Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cake art

I was trying to find something to talk about or who you today and a gal I follow on pinterest pinned all of these beautiful cake creations.  That got me thinking about how decorating a cake is definately a form of art.  I at least think it is a very specialized and sometimes a very difficult form of art.

Well think about it, you spend hours if not days of your time doing these intricate details out of fondant and frosting and in a matter of minutes someone cuts it apart and it is eaten.  But if nothing else I wanted to show you some of these beautiful cakes.  I know I have done food art before, but it is always fun to see pictures of more food.

Remember everything is edible.  That means everything was made from some sort of sugar.  I am amazed by some of these decorations, but what do you think?  Would you have the patience to create an edible work of art?


  1. this is truly a work of art the cake at the bottom looks tasty

  2. that is really cool. i couldnt do that. it would be hard to eat such a masterpiece.

  3. The cakes are so cool how they actually kinda shaded them. If i could do this it would be so fun. I think with enough time someone could learn the art of cake. I wish i had enough time to learn to do something like this.

  4. I love this! This is so creative and it has a lot of detail. I dont think i would want to eat it, i think i would sit and stare at its beauty all day.

  5. I like this! These are really cool I would spend my time on this project, because when im done I would be able to eat it. I would have the patience to do this becasue i also like baking.

  6. these are amazing and i bet they taste delicous.

  7. they do look like flowers but we all know its cake but it looks really detailed and talented

  8. They look so goood. I wnat to eat them. i would never be able to make art like that. I would eat it before it is doene. They are making me hungry.

  9. These are really cool. It would be really hard not to eat it. It seems like it was difficult

  10. That is so cute and pretty... i would love to do that

  11. i think they are very colorful and remind me of valentines day. it also makes me kinda hungry for a wedding cake or somthing like that

  12. not quite sure if i could do this. but if i could hold off without eating it, it would probably take long enough where the frosting would become hard and i wouldnt have to eat because it would be gross. i mean for a past time if its your thing go for it, but thats not me so i think ill pass on this one.

  13. this would be very hard to do. i would want to eat it! i wouldnt be able to do that.

  14. this is really cool. if you had enough time to do one. without eating it i give them props though.

  15. I think they are pretty art work and look tasty. I would eat my artwork if i was to make these.

  16. i love cupcack work cuz my dads gf is like amazing at making cupcack she has made suck uneek one that are soo cute too :)

  17. This honestly made me so hungry. this art is amazing.

  18. i have seen cake art before and you dont have to be good at art to make a cake. it looks good but i could do better than that.

  19. I think that cake art is an easier form of art. I would like to do this one so we could eat some cake.

  20. We should do this in class. I love cake decorating, and I realize it just gets eaten anyway. I like it.

  21. I have watched cake boss and it looks just like it

  22. This looks real good. I would love doin this. I would love eating it! I may not be the best cake decorator but this would give me some motivation to try as long as i get to eat it;)

  23. i love this i was always thinking of going in to cake decorating busniess. im surprised all of it is edible its really cool that it is

  24. I love decortating cakes! This would be really fun to do in class.

  25. i would never have the patients to create this. im sure it takes a lot of time. it looks really neat though.

  26. i wouldn't go into type of job dealing with this. they look pretty good eat to

  27. I wouldnt want to do this. It would take a lot of time and just to be eaten. I still think it looks cool though.

  28. so its like cakes made to look like flowers. cool, i like cake.

  29. It is very cool. I like how they did the cakes. I like the colors.

  30. i wouldnt be able to do this kind of art because i would eat the cake before i would be done with it

  31. my uncle does this kind of stuff. i think that its really cool to incorperate art into food. id have a hard time eating some of these though!

  32. this is pretty cool artwork they probaly had alot of time on there hands. but you think why would they paint it and make artwork on it. i would eat it.

  33. I like this mainly because it involves cake, but it still looks pretty cool. I wouldnt be able to do this because i would not have steady enough hands.

