Friday, March 1, 2013

Paper and Scissors

Right now you are working with Matisse's technique of paper cut outs.  But he is not the only artist out there that uses colored paper and scissors to create art.  I recently found the artist Eiko Ojala and his beautiful people that were cut out of paper.  Matisse's cut outs were very simple while Ojala's are very elegant and detailed.  Or at least I think so, what do you think?

So what do you think about these?  What intrigues you about them?  What looks like the most difficult part to you?


  1. This looks really cool! Its kind of like the logos quiz were doing now. It looks like you would have to be really artistic to do this.

  2. These are rally kool and they look like a real person.

  3. I dont like any of these. I would never want to do this. has a lot of colors though

  4. These are crazy! Iv never seen anything like these before. Who know you could do this with just paper and scissors.

  5. The simplicity of this artwork combined with the abstract colors makes them eye cathcing! It would be interesting to find out how much time he spends planning and creating these projects. It would be fun to try this.

  6. these pics are interesting. they are really catchy and it would be pretty cool to do these!

  7. this is kind of crazy and i dont know how i would be able to do this

  8. This art looks pretty good. I believe i could do this but it would take time.

  9. This is really cool. The hardest part would be the details. I like this because it's what were doing.

  10. This is very good work, i would say this took awhile to do

  11. I think this is really cool! It looks very good, and it does look like it took a while. It would be hard for me to cut out shapes like that, and make it look good

  12. this is very strang looking but very cool at the same time

  13. that is cool. i dont think it would be extreamly hard. i wouldnt have the patience.

  14. His works of art are simple but have detail in the main facial fetures and thats what makes them look so cool. Its cool how he alows the paper to over lap each other to create there own shadows. I think the hardest part about this would be geting the paper to make their own shadows in the right spots so it looks good.

  15. That is really cool. I like it. It is so simple. I don't think i could do it though. I really like it. i can't stress this enough how good it is.

  16. for cutouts, its good but when i first looked at it, i thought they were pretty bad and weird

  17. it makes me think that on some of them there are two heads and it looks like it pops out at you on first glance. i think they would be quite easy to do and not really the funnest things to do.

  18. This is really strange. I could easily do this but would end up getting bored with it.

  19. i like how they use many pieces of paper

  20. i think this is one of the wierdest things on this website. those things just freak me out they look absoulotly terible. i think they should have just painted it.

  21. I think this is really creative! It really does look creative and hard, but fun. It would be a little hard for me to do that.

  22. it has the look of a real person, but many different colors. it is very cool. i think it would be very fun to try.

  23. its really cool thats its only done in paper and nothing else. would take alot of time and someone patience.

  24. I really like this artwork. I think it is reall yinteresting and could be pretty easy to do.

  25. these people of art is really looking cool. i think that i could not do this so never make us do this. i hate this people drawing art because it is so hard

  26. This type of art is the same as weve done before just a lot better. I didnt really like this project and i hope we dont do it again.

  27. Its not even cool looking. Its different, but still dumb.

  28. These pictures are kind of cool. They would take alot of work. The pictures are very different.

  29. these are cool we should try this i love how he used different colors and not just skin colors

  30. this is pretty cool. i dont think i could make something like this, i would probably get a paper cut or something. its really different type of art.

  31. these are pretty cool pictures. i'm not able to do any cut outs like this, it's impressive how precise he cut these out

  32. I think that theses look kind of boring. I wouldnt have the patience to do this. It is colorful though.

  33. I think it is cool. I don't think I would do this type of art. It looks hard.

  34. They look pretty cool, I like how the only thing used is different colors of paper, and simply cutting it in a certain way.

  35. That looks really good. that would take alot of time to make those cuts perfect. i couldnt do that.

  36. I really like all the eyes, but i dont really like it when she puts yellow or blue faces, i think it looks better when she uses real colors.

  37. This art interests me because of how hard it looks. The facial features look like the most difficult part to make.

  38. They look cool because they almost look 3d. I am most intrigued that real people are that good with scissors. The face looks like it would be the hardest because making a prefect head shape it hard.

  39. I think that all of these things look kinda funny, and they also look like they wouldn't take too long. this might be something fun to try

  40. I think all of these paper cut out look unique in there own way. All of them look kind of wierd,but also they look like they took alot of time to cut out all the little details. I think it would be fun to try and make these.

  41. These look really good and I like them. I would not have the talet or patients to do something like this. it is a very interesting project and it would be cool to make a mini project out of it.

  42. When I saw the first one I sang, "I'm blue da ba dee da ba die." Then I scrolled down to see half face man and half faced girl and then the ending potato man. I love art.

  43. I thnk is super weird, but its also pretty cool. I think this would be a good project to do in class. I like all the colors used.

  44. I like how the artist mixed up the coloring so it wasn't normal but it still was really realistic and you could recognize the facial features.

  45. I don't know how these people did the shading with the different layers. That would be very difficult. It isn't something that requires a ton of talent because it is just cutting paper. This is something that I could do if someone put the layers together for me.

  46. this would take too much time im sure. its cool how they used different colors. i dont think i would want to do this as a project

  47. I like how each piece of paper makes their own shadow. The layers of colors really make each piece unique and flamboyant! I wish that the project we did like this turned out as well as these.

  48. I'm not a huge fan of these works of art but they do like kinda like they're real. The thing that makes them look that way is the eyebrows and eyes are so well made. This looks complicated but kinda cool.

  49. These aren't my favorite kinds of art. They confuse me. What is the point of doing this. I don't even think it looks good.
