Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Threading a nail

So those of you who are reading this blog know that I am easily amazed by the patience that some artists have to create their works.  Well i found another artist that has that phenomenal patience.  Kumi Yamahita is a New York artist that uses white boards, galvanized nails and black thread.  That is it!!

She takes that single-unbroken strand of black thread and winds it around the nails.  So anywhere that the thread gets darker is just her weaving it around the nails as many times as she needs to to get the denisty that the picture needs.  I hope that makes sense.  Can you explain it better?

She calls the overall collection "Constellation"  any ideas why that is the title of her show?  You know I have to ask if you could do this?  And no I am not going to have you do this, at least not this year.


  1. This is really amazing. Its amazing how people can come up with new and different techniques. i really love how she used the shading and the dark areas.

  2. tif they dont make alot of money on thi there is no point because thats way to time consuming

  3. tif they dont make alot of money on thi there is no point because thats way to time consuming

  4. this is kind of weird. I wouldnt want to do this. this seems like one of those arts that never do anything.

  5. I would never want to do this. It looks to complicated. although this looks kind of cool

  6. That looks hard. I wouldn't be patient enough to do this. It still looks cool though.

  7. This art is very interesting. I think its really cool and i wish i knew how to do this kind of art.

  8. This are looks awesome! I wish i could have the patients to do this.

  9. how do they do this? i like it but that would take so long to do

  10. I think its rather cool, it lookes like theres a pic under that with thoughs threds and needels on it making it look like and older lookin pic

  11. This is just flat out crazy. I would never have the time to do this and I wouldnt want to! This would take me a couple years to finish. I do this it is quite impressive though.

  12. my first impression was wow, I would never want to do anything like this! It looks like it would take a long time to do, so much thread must of been used. I dont understand how they would do this. Do they have a pattern that they use and follow or what?

  13. i think this is pretty cool considering how long it takes and the patience you need. i dont know how they thought of this but if they like it and thinks its a good time let them do it i got nothing against it.

  14. i dont even know what this art is. but they made a little cash in the making so let them do it cause im not stopping them. i think its funny how some of these people who write theses dont even put in 3 sentences haha, do they get full credit?

  15. OUCH! talk about needing a thimble, unless you got fingers of steel. It would take patience which I would not have. I only have patience for other things. Art just isn't my thing! But gotta love it;)

  16. It would take me an extremely long time to make this. It would be hard to get the details in the piece but it is defeinitely possible!

  17. this is cool. it looks like a actual photo. is it glass

  18. This is really cool. It would take alot of time and patience. I'm not very patience so i wounldn't want to do this.

  19. I think this would be the funnest project of the year if we did this.

  20. This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I think we shoud do this for our semester test or our final project. I really like this art, it's neat and challenging.

  21. this is really cool. i could never do this. if i did it would take me forever.

  22. thats awesome. i have seen those before, my dad did this when he was in highschool. he made a ship. this would be fun to do but it would take a long time.

  23. this is cool, but they have too much time on their hands

  24. I think this art is very cool. I thnk that would be really hard to do and i would not have the patience to do it. So no i dont think it would be a good idea to do this but this is very interesting!

  25. i think this is very difficult but good art

  26. woww, this is crazy i dont even know how they can do this. it is unbelievable that this is my last blog post. so who cares how he made that, he made a bunch of money doing this! they all did so let them do it! woo wooooo last blog post:))))))))) omg omg omg omg omg last blog post

  27. This looks realy cool and very time consuming. I dont think i would have the patience to do this. But if i could sit down and try it i think i could find out what patterns to use for it.

  28. i really like these its really creative how she uses nails and white boards and its really amazing how the turn out this probably takes alot of time

  29. I think this is cool how they use the thread and needle to bring more to the picture. I feel like this type of art would take a lot of patience and time. I think this would be cool to try on a small scale.

  30. This Photo is somewhat cool but the kid with the crooked teeth is kinda creepy

  31. this is one of the mostt time consuming and skill need thing i have seen in a long time and it would be cool if i didnt have the patience of a squirrel i would like to do it but i have the attention span of a suirrel

  32. i dont really understand all the knitting to make the image actially look real and i just think the time put into this is phenomanol and i am not into that kiknd of art that is pretty planned but i am more into on the spot stuff

  33. i think this looks stupid. this would take a lot of time to do. this wouldnt be worth the time to do it.

  34. This is pretty intersting. You would think that it was a normal painting or drawing, but if you look closely, its detailed. This looks hard to do.

  35. this is too time spending and would not enjoy this at all

  36. I think this is amazing, i cant imagine the patience it would take to do this, the detail looks alot like a detailed ddrawing. This is really really cool!

  37. I love it. But it would be impossible to do it!!

  38. its not something that i would ever do because i think its stupid because it takes way to much time to do and its not worth it in the end

  39. This is really cool. It would be fun because contsillation makes me think of the stars. But it would be really time consuming and i would get bored with it right away.

  40. this art very cool but colorless

  41. I think this art is cool. It is cool with color.

  42. this is pretty cool i guess..idont know if i would ever be able to do it..i prolly wouldnt have the patience

  43. these are not my thing and i wouldnt like to do it. i usually like the things you post but this is one i dislike. it looks long and boring unless on a small scale

  44. This art is really good. It would take awhile but I think i could accomplish it. It may not be any good tho.

  45. This art is very interesting. I think its really cool and i wish i knew how to do this kind of art

  46. It looks very good. I like it. but it looks very hard to do.

  47. I think that this is really cool, but I don't have the patience to do anything like this.

  48. This is some peice of work and it must have taken about a month to do this but great job

  49. This art would take a lot of time and patience. I don't know how good i would be at it, but it would be interesting to try. I admire the people that are good at this.

