Thursday, March 21, 2013

Flowers on the Canvas

I found this artist by the name of Jan Ironside who is from the USA.  She creates these very heavy Impasto styled paintings that make the petals of her flower paintings feel like they are going to come off of the page.  I also love her colors, but what do you think?

What do you think about these?  I know some of you are not fans of flowers but what other things could you paint with this technique that would feel as life like as her flowers?


  1. These are pretty cool. You could have basketballs popping out at you. These are 3d looking

  2. I think this is unique. They look like they are in 3d.

  3. i think theyre cool. theyre very 3dish

  4. i really like these paintings. the flowers look pretty. i also like how they look like they are 3D

  5. These are pretty cool. Very realistic looking

  6. i like how they used the colors. How they added the texture and the mixed designs.

  7. I like this art because it looks like its sticking out, it has really pretty colors, and i would put these up in my house for decoration.

  8. This is really cool and colorful. I think these would be fun to make in class.

  9. i love how it pops out and how colorful it is. i would love to do this

  10. this looks pretty cool, its 3D and and very realistic.

  11. This is really cool. I looks 3D and really colorful.

  12. I like this idea a lot. I love the way this artist makes their work come to life. The colors seem just a little too dull for me. But it's also very great and probably seeing these in real life would probably be more entertaining. I think that anything in nature could be used in this technique.

  13. I like how it isnt flat. The colors are bright and pretty. It also has a cool texture look to it.

  14. This is so pretty to just look at. It makes it seem like flowers are coming off of the canvas. I want to do something like this.

  15. I think that these flowers are pretty. I like hoe the flowers are coming out of the page.

  16. Ts really cool. Its 3d, and the colors she out in it make it look really realistic. With this technique i would try to make a city.

  17. i hate drawing flowers. i hate this type of art because it is so hard to find the dark areas for shading. i hate this and i never want to do it again

  18. i think these are so cool. But with all that paint i wonder how long it would take for the paint to try, considering how much she used. Also i love how the colors work on the petals by blending. I would most likely make a mess from this and i would haveto pay alot for more paint

  19. i think it has a cool aspect to it. it would be more fun if you could draw your own thing and not flowers. it would be very tough to do, but look very cool in the end.

  20. WOW! This is so cool. I think it would be really hard to do though. It would be fun.

  21. It is very cool. I think it would be hard to do this art. I like the colors.

  22. This is so pretty and amazing. I love how it somewhat pops out its really cool. I want to do that, I just love it alot.

  23. i think it is pretty cool it uses alot of spring type colors to make it seem better i think if it used darker colors it wouldnt be as good. i think it looks cool even though i dont know what the style is. but if they can have fun and make a good living i say let them do it.

  24. These look really neat. I like how it looks like there going to pop off of the page. It would be really cool to learn how to do this.

  25. this is cool. the paint looks like frosting and i kind of want to eat it

  26. I like these paintings, the petals look real they just pop out at you. The colors are very vibrant and look really pretty, the pink flower is my favorite. The paint looks very thick, the pink flower reminds me of frosting, makes me hungry. I like how she can paint flowers and turn it into something really pretty like that.

  27. This looks fun to do , and it is really pretty art work.

  28. how whe si really good. i could never even come close to getting the flowers to pop of the page. i think she is an amazing arttist.

  29. i really like her technique! these look really pretty! i thiink that they would use a ton of paint, patience and alot of drying time. id try and do these, but mine pronanly wouldnt end up as nice.

  30. i like that it pops out. it would be more useful if it were frosting on a cake. i prefer real flowers.

  31. These look really neat. I like how it looks like there going to pop off of the page. It would be really cool to learn how to do this.

  32. I like this kinda pop art. its very nice because it can go with any kinda person because my sister is blind and she would like this beacuse it is art she can feel

  33. this is really cool art. what is this made out of. i coulnt do that.

  34. It looks like they stick out a lot. Really good though. Whoever does this has skill. The colors go together really good.

