Wednesday, March 6, 2013


So I would hope from an early age you were told that cheating is bad, right?  And I know that you don't all listen to those words and that most of you have cheated at one time or another, but what if cheating caused you to lose a prestigious award and a lot of money.

This above picture was supposedly taken by photographer David Byrne and it was declared the best landscape photo of the year and he was given the title of landscape photographer of the year.  Shortly after all of those awards, including money, was given to him it was discovered that he had used photoshop to "inhance" the image. 

Now maybe you don't think that is bad, but he had entered it into a contest and called it a "pure" picture.  So my main question is, is what he did considered cheating?  Does it make a difference if you know that the judges of the contest didn't catch the photoshoping in the photo, someone else had to point it out to them? 

So what is the line between right and wrong?  Should he have his title stripped?  Or do you think it is no big deal like Byrne who said that everyone "messes with their photos" and thought the taking of his title was unjusified?  What would you say if you were a judge that was mis-informed?


  1. ALthough it was photoshopped, it still looks really cool. I dont mind that he used photoshop except for the fact he said it was pure painting.

  2. They sould let him keep the title. Every one probly messes with there pictures a little bit. What did he mess with the color. So what it just the color. He just changed the color of it.

  3. even though it might of been cheating, its still a good picture of a landscape.

  4. it looks pretty cool. I think that it was ok that he used Photoshop, but i dont think that he should have called it a 'pure' painting.

  5. This is cool and a nice picture. He should still keep the title. I like this because it is done well.

  6. that really cool i love how its plain and simple like art should be... i like it the way it is

  7. Its not cheating unless you get caught. he should have done a better job. if he wanted to get away with it he should have tried a little harder.

  8. i think it does make it wrong because it isnt following proper procejure, i mean sure many people can get away with cheating, but no matter wat the situation i always get the feeling of guilt and either back out of it or dont do it all. so he should of came out, because now hell get it taken away and prolly spend some time in jail and have to pay money he doesnt have. its never worth it in the long run. "work hard for what you have, youll feel more accomplished. i promise"

  9. This is a very cool picture. sometimes it is hard not to cheat. even though he used photoshop it is a very cool picture.

  10. I cannot notice the photoshop. It looks like a good photo to me. It is stupid that they took away his awards and money.

  11. I think the picture is very cool. I can't even notice that it was photo was edited. I like it alot.

  12. yes and no because yes it was his work but the peur part blew it out of the water. to me it is a great photo and i do like it

  13. i looks like noahs ark. and there are two of them. they look like two big ships and they got tipped over by the big waves

  14. I think that this looks pretty cool. I like the scene and how it looks like 2 boats tipped upside down.

  15. this guy lied and said this photo was pure when it is not. i think its good that he lost money from it. he doesnt deserve an award for it either

  16. He shouldnt have called it pure but it did look amazing. I think they were a little bit harsh with the consequences, but he did lie that is was a pure.

  17. even though it was photoshopped, it still looks like a great picture from my opinion

  18. This is a good picture. Photoshop probably changed it a lot but I bet it still looked good before it! Also he should just go take another one and not photoshop it and win again. He has it in him.

  19. yes what he did was cheating a pure picture doesnt have given affects a pure picture has its own affects. it is very wrong that he even entered the contest

  20. i consider this cheating big time. it was wroung for him to enter this into a contest of "pure art" even if he made the slightest effects or the biggest ethier way it was really wrong

  21. probably cheating but i think it looks cool. he also doesn't deserve to lose the award and all the money

  22. I do think that this is cheating in a good and a bad way. I think that he deserves what he was awarded but enhancing the photo in photoshop kind of decreases the "purity" of the photograph. I think that the man/woman that had to point this out must have been jealous of his work. Haters Gon' Hate.

  23. I think that it looks cool even though he did cheat. He shouldnt have entered in a pure art contest. But i think losing all of his money and stuff was a little extreme.

  24. I think its really cool even though he "cheated"

  25. i like this guy for cheating. this proves that cheating isnt all that bad

  26. If he was the only person who used photoshop then yea he should have that title stripped. That's not fair for people who didnt cheat to not have a fair chance because he cheated and won. Cheating is just the easy way out, and im sure everybody cheats at some point in their life. I think that cheating in contests is wrong, because its not fair to win because you cheated.

  27. i think that they should be able to enhance pictures, but only slightly. Cameras can change a 'pure' picture, so why cant you. I think that for his title and position though it was kind of a cheat. but that doesnt mean he didnt work hard for this shot

  28. it looks cool. i like it. its not cheating

  29. This is really cool and i personaly dont think he should have gotten in trouble. Because being a photographer some people edit their stuff. For example, people who put famous people in magazines or other people on buildboards and stuff likethat edit the peopel to look prettier or edit them so much tha that person doesnt evn excist its just a bunch a faces mushe into one to look good.Another example is posters. Posters are pictures or cartoons just edited. So i dont think he should have gotten in trouble because alot of people edit their stuff to make it look cooler or better.

  30. this photo is plain and it will catch you attention and once it catches your eye you really start to go into the photos details

  31. It doesn't seem like cheating to me. He was just enhancing what it like a painter enhances or improves their canvas. I honestly think it doesn't matter that he modified it.

  32. I don't really think its cheating. BUt it cooled looked cool.

  33. i think it's cheating because he entered it in as a pure picture and it wasn't. It doesn't matter that the judge doesn't see that photo shopping was done, it's still cheating. I still really like the picture though

  34. I do not think he should've won the award because he was supposed to have entered a untainted photo which he failed to comply by. But I can see his thinking on this matter, what he would consider cheating. Maybe the thought it would be if he added anything to the photo, but touching it up was okay.

  35. I was reading and when it got to the part where it said he used photoshop I said, "Ooooooooh we have a troublemaker." Afterwards I just sat there questioning my life.

  36. I think he was cheating. He was suppored to be in a as a pure picture. I think the picture is still really creative. Im a little confused on it though.

  37. he was being dishonest. the contest was for a "pure" picture not Photoshop so since he enhanced it then i think that's cheating. he should not have that title. it is a cool picture though

  38. I like this picture. It looks like there is a lot of personal emotion in it. I do however think he was cheating. He was suppose to enter a "pure" picture not one that's been edited. I still really like the picture, it is really interesting.

  39. It's a coll picture bu tit is technically cheating if it says he can't enhance it. I think that the stuff should be taken back from him because cheaters shouldn't get away with stuff.

  40. Him knowing his ways of entering a pure contest and using a edited photo thats wrong. I think its deserving of him to be stripped of his awards. it still a very nice picture though!

  41. This makes me feel sad for some reason. Like something bad happened. Maybe he just wanted to paint it without color.
