Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Stanislav Sidorova was born on the other side of the world in a Russian town that borders with China.  There is no way I will even attempt to spell the name of the town let alone try to pronounce it ever. 

Anyways, in 1977 his family moved to America.  He actually started painting at the age of 4, but is still trying to get official recognition.

I love how lose his painting style is and how bright his colors are.  I think his style fits in perfectly with what we are doing this week.  Lots of color, but very loose in brush strokes and details.

What do you think of his style?  Would you buy one of his paintings?  Does his style remind you of anybody else's style?  If so, who and why do you think so.


  1. i think this art is really good. This looks challenging but in time i think i could do this.

  2. it is good. i would buy them. it looks very changing, i would not be able to do that stuff.

  3. I dont think i would buy this. altough this is really cool. i like how realistic this looks.

  4. i think he is really good. i would buy one of his paintings.
    he is very detailed adn i would never draw as good as him.

  5. i like this art work i think it would take a while but its worth it.

  6. This style is pretty amazing. All the colors that they used. Also putting different colors together to make and object out of it.

  7. These paintings look realistic. Even though there are many different colors. I honestly would buy this for myself.

  8. I would totally buy one of his paintings. They are full of color and so creative!

  9. I like how colorful these are. They are so bright and cheery. I really like the way these paintings look.

  10. These are really spectacular. They take much skill and time. You gotta know what you are going to do, or it will turn into a blob. trust me I am probably the best artist ever...

  11. this art is pretty cool. I looks like it would take some time and some artistic to do this! Looks like Da Vinci's work.

  12. I like his style and what he does with the reflections in the water. His style is nice becuase he uses simple colors but puts in the little details that make it so good and stick out.

  13. I think its awesome how they make the reflections look. Its almost like what we are doing now. It looks pretty chalenging.

  14. I really like these. There full of color and intesting to look at.

  15. There is alot of color in these pictures. I think they are incredible

  16. i would buy them i think their really cool.. i love how colorful they are. it also look so simple to do

  17. These pictures are cool. I like how he uses bright colors.

  18. this seeems very like it took a long time to make. this is some of the most detailed art i have ever seen and it seems like some poeple have to much time on their hands.

  19. this is really cool because they are very realistic and so detailed. you can tell they spent a lot of time painting those

  20. These paintings are really pretty. I would buy one of these paintings. I liked the color schemes that they used.

  21. Whoa. This is impressive. I've never seen anything like it.

  22. I like how these paintings look. I think that this is a cool style of art.

  23. these are really cool very uneek and i like the fact that it looks wet or melted

  24. i really like the pops of colors added into his paintings. they really seem like they express the real world but also with the ways colors mix into things, the reflections in these paintings are really cool too. These paintings arent dull.

  25. I think this artwork is really cool. I would love to try this i art class sometime. I really like the style of the painting an di like the way some of the colors pop.

  26. i really like these. this is something i would like to try

  27. that is really cool. there is no way i could ever do that.

  28. These are very surprising to look at. The detail put in to these are very interesting. I really enjoy the first and second paintings. You can really see the mood in the picture. Rainy and muggy. It's fun to look at the sidewalk because of the reflection and the wetness put in to it to make it look like it was recently raining. Very cool.

  29. this is actaully super cool. Im surprised this is paint, looks like an actaul picture.

  30. These are cool. I like his style. I like how he sticks to one color theme. I woundn't mine doing something like this.

  31. These are really good and really kool, i really liked the fall one.

  32. These are weird. The paint is cool though. they have a lot of detail.

  33. I love the watered down effect that this art has! It makes the lines and planes more interesting to look at! However, I feel like I have seen artwork like this already before.

  34. I love this art. It looks so peacefull. I would try to make this but i doubt it would look good.

  35. this is very hard to understand but i would kind of like to do it

  36. i like his nature pictures and i would buy one but they are probly to expensive for me. i think it is a different form of painting and i think it is pretty

  37. I like these paintings. These are really cool. I can do this but it looks like it would be boring. I like to draw and painting isnt my major.

  38. I like the paintings. They are very cool. I think it would be hard to do the paintings.

  39. I think this would be an awesome project. The paintings are really good, i donk think mine could be that good, but there super creative and i like them alot. I think it would take a while but itd be worth it.

  40. His style is very unique and eye catching. I would buy one of his painting to brighten a room up if it wasn't very lively. I don''t know very many painters so it doesn't remind me of anyone else.

  41. I think this would be a very unique project to try. They are a good thing for catching peoples eyes. I would buy one of the painting, because they look like they would look good in my room and brighten it up a little bit. I don't know many painters so it doesnt remined me of anybody else.

  42. this is really cool i like how he paints its kind of differnt from other people. It would be really cool to do stuff like this.

  43. I especially like the first two and the fourth one. I like the style and the way the light is reflected off the water. They are cool paintings but I don't think I would buy them, they just aren't my style

  44. I love the simplicity of these paintings. This is a very relaxed style of paintings. I feel like we did something similar to this in class.

  45. These look like pics i would see from cartoon shows. I love the mood it gives me. they should be on my wall in my room not joking.

  46. This painting would brighten up any space, so I would buy it for sure. I like all the bright colors that are used. There aren't may dark colors and that's what gives the painting a happy feeling.

  47. this looks very good. Its very colorful and vibrant. This would be a cool type of art to try.

  48. This is super cool. I love that it has texture. And i love that there is a lot of color. I also think it is super cool that they are everyday scenes

  49. This looks very nice , and the colors make the art really stand out .

  50. These are beautiful. They look like they were done with a palette knife. This takes talent.
