boring day with nothing to do, but it was alright.

  23. The first day was good. it was overall a great day. i expected it to be rough.

  24. the first day of school fun because i like my class.

  25. I thought the first day of school was going to be boring but it turned out to be somewhat fun. I got a few classes changed so that made it better.

  26. The first day I was annoyed to be starting school again. Its not that bad this year, I am excited for prom!

  27. I felt depressed the first day. Think of it like when the tide turned during world war two, each side knew it would be a long and hard journey, regardless of how it would turn out in the end. I was (and still am) looking forward to art because they didn't have it in eight grade and it is my favorite class.

  28. My first year of high school , i was very nervous. But now my sophomore year i wasn't scared to come back. Just didn't want to come back

  29. my first year of high school i switch school and it was pretty intimidating at first but then i met new people and it was all good the rest of the year

  30. I feel like this is a cool picture. I hate the first day of school. i wish we had a longer summer.

  31. When i was little i loved the first day of school. But ever since high school i dread the first day every year. I can't wait for my last day next year!

  32. I was always excited for the first day of school. thats why i like this picture a lot
