Monday, April 15, 2013

Playing with your food

So I am sure that at one point or another all of you have played with your food.  Well the young artist Hong yi has taken playing with her food to an all new level. I saw her plate art this weekend and I thought it was amazing and had to share it with you.  She uses a plane white plate as the background to show off her food and images.

So can you figure out what type of foods she uses for most of her pictures?  Do you have a favorite?  Or which food do you think made the most creative plate?  Can you think of a food that would make a great picture?


  1. This is so cool. I think the tiger if of course made out of carrots and some other food. The most creative one in my opinion is the squid attacking the pirates ship. Finally, I think that macaroni, because hello we're used to it every child at one point made art out of macaroni. NO but seriously I think that spaaghetti, mashed potatos or something would be interesting.

  2. This art looks delicious. I would look at it say it looks good then eat it. I make art on my own food all the time.

  3. i like how they make food and design it into great peices

  4. i think this is pretty cool art. it is really creative. my favorite one is the one will the boy and girl with balloons. i think its made out of cherry tomatoes. the owl one is also really creative.

  5. waste of food. but the balloon one is cute. i can hardly tell what they are made out of because i usually dont care much for that healthy food.

  6. this is pretty cool i like how the last photo they did the oatmeal as the ground it is a really good idea

  7. This is really cool. I like how its not something you would expect to be in the form of art. I find these types of art are the best.

  8. my favorite one is the chicken one because it is made purely out of the egg and parts of it. it is also cool because it m=is made of egg and makes a picture that has to do with an egg.

  9. i also like the tiger because tigers are my favorite animal and carrots are yummy wich makes it awesome art to me.

  10. This is really cool because they are making art out of fruit. And it looks real too. Its very cool.

  11. all of the art are really good. it looks so realistic and cant imagine how to picture it in your head.

  12. playing with your food is very childish. it looks pretty fun though. the person that did this was deffinitly one bored person while eating.

  13. my mom told me not to play with my food but we all do anyways and i dont think that you could sell this

  14. I think this looks really cool. I like the one with the fish in the water. This would be fun to do.

  15. these pictures are really cool. i cant really tell what they are made out of and i think the one with the sail boat is the coolest one that she made. I would love to try this sometime!

  16. I really like these pictures, they look really fun to make. I would love to give it a try sometime

  17. i love this art. i never knew people did this and i like it. its creative

  18. This is really cool. I like how its not something you would expect to be in the form of art. I find these types of art are the best.

  19. well that blows no playing with your food out of the water haha this is really cool i remember making my mashpotatos look like a feils that had been plowed

  20. I once again would never have the patients to do this. I would deffinatly eat the food by the time I made a picture out of it.

  21. this looks really cool, I think food can make really good art projects. I like the tiger one the most im not sure what food they made it out of. It looks like sliced carrots and raisins, but im not really sure! I play with my food all the time, but i never make anything cool like these plates.

  22. its pretty cool the ship is my favorite but it makes me think what made whoever want to do something like this what were they thinking for them to do something like this

  23. this is actually pretty sweet. looks realy realistic, but somepeople say we are running out of food in the earth, then why are we doing this? haha im just saying but they made money by doing this so let them keep doing it.

  24. What did their parents teach them! Looks like they don't like their vegetables. Not sure why people would do something like that but it's pretty neat.

  25. It is cool. I dont think I would not play with food.

  26. This artist definitely took playing with their food to a whole new level. It would be fun to see what you could make out of your oridnary meal.

  27. this cool. i like it. very cool

  28. This is so awesome! my favorite is the squid. I could do this though i would probolly be eating it as i made it.

  29. This would be fun because your working on art with food and i could eat the food while i work on this.

  30. this would be really fun to do. i think we should do this as a project.

  31. thats really good. my favorite is the tiger. it looks like it is made out of carrots. this would take forever and it would be really hard.

  32. this is actaully really cool, i like the balloon one only cause they have a sense of shading with the tomatoes

  33. this is really cool i love the sqid because it has most detail i dont know what food they used but it must have been hard to create the image with any food

  34. i think the squid is the coolest one. i think artest these days will use about anything to make a masterpiece. i think the way they use all these different ways to make paintings and sculptures is pretty cool but im not that creative.

  35. This very cool, i like how the cherry tomatoes are made into balloons

  36. I think its cool how these people managed to make art out of pieces of food. We did something like this in computer aps just on the computer instead. I didnt really like it that much and hope not to make anything with food and just stick to eating it.

  37. I really like it, but i feel like you would have to make it really fast

  38. I always did this as a kid, but definetly not as detailed nor good. Its really nice looking.

  39. this art is cool, and would be fun to do. i feel i do it everyday

  40. im almost positive that we were all told not to play with our food but i dont have the time to do this and i would probibly start throwing when i cant get it to do what i want it to do

  41. this art is awesome because its tasty

  42. this is cool..i henestly prefer to eat my food than play with it but thats just me

  43. these made me hungry cuz i havent eaten dinner and the eggs arent appetizing because of the shell in it and shell is digusting

  44. This art is really good. It would take awhile but I think i could accomplish it. It may not be any good tho.

  45. This is really cool. I like how its not something you would expect to be in the form of art. I find these types of art are the best.