  34. this reminds me of the tv series cake boss..i like cake boss..its cool..that means this project is cool

  35. This is really cool, its so awesome really!! I hate pastery but i would love to learn how to make one of this ones.

  36. It definitely takes a lot of skill to make these. It's kinda like using paint though. I think it would be fun to try.

  37. I would be so happy if we did this as a project. I love baking and mixing art with it makes it even better. Plus at the end we can just eat everything.

  38. yeah, there is no way i could do this kind of art. i would eat half of the ingredience before i even started on the project! it is really amazing though, and i must admit it would be fun to try.

  39. I love the way these cakes are decorated. I don't know how you can create some of the decorations just from sugar. The cakes look extremely delicious. I could never possibly make something as beautiful as this, but I guess I could try?

  40. I really think this is really cool, but i could never do that. I like it but i dont think we should do it as a project because itd take to long, plus i dont think i have the skills for it.

  41. I have always had a real intrest in cake decorating.I think these are all really cool, but i could never do this as a project or anything.These would all take way to long and im pretty sure i dont have the skils to make an edible art project.

  42. I am amazed by the talent and patience that you would have to have in order to make something so pretty and delicate. I myself don't think that i would be able to sit still for that long just to make something pretty for people to eat right after.

  43. I think these are really pretty, but i'm not sure if i would take hours to make one cake and then eat it. I would rather just spread frosting on it and call it good!

  44. I think all of these look really pretty but I would be tempted to eat some of it. I don't think I would be able to finish decorating them.

  45. This would be a very interesting and fun thing to do even if it is hard but i love to bake and if it is challenging then i can improve my skills in the baking area and learn how to design more cakes!

  46. These cakes are interesting but would be fun to see. I think it would kind of be a waste of time because you but all that work into it and either it gets ate or get moldy and thrown away. I would never have the patient to finish this if i even would statr one.

  47. i would not have the patience or the willpower to do this. I would more than likely eat the cake before it was finished, but i do think it is cool.

  48. There is no way I would have the patience to make an edible cake. I would be way to focused on eating then actually making this. The design of this looks really cool and all but cake is cake and whether the design is awesome or not im going to eat it.

  49. I wouldn't be able to make art like this, it would be gone before I even make it look cool. Though I've always been fascinated with it....

  50. This would take so long to do and wouldn't be worth doing it because it will get ruined when someone eats it. I think its super pretty though and creative. I would not like to do this though.

  51. People who can make this good of art with food are really impressive. It wouldn't last very long around me because I would eat it right away. These cakes are really cool.

  52. Alot of this is really cool and creative. To tell you the truth ya I would have the patience to make a creative cake cause at the end of it i would sit there look at it take picures of it and than eat it cause i love cake.

  53. i dont think i would be patient to work with this. this all looks very impressive. im sure it takes them awhile to get everything looking perfect. its very creative

  54. I really like this. I would love to do a cake art project. It reminds me of cake boss, and i feel like he is a really good artist when it comes to his cake. I would probably give up to because it would be hard to get really detailed on a cake.

  55. This is amazing, I know that when I bake a cake; I try to make it look really pretty! But they never turn out right, however this is absolutely beyond amazing! I think that she uses her talents to bring out the beauty of an uncommon medium, and this reminds me of Cake Boss's cakes.

  56. I love this. I think that cake decorating is so fun. I'm really bad at it, but I love trying to attempt to do it. I think that the flowers look super good and I would love to try one.

  57. These cakes and stuff are pretty dang cool and i would eat them if i had a chance. I'm not sure how she could put that all together and i probably wouldn't try because i hate cooking.

  58. Cakes are one of the funnest way to create things! Its a skill that you would to excel at to become a baker but its very fun! I love baking but i wouldnt be able to produce this kind of art!

  59. I think these cakes look so amazing that I would not eat them. But then again, they are cake. So I actually changed my mind. I would eat the beautiful cakes.

  60. These cakes look so cool. I'm not a good baker so I wouldn't do it. I would eat it though.

  61. I really like cake art. I like all the baking and decorating shows too. These look so delicious.
