Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Paper Architecture

So you can't live in these buildings, but you can visit them, you can see them and you can be amazed by them.  This is a city cut out of paper.  Now paper is not one of the strongest mediums, but our artist Ingrid Siliakus out of Amsterdam has created complicated and beautiful paper cities that are similar to pop up books. 

So what do you think of these works of art?  Would you have the patience to create a project like this?  What would be the hardest part?


  1. I love this kind of art because i love architecture, and be able to build a house or a city with paper, is just awesome

  2. this picture is really cool i like this art a lot

  3. this art work is pretty neat. i wouldnt have the patience to do this project. i think the hardest part of this would be putting it all together over all

  4. This is so cool. I love it. It's my favorite part in a book it when things suprise me by popping out. I don't think i woul have the paitens at all and the hardest part would be the deatail and i would get alot of paper cuts. Please don't make us do this because then you would pay alot for band aids.

  5. cool, paper buildings. id like to see them burn

  6. this is pretty cool. I wouldnt wanna do it cause i wouldnt want paper cuts.

  7. these are really neat. these houses are really neat especially the one that has a night scene and a day scene. it is really cool.

  8. i love this kind of art. it looks so realistic and amazing.I hope one of these days we get a chance to do something like this. I would most definetly take the time to make this.

  9. woow. its like paper city tht looks hard to do

  10. I love how it pops out at you. It doesnt have any color, but that makes it even better

  11. This looks like it would be really hard to do. I wouldnt be patient enough. It looks cool though.

  12. This is so confusing. I'm not even sure how this artist even did it..It looks very challenging and I definetly wouldn't have the patience!

  13. this is really cool. it must have taken a ton of time and patients. I'm not patient enough to do it.

  14. It is cool. It would take a long time. It looks hard to do.

  15. This is really cool! I don't have the patience to do this. I think that it will be challenging but in the end will be cool.

  16. i do not long these. they are way to hard to do. i dont like following directions. it looks very cool, but its not my thing.

  17. Tjis artwork is cool, but extremly hard to do. It is very detailed so the end project is really cool.

  18. I am terrified of this project. I think we should do some oragami or something. This looks very complicated.

  19. I love how she did all this out of paper. I think its really easy, because were doing it. But she did a great job.

  20. These are going to be very very very hard. I deffinatly will not have the patience to do this whole project. The hardest part will be having the creativity to know how the object will turn out after cutting and folding it.

  21. i think that people are crazy when they do this sort of art i dont know how they have the patients for it but that is them i would rather stay away from it and still practice on trying to draw a straight line before doing someting that time consuming

  22. this art is really cool but its reallty hard for it to look ok. they must have been practicing for their whole life it is really hard

  23. im so happy you dont expect this out of us because i cant do this. i cant do this i dont have the pacience for this it looks crazy i think the people who did this takes a little longer than the 30 minutes i put into mine. it looks pretty cool.

  24. that is alot like what we are doing now in class. that is alot better than i could ever do. i bet it takes a long time.

  25. It is complicated and hard to do. It is very easy to mess up and then the whole project could be ruined. It is really cool, but i think it is hard to make.

  26. this type of art is very hard to do and i give these guys lots of respect for doing it so well

  27. This art is hard to do. These building are really good and i couldnt do that. I would never have enough pacience for this

  28. the art of it looks cool if you know how and what you're doing. It's really hard to figure out how to learn this art

  29. This type of art is really hard to do, I didnt really like this project at all. My building looks nothing like a real buidling, i thought this was really hard for some reason. These buildings are so good, my favorite is the chinese one, I could never do a building like that.

  30. I like this art work its really fun.Also its not as hard as you would think.

  31. This art is cool looking but it is so hard to do. My project didnt turn out like it was supposed to. It takes forever and the paper never folds the right way.

  32. After making my pop out city i have respect for these artist. icould barely get a building to pop out let alone a whole city. these artists have much greater patience than me.

  33. these projects were so hard when we did them. they look really cool but if i had to do it in the detail that she does id get sick of it really fast.

  34. These projects are cool because theyre so detailed. This is really hard and I would never be able to do something that complex, but this is very cool.

  35. i like the pagoda one. i hate this cuz paper rips easily. hardest part is not ripping the stupid stuff!

  36. this art work is pretty neat. i wouldnt have the patience to do this project. i think the hardest part of this would be putting it all together over all

  37. i think this really cool and wish i could do this

  38. this is crazy! we did this in class and it was way to hard haha thats why mine was bad like usual. they probably got paid to do this so i give them props for having the time to do this.

  39. These pictures are really awesome and they must of really took some time.

  40. i thought it was cool. but please dont ever make us do this kinda project again it sucked

  41. we did this art work and i hated it. i could not figure it out at all.

  42. wow i know for a fact that i cant do this worth a poop because i only got like three building and i was done but these people know what they are donig

  43. this looks like hogwarts..i honestly thought i seen harry potter there..this project was don in class..i enjoyed it

  44. I think this type of art is really cool to see and i personally thought it was very dificult. I didnt like the project when we did it in class. I hope we never do another project like it.

  45. I kind of like this art i think its pretty cool. I bet that would take tons of time to do and a lot of effort. For me i would not be able to do that because i wouldnt take the time for that, it just looks to hard.