  46. My favorite one in the jell-o one. it looks really cool. it problealy goes bad very fast.

  47. this is a waste of food. though cool looking i cannot condone this.

  48. I like the picture with the house and the fields. It looks like it is made out of green peppers. I think that this is really clever.

  49. I like these pictures and how they only make it with food

  50. I think this is really interesting and is a cool idea. I like how they only make it out of food and make the food into different things. I think this would be a really interesting project to do.

  51. This project seems like it would be pretty tricky to do, but she uses the foods that she has really well. She uses many fruits and vegetables in her work which makes it unique. I love what she is able to do and think that it would be fun to try and make the tiger one.

  52. she makes art with her food in a very unique way. The artist also helps her determine in what she will be making. Some of the factors that help her determine this is the shape, size, and color.

  53. This is one of my favorite projects. i would love to try this, although i would have to use gross food otherwise i would probably eat it before i finished.

  54. When I was little I would always play with my food but i never brought it to that level. I think what she did with the food is cool because most people would never think of useing food to make unique pictures with normal food that you see every day.

  55. This is one of the best food art i have ever seen. I especially like the squid art because the way the food interacts with the plate. I think the last one is pretty cool because it looks like the bed of a seaweed infested ocean with an odd twist of the sun still being visible.

  56. This is a very cool project. My favorite one is the chickens wtih the sun. You can see that they used egg shells for the chickens and half of a boiled egg for the sun. This would be a fun project.

  57. I think that using food was really creative but I would like to see some candy bar masterpieces up there

  58. This is one of the coolest things i have seen! My favorite ones would have to be the tiger made with the carrots i think, and also the owl made with all of the onions!

  59. I think that this is really cool. This seems like something i would be interested in doing. Mainly I think it would be cool to watch other people try to get it perfectly contructed, because it wouldnt be easy.

  60. So Cool! I do NOT have the talent to do something so creative! The artist used something normal in out daily lives and made it special. Thats what makes people give it a second look, I wouldnt be able to something like this though.

  61. first of all i think this is really creative and interesting. the egg one was my favorite how he used egg shells to form a chicken.

  62. She mosly uses fruits and vegetables which is a good idea because if children see this they will probably be like wow that is so cool. A great food to make art with is raw pizza. PLus then it looks cool when you are eating it.

  63. this is so cool i want to do this in class but i would eat the food instead of making them sit on the plate doing nothing when they can go in my stomach

  64. I like this a lot especially the one that uses tomatoes as a big heart balloon. I would think that would be fun one to draw I probably wouldn't want to do this in class, I would rather do it at home.

  65. i like the tomatoes the best out of all of them. this would be a really cool project to do in class. another thing that would be cool to use is like banana.

  66. It makes you wonder if she just sat down with a snack and just started to create a masterpiece. I love the tomato balloon one. It is simple and it is very impressive. Different fruit could be used for many different scenes.

  67. I am really impressed on how she created objects out of food on a plate. I like the owl the most. The food she used the most was onins on the owl.

  68. it cool how she created objects out of the fruits.

  69. they don't have to play with the food! it's for eating, not for art, but it's kind of cool, but other they shouldn't play with food.

  70. These look really good and I like them. I would not have the talent or patients to do something like this. But it makes me really freaking hungry.

  71. it is really cool and you would have to have the right food to do that and pashents because some food roll

  72. I really like this and my favorite is the owl just because. I also think that this makes eating some of these foods more fun because I hate tomatoes but when they are shaped like a balloon they become more appealing.

  73. I like the picture of the farm house, and the fields that are made of cucumbers. I think it is super creative. I think I would use apples if I were to make something.

  74. These pictures are super creative. My favorite is the little boy and girl holding the balloons, there so cute. If i were going to make one id use grapes.

  75. This would take a lot of talent to make these. I don't really know who would waste food to make art though. At least they just wasted vegetables instead of meat. If I did it I would definitely use a steak to make a scene.

  76. I love food projects. They always find a way to make me hungry except its healthy food. This art work is also pritty cool.

  77. If i could choose to do this project in art, i would. spaghetti would make a good food item for this project, you could use it for hair. these food projects are very creative.

  78. I really like the basic, yet thoughtful look to all the pieces. I think i've kind of always wanted to do something like this without really knowing it.

  79. Most of these works are very cheerful and bright. This would be an excellent way to get kids to eat their vegetables, by disguising them as art. It makes me want to try this at home during my next meal. I think that mashed potatoes would make great clouds over a green field made of lettuce.

  80. Most of these works are very cheerful and bright. This would be an excellent way to get kids to eat their vegetables, by disguising them as art. It makes me want to try this at home during my next meal. I think that mashed potatoes would make great clouds over a green field made of lettuce.

  81. This was total me as a child, my creations probably looked a lot better in my head. I'm just kidding. When I played with my food it was only with my imagination.

  82. This is very creative and resourceful. It is probably a lot harder than it looks. I think that if I tried this I would end up eating the food. I do not have the patience for that while food is sitting right in front of me.

  83. This is very creative and unique. I like how they used the different types of foods to come up with ideas .

  84. these are really cool and my favorite one is the squid that appears to be painted with ink on the plate ant the boat in the back

  85. This is very cool art. MY favorite would be the chicken and sun because you can tell they used a boiled egg. I feel like I do this all the time but I never see art through it.
