Thursday, March 21, 2013

Apartment in the forest

So the image below caught my attention and I just had to find out if it was true and share it with you.  In Milan, they are building two skyscrapers that will basically have room for a small forest off of each balcony.  It is being built to help with both pollution in the city and to provide energy efficient apartments. 

So do you think that this is the future of city architecture or do you think it is a disaster waiting to happen?  Would you buy or rent a unit in this building? 


  1. This seems like a disaster. I wouldn't buy this because it doesn't seem helpful. This is a cool idea

  2. The idea is pretty cool, but i dont think i would live in one. It's kind of a disaster...

  3. i dont think this will work out how they want it to. it probably will be a disaster. they will just waste time.

  4. thats looks something like minecraft. talk about endless staircase. i wonder if you can build that

  5. These are really wierd but also creative. i don't think i'd every thing about getting one

  6. it wont work for a long time because the plants will grow and the building will end up falling down

  7. i like this idea i would actually buy a place here i think that the forest would be really pretty

  8. this is really cool. i never knew they were or is going to build this. its very creative and neat to look at.

  9. I dont really like this because its dull. But kind of creative.

  10. Sorry my french, but this seems very stupid. Being an architect, you have to bring in a sleek, new look to designing new archetecture. This just seems someone in Milan hired a child to design this idea. There are so many diffent energy efficient ways to help a polluted city. This is just dumb. I give the person props for actually being able to explain his idea. He must be in 2nd grade by now.

  11. This looks like a giant mess. It looks like total chaos. I would never want to live in something like this.

  12. This is a cool idea, but I don't think it really makes sense to do. I would like to see what it looks like from the inside! I bet it looks pretty sweet.

  13. I don't really like it. I would like to see it in person to decide if I would buy it or not, but I probally wouldn't. I think that it is wasting trees.

  14. apartment forest, i want to live there.

  15. This would be awesome. I would love to stay at this building. Ill move therre soon.

  16. i think this is a good idea, but i wouldnt want to live in one. it would get very old very fast.

  17. That is really cool and nature-ish. I would live in it if I could. Its so cool!!!

  18. BAD BAD BAD IDEA. This will not work! How will they build a structure that will be strong enough to support the weight of the trees as well as the building itself. Also, how will the trees grow with out some sort of soil to grow in?? I'd rather have a house with trees planted in the EARTH like a normal humanbeing.

  19. i think its cool and all but i would not spend a penny for it cuz when it turns winter then u have bear trees and it atracts bugs and that is a disaster itself waiting to happen i will leave it for someone else to have

  20. i think it is cool but it kind of beats the piont of making a building i mean if you want to live in the forest but you make a building i mean just live in the forest like a tree huger. i think it is cool but i mean if i made the building i would put animals in teh building till one fell of then it would be kind of a liability but if you like it hey go for it.

  21. I think its a pretty cool concept, although im not sure if it would really work that well or be energy efficient. It would be much easier to plant trees in parks rather than throwing them on top of apartment balconies.

  22. this is such a crazy idea. i think its a great idea to help stop global warming

  23. I like this I would totally live in an apartment like this! I really like nature and I would love to live in a apartment with a big tree on my balcony. I dont think it would work though, tree's are very heavy so I dont think a balcony would be able to hold up a tree. If it would work I would move in though because its a pretty cool idea.

  24. This looks sloppy. I dont really like it.

  25. I like this as a idea more than anything. And i think it would be cool to live there but I dont know if it will work out as they plan. It is a good idea but there are alot of things that can go wrong. If they are actually going to build this I think they should realy think about the structure of the building and how to keep the trees alive.

  26. all i can think about is the bugs there would be. ew..

  27. it wont work for a long time because the plants will grow and the building will end up falling down

  28. i would hate to live in those apartments. the trees would block the veiw. it would be very dangerous trimming those.

  29. i dont think this would be a good idea. First of all if a person has bad alergies they would have a terible time living her or coming over to visist someone. Also if people dont like bugs, birds, or small animals then they wouldn't like it here either because bugs will live in the trees, birds would too andso do squirls and etc. Personaly i dont think i could handle birds, small animals, and bus living in my home with me. They would eat all my food and destroy my home and birds are just annoying so.

  30. This is a crazy idea. Some wouldn't like it at all. Others would like it. It would never be structurally safe forever. Seems like their would be lots of bugs.

  31. I don't like it. There would be bugs and spiders and i really don't like bugs and spiders.

  32. this will definantly not work. its just to weird. but yeah

  33. this is something that i might make in looks pretty might take alot of work and if you know me at all, you will know i dont put alot of energy into anything

  34. That is realy cool. i dont think this is a disaster waiting to happen. i would rent a unit cause not everyone can say they live in a tree house.

  35. I like the idea, but not this specific building..

  36. i think this is awesome! its like a little slice of nature in your own front yard! of course, it would not be suitable for some people, but personally i think i would totally live there if i could.

  37. I think people would think it's very cool, but they probably wouldn't die to buy or rent a space. I would love to rent or buy a space in this apartment though!

  38. I would love to live an apartment like this. It is a good idea because the treehuggers are like save the forest and this would help alot with that if there was alot of them.

  39. this looks cool and all but i wouldn't want to like here it looks boring

  40. Oh my gosh i love this! I would love to live here and have that outside my apartment! It would be so pretty and peaceful. It's also great to know that it's suppose to help pollution!

  41. this is a really cool idea. for some people who are an out doorsy person, but also like the idea of living in a city, could have both. with trees outside of your apartment building its like the best of both worlds. two for one!

  42. Not going to happen, even though it is a cool concept. First off, the trees will grow, throwing of the balance causing it to lean (some trees grow at different rates) or even collapse under the added weight. Second off, what if a tree fell over the railings and onto someone's property or onto a person?

  43. WOW, my head is spinning. It would be so cool if this was like a real building, it would be like living in the jungle, ( yah, monkey style.) :) let's get our wild side on!

  44. This looks soo confusing. I think its really cool though. I think its be kind of fun to live in this.

  45. I think that having trees right outside your window would be both cool and weird. The weird factor is probably what is attracting the most people. The downside to having trees right there would be the lack of natural light coming in.

  46. I say that this is going to be both a disaster and the future of living. Reasoning for this is because there are many parks and trees being taken away so this can bring some nature to the people living in these apartments. Also its a disaster because of the amount of weight that s on the building.

  47. i think this would be cool, but it would also be a little different. the trees seem like they would be taking a lot of room. i would try to live there for many a little bit of time

  48. This is very inventive! I think that the idea is very green and I think that It would be a cool apartment building to live in.

  49. This is a cool idea but it would be too much maintenance to put together and maintain. If they could somehow get this to work I might live there.

  50. This is a very creative perspective and very green but i think it could have its consequences! I would forsure live in a building that was like this if they could make it!

  51. This is a neat idea. Someone who created this must care a lot about the environment. I think it could help a lot of places
