Tuesday, February 19, 2013

One big bunny

The Giant of Vlaardingen
That would be the Dutch word for Rabbit in case you were wondering.  This giant rabbit was created by the artist Florentijn Hofman.  This Dutch artist loves to take everyday items and create giant sculptures from those objects.  Usually his objects are animals or children's toys. 

Giant Rabbit made of old wood and nails

Slow Slugs made out of wire and 40,000 plastic bags

Rubber duck made out of inflatables

Max made out of pallets, straw and shrinkwrap material

Max in progress

Head of Max

As you can see most of his sculptures are made out of common materials.  If you had access to tons of raw material what would you make?  I will also give you twice the credit if you can tell me what Swedish born American artist creates large sculptures from small objects?


  1. i like the rubber duck its really cool. i intend to be so rich one day that ill have a bath tub big enough to fit that in it.

  2. this is so cool. I love how they can catch all the peoples attention because of how big they are. My favorite one would have to be the giant bunny just laying in the road. These are so cool i bet they take up alot of time

  3. I think this is pretty cool. But they do look time consuming. I also like how realistic they look.

  4. they are like giant stuffed animals. if i could have one it would be the wolf so it could guard my front door and scare lots of people.

  5. it is big and not detailed but it is cool how it is made. it is made like a stuffed animal in a way and out of simple materials. i would not want to do one because it would be to big and too long to make

  6. i like this art it looks fun to make.

  7. I think this is pretty cool. all the objects are huge and to me alittle funny like for example the big duck. But its still cool.

  8. My favorite one is the rabbit. Its made out of wood and nails. This must have taken alot of time and strength to do this.

  9. i think that this is coo but had to take a long time to make. it looks like it was easier to think of then to accually build

  10. i would make a big elephant. it is cool how he makes simple objects into huge objects. it would take me forever to make this.

  11. I like how they are really big. I imagine that they would take a lot of time and that it would be hard. I like how he took a really simple idea and made it into art.

  12. all of these are terribad except for the duck. i like ducks. they go quack. i dont know if you knoew this but i can quack too!! does that make me part duck?

  13. These are pretty neat. It would be hard to create big sculptures that look good. Also that one with 40,000 bags would take a lot of time to create and position everything right. The huge dog looks really good and sticks out.

  14. I liked the rubber duck, it realy looked cool. If i had all the materials i would probaly make a big bird nest with the bird in it. It would be fun to make these but it would take alot of time and skill.

  15. This is seriously the coolest. I would love to do a larger than life figure. Its a pretty cool design. We should definetly do this!

  16. I think these are cool but probolly took alot of time. The duck is my favorite.

  17. these are cool must have took a long time and talent

  18. i like the yellow bunny alot this looks really hand and time comsuming.. but it would be cool when finished

  19. this is kind of cool. its really original and unique.

  20. If i had that amount of materals i would make steve from minecraft holding a pickax and breaking a block of dimond with a creeper behind steve. the atist was Claes Oldenburg. it is really unique and they are all made from like random objects.,

  21. i think this is a cool thing to do. These people must also have a lot of time on there hands because these things are huge.

  22. These are so cool! We should do something like this as a class. The people who create theses must have an abundance of creativity and should share some with me.

  23. I think these are really cool! blowing something up wa larger than its actual size is really awesome. We should try something like this sometime because it sounds like alot of fun

  24. I really like these. they look really cool. i also like how they're realistic

  25. This is really cool, but to make one of those you would need alot of time on your hands. And you are going to need a big area to make the animal thing.

  26. i really like these ideas. but who would have that much time on there hands to make one of these.

  27. I really enjoy the Max sculpture and the pictures of the process. It makes you think that whoever did this had no reason to quit in the process. Like, if it was me i might have stopped and thought, "You know what, maybe this is a bad idea." and quit. But to see that they kept going and finished it gives me total respect for them.

  28. these are really kool and they probably took a long time to make.

  29. I don't feel like this could be considered artwork. It just seems like a big project that someone would do for fun. I don't find this artwork very interesting.

  30. This looks really good. i could never make these sculptors it would have to take alot of time.

  31. these are ra=eally cool because i like animals and animal art.

  32. I dont't like this one very much as others, but it is still creative. I would not make something like this if I had raw materials. The artist was Claes Oldenburg.

  33. I like this. It looks very cool. I want a bathtub so i can fit the duck in. It would be awesome. I would like to do something like this but it would take too much time and money.

  34. awesome i like how everything is big.

  35. giant animals dont fit in with the things around them. if they could i would just pop them so they cant be repaired. i wouldnt do anything like this.

  36. I like this its really cool. It would be awesome, if I could do this. I would love to do something like this.

  37. this is over sized artwork. why

  38. this is cool..if i had the tiem and patience, i would prolly try to do this..i like this

  39. this artwork is so cool. i think the big bunnies and the duck are absolutely adorable. if i had tons of raw material, i would make a tiger sculpture.

  40. I really like this art it is fasinating to me. We could never do it,but it is reall awesome. I like the duck alot its really done well. This project is super creative.

  41. I would do the exact same thing that this man is doing. Making something absolutely random and sticking to it. Plus this guy is a genius i mean i gaint rubber duck that is awesome.

  42. I really like how this turns out. My favorite one would have to be the bunny. I like how they are so big and out there, whoever thought of this is a true artist.

  43. This art look really cool that he use raw meterials. I liked the yellow bunny the best. I think its really cool how he make them so big and bold.Also the duck is done really well and it looks good out in the water.

  44. These look really good and I like them. I would not have the talent or patients to do something like this. I personally like Max the dog the dog best.

  45. I think that big duck is in Taiwan. If I had tons of material to do this, I might make a huge mess.... somehow it would end up with me in a corner watching as my creation burns down in flames.

  46. I feel like this artist has a fetish for giant animals. It's kinda creepy. He needs a new hobby. Still looks kinda cool though (;

  47. I would be somewhat stunned if i saw a giant yellow rabbit laying in a street as I turn the corner. The yellow rabbit is my favorite because it reminds me of the story of the velveteen rabbit. The big rubber duck would be fun to climb on when you're swimming because then you could jump off it from a great height.

  48. I think that these are so cool and huge! I wonder how long they take to make? Are they filled with hay?

  49. Those are some gigantic animal made in creative ways. They interest me, and make me think wow i love it!

  50. These look very cool. I like these works of arts. I like the duck the most to be honest.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. I think these are very cool. Also really cool tourists attractions. I would love to watch someone make this? even try to make something this big on my own.
