Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wishing tree

So I found this and I just thought it was really cool and that I would share it with you. 

So do you want to hop a plane and find this tree as much as I do?  Would you love to know some of the stories behind each coin or do you not really care?  Maybe you think it is dumb?


  1. wow thats is pretty cool if i had nothing better to do i would listen to storeis about it

  2. i think it is cool that they pounded coins into the wood but just imagine how much that tree weights now. i think the money in the tree is worth alot if you add it all up but hey just leave it be.

  3. I think that it is really cool how this one tree holds thousands of memories and stories from so long ago. And each coin gos with that story. I think we should just leave it there because it probably does hold alot of value to some people and we should respect that.

  4. id like to see it sometime. its strange but interesting. i would love to hear the stories behind each coin

  5. That is crazy. Guess a little wishin well wasn't cuttin it! That is a lot of coins also. Cut that tree down and take all the coins out!

  6. i think it is cool that they pounded coins into the wood but just imagine how much that tree weights now. i think the money in the tree is worth alot if you add it all up but hey just leave it be

  7. This seems like a really creative version of a wishing well. I think it would be awesome to know some of the stories behind the coins. It's unique, so I think we should just leave it alone.

  8. I think that this seems really cool. It would really interesting to hear the story behind all of the coins.

  9. wow, i would love to see this tree, and i bet it looks even better in person. also, a lot of people probably put their wishes there. i thonk its cool.

  10. I seriously would hop on the plane with you to see this tree. It would be interesting to know the stories behind maybe some of these coins. Listening to all of the stories will take a loooooong time. I think the tree is so cool.

  11. I don't see how anyone think it was dumb because there is difference between these trees and a wishing pond. that is unless you don't like wishing ponds. The person who started it was looking for hope that his illness might taken away. I think that the stories behind these pennies might be intersesting.

  12. first of all i dont this is dumb and yeah i want to know stories behind these coins

  13. I think this is really cool I really want to see this is person.I also really wanna figure out some of the stories behind these coins.Maybe there is a very important hostorical figure that used this tree to try to heal a family member

  14. I think that this is a really neat thing to think of and it would be fun to actually go there and see it! It would be cool to know some stories behind some of the coins to see if anything happened and if they worked.

  15. wow this is really cool. There is so many coins but i would still like to learn some of the stories behind them.

  16. this is actually really neat. i didn't know what it was right away.i think it would really be cool to see where all these coins came from. i would definitely stop to see this tree.

  17. I think this is really cool but I think that this is one of those things that would be cooler to see in person. and I also think it would be kind of cool to know the stories behind some of the coins because some of them look really old.

  18. i think this is pretty cool but i think it would take forever to find coins and metal to make this. And because it is so cool, i think they should put it in more of a public place or a museum so more people can see it because by the way it looks it looks like it is in the woods in the middle of no where.

  19. i think it would be amazing to find this tree. just to be able to look at all the coins on it and to be able to learn the history behind each one would be an amazing experience!

  20. Finding this tree would definitely be on my list if i ever visit the U.K. Just seeing it would be amazing, but to find out more about it would be even better. I'd love to try and be able to listen to the history of each and every coin that was hammered into this tree. I honestly would love to find out more about this tree and it's history and possibly even see it one day.

  21. I think it would be really cool to find this tree. Just to see it would be great Because you can actually see it. I think they should move it to a more public place for maor poeple to see. I think it would be cool to see the history of all the coins and where they came from.

  22. A scary thought is that this tree might still contain a trace of smallpox, since smallpox was eliminated in the 1970's and this tree was used to destroy diseases since the 1700's so the chances of it having the smallest strand is highly likely. Also, some of these coins really do look increadibly old, even though i went online, searched swila glen, and found that a person who had been there never saw a coin older than 1970. The texture of this tree must be pretty amazing though, as i cant think of anything else that is somewhat similar to it.

  23. These look really good and I like them. I would not have the talet or patients to do something like this. it is a very interesting project and it would be cool to make a mini project out of it.

  24. These are cool. If i had the chance i think it would be fun to go and visit. It would also be cool to listen to all the storys.

  25. This is pretty cool and if i was somewhere where there was one of these i might stop. Some of the stories would be interesting to hear with this tree.