  50. This is probably the most complicated work I have ever seen! It is a wonderfull display, with all of the string it must have taken real detication! I love it, but could never see myself doing something like this!

  51. I think u would have to have a lot of talent to do something like this. I don't have talent like that so I would suggest we don't do this in class

  52. This looks extremely complicated, and time consuming. I don't think that i could ever make this even if i didn't have a deadline! This is a very cool project, and i would love to see one if someone from our school were to make one!

  53. These look really good and I like them. I would not have the talet or patients to do something like this. it is a very interesting project and it would be cool to make a mini project out of it.

  54. of all the different art I have seen this one is the one I real dislike. it's just disgusting I mean I just plan hate it. I wish we do not do it.

  55. this would take like most of my time and i would not want to do this in class b

  56. I like how up close they look kind of bad and then they look good far away. I would never be able to do this and i bet i would fail if I tried it. I don't think we should do this in class.

  57. Holy Cow! It must have taken tons of planning and time to create something that unique. I don't think I would have enough patience to master a detailed picture like that. Even a flower would be hard to create.

  58. Wow! Umm well that looks like a project that would take me for ever to do and i dont think i would have the patience to even accomplish the project.

  59. I think i MIGHT be able to do this but it would also be very complicated because you have to use a lot of thread and be very careful and precise about where you put the thread so you can get the right color and darkness where you need it.

  60. I believe she calls this art constellation because of the stars. The nails represent the starts and the string is just added to give you a better view of what it looks like. I don't think i would be able to do this type of project on this type of level. It would take way to much patience for me and I would get so confused on the nails and string of where they go. I would probably be able to do a less complicating nail art instead.

  61. I think it looks likes stars, so therefor its name is constellation. No, I don't think I could ever do this. I don't have the patience! It is very awesome though!

  62. I thought it was supposed to be lined up as stars. This doesn't even look like nails anyways.

  63. I have no idea why it is called what it is called. This is very cool. I could never do this. This would be very hard.

  64. Holy crap, this is awesome. I hope you never make us do this; it just looks like it would take us the whole school year. I will never try this.

  65. Wow this amazing, this would be very hard to do. I hope i never have to do a project like this. This would take a lot of time to do.

  66. it has no color to these pictures
    this is amazing but hard to do this

  67. This is really cool but seems like it would take quite a long time to do.

  68. Wow! I see this all of the time but it is never my class doing it!

  69. So time consuming but I would be happy with the end results.

  70. I think this looks very cool but you would have to have a ton of patience. I don't think I could ever do one of these because i would never finish it and it looks very intricate. Someone who does these would really have to know what they're doing.

  71. This looks like tedious work. I would not be willing to try this. It turned out in the end though, this is an interesting idea. I only wish there was more color.

  72. Constellation is an incredible name for this piece. This is because each nail is like a star. The string is like our imagination connecting them into a shape.

  73. This looks amazing but I am wondering how you would plan out one of these; These look too good to be simply improvised.

  74. I get why she called them "Constellation", but she must have been super bored to plan, develop, and thread all of these. She could have spent some time coming up with a more creative title :) .

  75. the paint explosion looks really really cool. it like someone just dropped a bucket full of paint and it all just exploded. I like how all the colors look separate to.

  76. It is so inspiring to see the amazing things people are capable of. I cannot imagine doing such meticulous work to make such impressive work

  77. I think they are called Constellation since the names are like the stars and the thread connects them into shapes. I am very sure that I'll never do anything like this because it takes way more patience than I have. We aren't doing this though, right?

  78. Wow, this must be time consuming. You would have to plan this out for it to work. In the end, it really comes out. That is if you know what you are doing. I think it could be relaxing. Probably take like a month or two. I don't think this would be for me.

  79. This artist is extremely talented. It must have taken so much planning in order to not mess up the rhythm.

  80. I like this but I feel like it would take a long time to do.This artist is very talented.I couldn't be able to do this.

  81. This looks like it would almost take more time than alot of other art forms. Getting the string and the nails in the right spot would take time but it looks neat.

  82. I think this is super cool. It would be so time consuming though. It would take some real skill and patience to be able to do this. Even just figuring out if every nail is where it is supposed to be and stuff would take forever

  83. I think this is super cool. This would be something fun to try if you had a lot of free time. This is something I would like to try.

  84. This seems really cool to do. It doesn't seem too challenging but fun to do at the same time. I feel like it would take a lot of nails and string to do this project.

  85. This is amazing. I like how you use the same string all throughout. I also think it is cool the way you sading it. I have seen students do this. I think it would be cool to do this in studio art.

  86. I think this is pretty cool considering how long it takes and the patience you need. I'm not very patience so i wounldn't want to do this.That is if you know what you are doing.

  87. Its cool how its all pins. Like the string and pins make a really cool look. They also have to have so much time and patients.

  88. I think they are called Constellation since the names are like the stars and the thread connects them into shapes. I am very sure that I'll never do anything like this because it takes way more patience than I have.
