Monday, April 8, 2013

Sticks and Strawa

I hope this year I have shown you all sorts of items that could be used to create art, well I have another interesting art sculpture.  This time they are made out of sticks and straws.  I thought they were kind of cool.  But I would love to know what you think?

Can you guess this famous person?


  1. This is pretty neat, looks like they are really good with depth and shadowing. Not sure how they did the first one and no clue who it is but it simple looking and really good.

  2. They look pretty cool and its colorful. It must take a lot of straws just to make one picture. I would try this out.

  3. I have no idea who the person in the first picture is, but its pretty cool. You can make art out of anything it seems like, like who thinks of making art out of straws! I would of never thought of putting straws together and making it look like someone. I bet it didnt take to long though, looks pretty easy.

  4. I would love to do this art project. It looks really fun to make.

  5. This would be fun to make. But it does look like it would take some time...

  6. This is pre cool to look at because of the faces being created in the sticks and straws

  7. i like this but the first one looks photoshopped but the second one looks cool and real

  8. this is the first piece of art work that i actually thought about doing i think its pretty cool and i would like to learn how to do something like this

  9. this is really cool! it reminds me of those things youd put your face or hands in and it would keep its shape.

  10. this is really cool. it looks like one of those things you put your face in. really neat

  11. this is realy cool i like how it is just sticks and straws. I think it would be fun to do something like this for class. I think every one colud do this. If i were to do this project i think i would do a fish.

  12. the first one is JOHNNY DEPP!!!!!!!! Anyway this is realy cool i never would have guessed you could make art this way out of straws and sticks. I figured you'd just lay them down and make art by connecting a few staws, but stacking them like this is awesome. I most likely couldn't do this because if i had a straw then i'd need something to drink, then something to eat, then i would never do it (kind od like "if you give a mouse a cookie")

  13. this is pretty neat. it would probably take a long time to get the right place where the sticks and straws should be.

  14. i dont like it. but atleast sticks and straws have a new purpose in life

  15. i really like these guessing the top picture is johhny depp. and the last one looks like the clown guy off saw

  16. These are really cool, but I dont think I would like to do it. It seems like you need alot of patience to do this though. It took way to many straws to make the second one.

  17. the face drinking a straw is cool because it is a face made out of straws yet it is ironic because it is using a is like the child tow that pushes out the pins if you put pressure.

  18. I think this is cool because the guy drinking out of a straw is made of straws. I like it because it also creates a more shadow effect. This is very creative and I have done this before.

  19. this would be very hard to do. the whole concept is cool though. the shadowing would be very had to do on a project like this.

  20. This would be fun to make. But it does look like it would take some time...

  21. it looks kinda creepy, my opinion anywhays, but kinda neat at the same time and hard

  22. This is super cool. I just wonder how this artist thought of making things out of straws? This would actually be really cool to try.

  23. I think that these are really cool! I would love to try these.

  24. awhhhmgggg this is super amazing!!!!! this is crazy and it looks sweet! WHOEVER MADE THIS MADE LOTS OF MONEY YEAHHHH!:)THISS IS MY FAVORITEEE!

  25. It would be fun to do this try of art. It is very cool.

  26. thats awesome. that would take forever to make the straws just the right height to make it work. this would be fun but would take forever to make.

  27. This kinda of scares me alittle, especially the second picture. But overall this is one unique art. Its amazing how they can make faces and make it so real.

  28. This type of art are made out of straws. I like how the second picture have a 3D look to it. Someday i would like to try this out.

  29. this art is not to bad. i think this would be kind of a fun art project but then again it would take some time to get a good project out of that.

  30. i think this looks very difficult. i wouldnt try it becasue i dont have that much patience. i think if they can make money and have a good time and they think there contributing i say let them go.

  31. this would be a fun project. it would take forever to make. i wouldnt have the patients for that.

  32. I like the idea of making art out of colored straws. This seems very difficult though and pretty time consuming if you want to do well. I would not enjoy doing this because i would get to frustrated.

  33. this would be a cool project on a smaller scale and if we had more time but i like how it can add depressions and indents to almost add shading.

  34. This is cool, nut would take alot of time. Its cool how they how they added depth for shading.

  35. This is interesting. It would start a good conversation probably! I like it though.

  36. I really like it. And i would say the first one is johny depp..

  37. this would be way to hard to do and I would not enjoy it at all

  38. this is awsome it looks so cool and i bet it would sell for alot of money

  39. this is cool..we should have done this for a project in class..i would actually try on it since i like it

  40. This is pretty interesting. I don't think it would be very fun to try though. It could probably get boring for me.

  41. i think the johnny depp one is awesome but it almost looks like an asian johhny depp and it makes me laughh when i look at it

  42. This art is really good. It would take awhile but I think i could accomplish it. It may not be any good tho.

  43. it looks cool. it is problely very hard. they problely take a long time.

  44. Making art out of sticks and straws is a very creative idea, but honestly it doesn't impress me as much as most of the other projects. It would be a fun one to try though.

  45. I think the straw Art is really cool and it would be something good to try in class

  46. Thid reminds me of the the little toy thing made of nails. When I was little I would put my face in it and it kinda looks liek the face picture above.

  47. Straw art looks cool to do. It looks fun but also challenging. I like the colorful one. I think it would take forever to do but worth it in the end.

  48. I think the straw art looks fun to do and really cool, that would be something i would like to do in class

  49. Wow! The amount of time someone must have to create these is amazing. And the art and sculpting takes some talent too.

  50. The straw art project looks like a fun, and i would like to do that for an art project. Also i think it is a creative project.

  51. This looks cool but it also looks pretty hard to do because it looks like you would have to be pretty exact with what length you cut the straws depending on how exact you want your picture or object to be.

  52. i think this art project would be challenging, but fun at the same time. i would have a hard time with getting an even cut on the straws to get them the same length.

  53. In the top one,i believe that the famous person is Johnny Depp. But, I also think that that project looks kind of boring but also challenging to create. On the other hand, i really like the straw art. I think it is very creative and of course it would be hard to do trying to make each piece the perfect length for the face.

  54. I think this a really cool idea to do, but it would take a lot of time to make. They had to be like exact with the length of their straws. I think this project is very creative because who just thinks of making thing out of straws.

  55. Hate it big time. I think this picture is stupid, plus it looks so scary...

  56. This picture is amazing. I would love to do this kinda stuff. This would be so much fun.

  57. i love the straw one. i think its funny how the artist make him drinking out of a straw, it makes me think of those weird stick things that you can poke and it holds it

  58. that is cool how people can make stuff out of any thing really i like that have the person popping out of strawa

  59. i would have to have some big straws to do this

  60. I think this really kind of creepy. I wouldn't want to do this unless it was a sceenery. Its very creative though.

  61. These are really cool. I think that the one with the sticks is better. The darker sticks shade it a lot better. The straws are more random, but it is really cool how they use different lengths of straws to shade

  62. This is sweet. That would take forever and take a lot of straws. It is also a cool idea how they did this.

  63. this is creative, but it would take to much time. the one with colorful straws looks pretty cool, but i wouldnt try to do it

  64. this looks like one of those grid things that take what ever shape is presses into them

  65. I bet that the same project can be done using the veggie straws too, then it would be edible. I think this is really creative and fun. It would look great next to a pop machine. It seems pretty simple to do, but it looks really neat!

  66. These are very interesting to me, I feel I would be able to create something similar to these. It looks like a project that many other are able create and become inspired

  67. This is pretty cool. I like how there isn't like very distinct features but you can still tell what it is.

  68. Wow. Im amazed about how well these projects are so neatly put together.