  46. This art is really good. It would take awhile but I think i could accomplish it. It may not be any good tho.

  47. It would be really confusing to try and do this. I didn't even like attempting to try this in class. I would have to to try a lot harder to get as good of a result as her.

  48. These pieces of work are obviously very beautiful, and would definitely be very complicated to ever be able to finish it in the condition that this artist has shown. I don't think that I would ever be able to find the patience to complete any paper city. The hardest part of it I believe would be all of the stairs and details that are put into the city.

  49. I don't understand how anyone would have the patience for this. I would probably try to make a step, and give up. I can't even do origami, so there would be no way I would accomplish something like this. The hardest part would be trying to fold the paper the way you want it to.

  50. This is really cool. I think that it is to much like a card house and i dont like making those. I am pretty sure this is not the project for me but it would be interesting to see someone elses made from our school.

  51. This is a really cool project and think this would be really amazing if we did this in class. It would be one of the more difficult projects but also a fun one. I think id enjoy this project alot if we got around to it.

  52. They look so cool. The reason I think so is because I have always wanted to do something like this. They are magnificent. The reason I haven't because I would never have the patience.

  53. These are pretty cool, but they for sure not be easy to do. I would not have the patience to cut all of the paper for this. i think the most difficult part of this would be cutting all of the windows and really detailed pieces.

  54. man, this is so cool i want to do it someday

  55. pretty cool pictures, i love it

  56. i like that tiger, what was it made with..

  57. I wish I could do this but I would never be able to do this.This would take alot of patience that I dont have.I think the hardest part would be making perfectly creases and cutting out little details like windows

  58. i think it would be so cool to do this. Although i don't think i would have the skill or patience to do this. if i even tried to do this i would start and mess up or lose patience with and quit.

  59. This looks pretty cool but i think it would be kind of hard to do because of all of the little lines it looks like you need to cut out in order to make it look like an actual building or object.

  60. this piece of art is very impressive. i think it would be really hard to do considering all of the little things you would have to cut out. the hardest part for me would be having to cut out all the little pieces and cutting the correctly so the whole thing doesnt fall apart.

  61. i thinks sweet they used pieces of paper to do that. they should try like an animal one. i wonder how long that took them though.

  62. I think that this is cool. I would not have the patients to work and do something this hard. The hardest part would be trying to figure out where to start

  63. The most advanced form of 3D paper art. I remember once I saw one like this except it was a hand coming out of the paper. I think it would be really cool if they made a Minas Tirith (lord of the rings) in this form of art. The top one reminds me of the artwork were it is a lot of stairs but they are all going different ways (right side up, up side down, sideways etc.)

  64. These look really good and I like them. I would not have the talent or patients to do something like this. it is a very interesting project and it would be cool to make a mini project out of it.

  65. The hardest part would be figuring out what kind of paper you need to use and how to design the structure. It looks way too complicated for me too figure out, let alone have the time and patience for it

  66. I think this is really cool but I don't have much patience. I think the hardest part is getting every little detail without messing up. This is really cool but all in all I don't think its worth my time and would pass on doing it.

  67. I think that these are really beautiful and I would not have the patience to do this and it would probably just get destroyed within a few hours anyways. I think the hardest part would just be putting all the detail in it.

  68. This project is very unique way of showing your art ability. It would be a fun project to do in art class, but it would take a while to build. The toughest part would be constructing it.

  69. PRETTY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn't not have the patience to do this, But A allot help (kind of make me do it).

  70. that is really cool i wonder what it is made out of i would like to try and do something like that

  71. This is sooo cool and looks super hard. You'd have to be patient for this. I think its be a fun project though.

  72. Wow!.. It's like architecture made with paper!!! This is genius!

  73. These are really impressive. It would definitely take a lot of time and detail to finish this. I honestly don't think I would have the patience to do something like this. Most things with detail are hard.

  74. this art work is pretty cool. it has much detail. i would not have the patience to cut each piece out. i think the windows would be a hard part

  75. This is really cool. I would definitely not have the patience for this. it seems so confusing. It would be extremely difficult

  76. it's really cool and i really like it if it's good. i couldn't do it and i think all the small details would be hard to make.

  77. These look super cool. That is incredible that they can make that out of paper. It looks more like they made it with like a three D printer

  78. Wow. These are so complex, but simple at the same time. If I were to do this, I would make the Hogwarts castle. It would look cool to stick with the black and white theme in order to maintain the ominous feel.

  79. Wow. These are so complex, but simple at the same time. If I were to do this, I would make the Hogwarts castle. It would look cool to stick with the black and white theme in order to maintain the ominous feel.

  80. These are pretty dang cool works because of how creative they are but there's no way i'd have the patience to make it. It takes too much detail work and putting all the together carefully would be way to hard for me.

  81. You defintily would have to have a way with your hands. Very stead and and slow would produce this beautiful piece of paper! I would love to try this but would probably not want to take the time!

  82. Im trippin. I cant tell whats up or down. But this what I like about art. You can make it into whatever you want.

  83. This is AMAZING! How is this even possible? I wouldn't be able to do this. My patients would run out.
