Friday, March 8, 2013

How much?

So how much would you pay for art?  Does it depend on the artist?  Do you have a favorite artist?

If money was no object how much would you pay for a painting?  And which painting would you pick?

Paul Cezanne  - "The Card Players"

How much would you have paid for the above painting?  What if I told you it is the most expensive painting ever sold.  Now how much would you pay for it?  Any guesses as to what it sold for?

What if I told you someone paid $267 million dollars for this painting.  Does that make it more special?  Do you like it better? 

They say art is in the eye of the beholder.  So what determines the value of this painting?


  1. This is really cool. I would want to do this, its very intersting. I love this.

  2. This is an amazing painting but, i dont think i would pay $267 million for it. I also dont think it makes it more special.

  3. this painting is cool but there are other card paintings that are better

  4. i wouldnt pay to much for any painting like over $500 would be crazy. if that painting is worth 267 million dollars someone needs to find something else to spend there money on. If they want to let them do i just wouldnt spend that much.

  5. this painting is not bad. but i dont think it mattered what the artist name who made it is. i mean if i had unlimmited money i probably would buy the painting of the dogs playing poker. that would be pretty cool. i wouldnt be able to purchase this because i dont have enough money lol, but it doesnt matter who the artist is to be honost, its all a work of art, the only reason why the artist matters is for the price tag on painting. i dont have a favorite artist by the name of terry redlin, he makes alot of outdoor painting that are cool, like the one of the dock and the cabin with ducks and geese flying over.

  6. I dont think it matters what artist it came from. If you like a piece of art, you like it. If I were to buy art I would spend no more than 20% of my salary of art. Simply becuase I would really care if I had a $20,000 painting in my house or something. I feel it would probably just get broken!

  7. i wouldnt get this painting but if it was worth a lot of money, then i would buy it then sell it. i dont really have a favorite artist or painting

  8. I think this art looks classic. It is pretty good and theres no way i could do it.

  9. This is a pretty cool picture. i dont think it is worth all that money, but i think that if its a picture you really want you should spend what you think its worth.

  10. I would never pay that much money for a painting. This looks kind of back in the old days. The detail in this painting is not very vivid.

  11. Even if i had that much money i wouldn't pay for it. It is good although it just isn't that cool. I think the value is because it looks really good.

  12. I think that is way to much for a painting. although the painting is cool, I would never pay that much for a painting.

  13. i woule never ever pay that much for that, thats just plain rediculus. i would probably pay MAYBE $100 for in not even that really. its boring and not really uneak.its slow and borning

  14. I think that the artist had an appreciation for classic American life. The artist had a very fluent technique. I would like to see more of their works.

  15. I truly dont like this art. It feels to olden day. Gross.

  16. i have never seen anything like this. people playing poker and betting agaisnt each other. this is the best one i have seen.

  17. i dont think i would pay any money for this art. i dont see why anyone would. it is just two guys sitting down playing cards. even though its worth that much, i still dont like the art.

  18. I dont think i would pa very much for a piece of art work. Even though it takes lots of talent i dont think its worth what people pay for them.

  19. I wouldnt pay that much for this art piece. I dont know why anybody would pay that much. WHo would even want this piece of art it is just two guys playing cards.

  20. I wouldnt pay anything for the painting. It doesn't look interesting to me. I have no idea why anyone would pay that much for this painting.

  21. This peice of art looks very cool and i like how much detail they put into it

  22. I would pay that much for a painting if it was truly captivaiting to me or I could connect to it. I wouldn't pay for this one because it seems boring and shouldn't be worth that much honestly. I think it just depends on the person.

  23. Thats insane, if I had billions of dollars I would probably do it. But thats after I own ever muscle car out there... The painting looks really good. I like it alot but I wouldn't pay more than a couple hundy for it now.

  24. i like the piture but i wouldnt pay much for it. its insane for people to pay that much for a simple painting

  25. would never pay $267 million for this art work. maybe there is somethin special that i'm missing but i wouldn't fork out that type of money for something like this

  26. I believe the artist is what changes the art. The person that had paid that much had a good reason. Maybe he bought it because he thought that the painting at some point in the future would cost much more than what he paid for. Or he bought it for respect, they might have loved the artist and their style of painting that they thought that they deserved the amount of money they paid. To me, it's just a painting, but to's a masterpiece/money-maker.

  27. I would not pay that much for this. I think its boring. The painting doesnt really give much to look at.

  28. its a cool painting and it probably has alot of history, but i dont think any drawing is worth that much money. you would be crazy if you paid that much.

  29. This is a really nice painting!!! One thing though is that I would never pay $267 million for it.

  30. wouldnt pay 1 cent for it. it is not my style. if there is a painting out there that reaches my style the most i would pay for it is 100 or then its just rediculase. once again someone else can have it

  31. I suppose if someone found it that interesting and had more money than they know what to do with, then they can pay ridiculous amounts of money for paintings. I definetely wouldnt pay 267 million even if i had the money.

  32. i think this painting is bad i dont know why anyone would spend that kind of money on such a low quality painting

  33. This is a little different but interesting.

  34. This priceing is ridiculous I would never pay that much for a painting i know isjust going to sit around intill i pass it down in the family or sell it, which is personaly what i would do unless it was a really cool good work of art. But other wise i would never pay such a high price for a painting.

  35. i would not pay that much at all. at most like 50 bucks. who ever paid that much is one rich dude.

  36. i would probably only pay 100 dollars for art. i dont like art that much. it is rediculuse how much people pay for art.

  37. My favorite painter is Joseph Mallord William Turner. My favorite painting by him is Fishermen at Sea. I would pay that much money for that painting just because i like it so much. I would never pay that much for the painting above because i think it's boring and really plain. It just depends on the artist and his style.

  38. i might of paid 20 dollars for this painting. I don't think it is worth that much money.

  39. Art is definitely in the eyes of the beholder. If there isn't people like like the art, then it isn't worth very much. The only reason I would pay a lot for a painting is if I thought I could make money by selling it for more. This painting doesn't impress me that much so I probably wouldn't pay much for it.

  40. this piece of art is good, but i dont think it is worth that money. i dont get why someone would pay that much for it. i think its a really good piece of art though

  41. I definitely think that it depends on the artist! I think that any piece of art can be that expensive as long as there is someone willing to pay that much for it. I don't think I would pay any more than one hundred dollars for a painting, however some people really connect with famous paintings.

  42. I would pay maybe $50 at most for the painting. Now i would say i wouldn't buy it because i'm broke. i don't think the painting should be worth that but i don't know the history behind it.

  43. I won't spend a crazy amount on art. I think I've seen some at Walmart for $50 dollars that I liked. I won't pay much than that.
