Monday, February 25, 2013


This weekend I came across the hyper-realistic artist Victor Rodriguez.  His paintings are so realistic they look like photographs, however there is usually something surrealistic about them so that you know that they can't be photos.   But you can judge for yourself.

Can you tell if they are paintings or photos?  What gives it away?

I will give double points if you can tell me what famous American artist started the hyper-realistic painting movement.  I will tell you that a car accident has since changed his style.


  1. I think this is a really cool style of art. This is something i wouldnt mind trying.

  2. i can tell they are paintings. if there were photograghes there would be different colors like red or pink in the faces and hands with the ones that arent to obvious. the one with the half face and the butterflies are very cool but are of corse paintings its really cool how these paintings are so realistic

  3. I think these are cool but kinda creepy, the one of the girl with the buterflys as eyes remind me of silence of the lambs

  4. These are crazy. I would like to know how to make paintings this realistic. I swear these are all photos.

  5. i think that these are really cool! i really like the realistic aspects to these, but also the way they added in something that makes it not look all the way like a photo.

  6. I like these pictures, there pretty cool. I can tell that some of them are painted pictures, but the others are harder

  7. These are painted because you cant have a half of a face. Although some do look like photos. These are pretty interesting

  8. This is really cool! I would love to do this. This would be very fun and entertaining.

  9. I think these paintings are really strange. I think it would be achallenge to make but I think it would be fun doing it. It is a cool finished project.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I actally thought this was a real picture. this art is awesome

  12. this art is very interesting. I think it is very creative!

  13. This are is really good. I would not be able to do it but in time i could try.

  14. I thought is was a picture at first. Its crazy how real it is.

  15. they look really real. they are so good. It was the guy Denis Peterson who started the movement. the painting are really realistic looking

  16. ron muech i think was the aritst that started this. Anyway these are all so cool they look so real i thought the one with the butterfly was real but the others some stuff gave it away that they were paintings.

  17. THese are cool. I think they are photos because with one guy and how the brain is just like on the side of the head. I think he took two photos and added them together some how. Denis Peterson started the movement.

  18. People saying about how these are just impossible, but what it takes is time and patience. Yes these are very detailed paintings, but the real question is, How long did it take this artist to do these? Give me a month and i can give you a pretty detailed picture of whatever you want. Trust me, i can do it. And every single person reading this comment. Even though you have a 2nd grade art style. Wyatt Mckee approves.

  19. YoIF you really look at it for awhile, you can tell its a painting. But if you just take a quick glimpse, it looks like a photo.The blending of the colors are amazing!

  20. These are amazing good, and look so realistic.

  21. They are very intriguing and realistic! But you can almost tell that they are not photographs because they are almsot too surreal to be real. They seem slightly abstract though since they have a feeling of randomness too them.

  22. this looks sooooo funky! id like to try to do this sometime but it seems kind of hard

  23. this is very cool looking the second one is my favorite

  24. His paintings look so real i think it would be hard to learn this style of painting just because it seems its all about how good the colors blend for different shades. Some of them are easier to tell that they are paintings then others.

  25. Look really cool. It looks good because it looks so realistic. This takes alot of talent and patience it looks like.

  26. when i first looked at these, i thought they were photographs that were photoshoped. but then it says they were sketches or whatever,i was shocked. this is really cool

  27. i cant tell they are paintings.they are really detailed. i wouldnt be able to do that in a million years.

  28. It looks like these pictures are photoshopped. I guess its art. Theses are just awkward. Its awkward art.

  29. it looks like these pictures took way too much time, and photoshop. its cool n all. not something i would wanna do though

  30. it is weird how those people have a brain sticking out of their head. i think that the people that draw faces so it is really hard to do this.

  31. You can tell it is photoshop. It is cool.

  32. They look like photographs, but there would be different colors in the cheeks and eyes.

  33. They look like photos but they have certain details that makes them look like paintings.The second one defianetly could be photo shopped but the inside of the head would have more detials,so would all the face.

  34. If I wanted to see something in 3D, I would put on some 3D glasses.

  35. I could only barely tell the first one was a drawing. To be honest, I don't like hyper realistic drawings or paintings. You could do that for a photo but, in my mind, drawings/paintings should be able to be seen as fake because is should be imbued with imagination.

  36. This would take a lot of time and patience, but it is something that I would like to try.

  37. In most of them it is easy to tell that they are paintings. The one that is difficult to tell is the one with the butterflies. This is some of the coolest art in my opinion because you have to have as much detail as a camera.

  38. this is cool but i dont think i want to try it

  39. i thought this was a photograph. this i very detailed and cool. i dont know how someone did this. Denis Peterson started this

  40. These pictures look like paintings you can tell by the way they are painted. This are great pieces of art.

  41. Wow i can't believe those pic aren't real. They look like something i could draw, Just kidding hahaha. These are wonderful this person should get an award.

  42. Those are super cool especially the half head guy. My guess would be that they are pictures but i could be wrong. The detail just looks incredible on them

  43. This is really cool.This would be hard to do. I wonder how long it took to do this. I would like to try this but not as a grade.

  44. Images such as these make me jealous for I am not able to create something so realistic looking. I wonder how much the artist practice this form of art to perfect it

  45. I like the one where the person is cut in half and it kin dove looks life like but also has a little bit of a animated part

  46. These are so realistic looking it's crazy. I could never make something this detailed and real looking. This would definitely take patience.

  47. I don't really like this art. some of them look cool to look at but some of then look dumb. The ones that do look nice are good to look at.

  48. Some of these look cool and some are not good. I look the man cut in half. I do not like the lady with the painting.

  49. I really like this art. I like how it just is colorful but yet kind of dull. The one with the skeleton isn't my favorite. It's kind of weird