  35. i would truly love to do this art. it would be so fun. and interesting.

  36. wow these look like they would take forever to get the texture and the colors mixed and i think it looks really good

  37. this seems like a feminine project as far as i am glad we didnt do this in class..i get anough B.S. the way it is

  38. I think this looks pretty cool and would be fun. I dont think i would do this though because it seems like it would take a lot of time and paint.

  39. i like this art a lot i think its very beautiful. it look like it would take some time to make it look good. its very nice and i like it a lot

  40. I like these paintings, the petals look real they just pop out at you. The colors are very vibrant and look really pretty, the pink flower is my favorite. The paint looks very thick, the pink flower reminds me of frosting, makes me hungry. I like how she can paint flowers and turn it into something really pretty like that.

  41. I like how the texture of these paintings. It looks like it would take them a really long to dry though. I think it would be fun to try making a piece of artwork like this.

  42. These are really beautiful paintings. I love the colors and technique used to create them. It would probably be a lot of fun to try and create a piece of artwork like this.

  43. I like how she makes the flowers stand out! This would be really cool, but I don't think that I have the patience to do that.

  44. I think that this type of art is very cool. I like how they used the materials to make flowers. I hope we dont do it tho because school is almost over.

  45. I really like the painting. The texture on it makes it pop out and i really hope we can do this.

  46. I like painting flowers, and this technique really makes the flowers look realistic. it would also be a good way to paint trees or maybe even water. i would really like to try this way of painting.

  47. I absolutely love this artwork. I wish I could do something as realistic as this. You could probably paint some leaves with the same technique.

  48. i love this artwork. i wish we would do this in class. the flowers look beautiful

  49. I think these pictures are outstanding and would take a lot of time. You could do many different types of things. You are basically trying to make them look 3D.

  50. I really like the 3D effect of these flowers. They seem like they would be really hard to do but also really fun to do

  51. I love the 3D of this art! I cannot see myself making something so beautiful, but I love the unique factors about it!

  52. I personally like these flowers and the technique that they used. The artist uses a 3d effect. I would probably never try one of these even though it is cool.

  53. This looks like the designs that those professional bakers put on cakes and cupcakes. It is really bizarre, but if I saw this in real life I would eat it....

  54. i like all the colors they made out the the 3D art it would be cool to do something like this

  55. I think this so cute, but i'd get pretty frustrating after awhile. I think there pretty though. We should do this in class.

  56. The flowers are really beautiful. They came out really colorful and bright. Looking at them reminds me of spring and warm weather. The technique used was really cool and different

  57. Mehh. Technique seems a little cheesy to me. Vibrant colors though!

  58. This is a pretty cool technique. I honestly don't really like the flowers. It is a great way to shade with the thicker layers of paint. I don't think that I would be very good at this though.

  59. this a different, but cool technique. it looks cool how the petals are, even though i would rather not have flowers. im sure this would take lots of talent, especially to get the right strokes

  60. I think that this is a very poppy painting. It is 3D and allows it to make its own shadows to add dimension. I think that the colors are beautiful!

  61. i really like this it is really nice and colorful i would have liked to do something like that this year.

  62. I use pure oil paint and a palette knife . Dry to the touch 3 months, completely dry one year. I have tried acrylic just could get the depth. Thanks for noticing. Jan Ironside Art and Sixth Street Studio facebook. :)

  63. The texture is so realistic it seems like I could feel it. It would be cool to paint the ocean with this style, but the flowers look cool too.

  64. I'm not a huge fan of this type of art because there's no real skill to it. Anyone could make that if they had that type of paint, I think doing grass or something in front of a picture would look cool with this.

  65. I absolutely love the way the flowers come off the page. I've always wanted to try this method but I feel like it would take a lot of paint. Theses are very beautiful and maybe a mountain scene would look cool

  66. How in the world does someone do something like this? It looks sort of like whip cream. It is so cool.
