Thursday, February 7, 2013

a single brick

It takes a single step to start a journey and it takes a single voice to start a movement, but can a single brick make change?

What would you think if you were walking along this brick wall and came across this one brick?

This is from a wall in Gorzow, Poland.  It is just a small piece of street art, but I am curious if it would have a big impact on you?  Do you think you would even notice?   If you wouldn't notice it, what would it take to get you to see it?


  1. This is really cool. I think i would notice it if i walked by but i might not. Its really creative and something you dont expected to see.

  2. dont blink, whatever you do just dont blink. they cant get you if you dont blink. they only exist if they arent observed.

    lol doctor who reference

  3. its pretty cool, it stands out. its unique and its cool

  4. I probably wouldn't notice it initially. It might startle someone at first, but it is a really amazing little piece of artwork.

  5. I would notice it because it would stand out compared to the other bricks. Its a unique brick compared to the other ones.

  6. its cool but creepy. cause i wouldnt want to walk down the street and see a brick with eyes stareing. i just wouldnt be cool with it. but other than that if it was a flower it would be cool, cause they arent creepy. or maybe michael phelps.

  7. This is CREEPY. I think "simple" art like this is very unique though. I think I would deffinatly see this if I was walking down the street.

  8. This is very wierd. I dont like this at all. It isnt somewhere were it could be appretiated. I wouldnt like to do this ever.

  9. i think this could be a big impact on alot of people, it could inspire them and send them a message in some way. Also im not sure if it would see it maybe i would depeing on where it was. I think the only way i would see it is if i was leaning agianst the wall and felt it our if i just saw it from accross the street and wondered what happend to the brick. Anyway i think its realy cool and also a bit mysterious.

  10. I thin this is really cool. I love how it just stands out. But it is a little small... I guess it just depends where you put it

  11. it is weird how they put the face in the brick. this is not natrual so they cant do this anymore. never do this project because it looks very hard.

  12. I like this one its really uneek, it creepy and i like that

  13. I would notice. Its really creepy and i would probably run. What if the eyes moved..?

  14. This is really odd but cool. I love how he sticks the face in the brick. But it would be also weird if they actually started moving.

  15. I would have a staring contest with it. Even though I might lose, I could say I did it. But this is pretty neat! If you just look at it any way. Someone should do a full body. I would but I don't like showing off. Maybe if I wanted to be famous I would do it. But I don't like attention.. Thats just me.

  16. I think this is really cool. It would be cool to see that on a brick wall.

  17. i think this is really cool. i wish i could do that

  18. Wow. How did they do that? I want to try this sometime.

  19. This brick face is kind of creepy, and could freak some people out

  20. it is like something i would do because it is random. if i wer to walk by i would see it because i have an eye for peculiar things. it kind of just stares at you and is creepy.

  21. i think it a very different art work but kinda cool.

  22. this is different and i guess its cool. i could never ever do that because its more detailed then i could ever do

  23. i dont think i would have noticed it. its small and looks like its normal in the wall. i dont think it would have a huge impact on me.

  24. This is unnique. If i were to come across this i would have been pretty interested. It looks like it blends in. You would have to be pretty creative to think of this.

  25. This is wierd. Who would just make a random object on a brick wall. it would be wierd to come across

  26. i think that this would take a lot of time to do. I am not good enough at art to do anything like that.

  27. this is different but i mean it is pretty cool.

  28. i really think this is cute. its really creative and small. any person can put their own meaning to it. i think if i was walking on the streets by this wall i would probably notice it, because i tend to look at little things all over the place.

  29. I like how much it stands out. its a really thoughtful piece of art.

  30. This probably one of those things that only the artist would notice and laugh and keep walking. If i walked past it, i probably wouldn't notice until someone said "Hey look" then look, laugh, then move on. It's still kinda cool.

  31. this is kind of creepy. it looks like the walls have eyes...

  32. its says i see you so creey but awesome

  33. This is really creepy and I really don't like this.

  34. These would be really hard to make and get up there and put all the materials in there.

  35. I think this is really cool and would be hard to do. but if I saw it somewhere on the side of a building I would probably freak out.

  36. this is really cool but i think at first it would take awhile for my eyes to adjust and find it. if i saw other people pointing and looking at it, i would be able to see what it is in a second!

  37. I really love this piece even though it is so small and camouflaged, i think the artist might have a true meaning behind it. If i was walking down this alley, I would probably notice the face because i would already be looking at the wall anyway. The only way I wouldn't notice it is if there was some other more eye catching scene close to me that i might be staring at. I believe the artist might be trying to say that his/her art is so small BUT beautiful, so can anybody notice it because of its size? i could be wrong but thats what i see.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This thing is really freaking creepy yet extremely cool. I would love to have this at my house. Plus i would more than likely expect to see this as well as a lot of graffiti is either New York, Detroit, or Los Angeles.

  40. this little piece is really creepy and I was walking by and just saw it randomly I would probably jump back. More then not I wouldn't notice it because I generally don't look at the walls. I think the only way I would look at if there was a big commotion right by it. But it is pretty cool and would take some talent to do it.

  41. I would be just walking by when all of a sudden I see a face and I'd at first nope out and walk the opposite direction, but then I'd realize that the pizza place I love so much is right beyond that face and so I'd have to walk by it again. Only then would I realize it wasn't real, it was just art and then I'd laugh at myself while eating pizza.

  42. Tell you the truth I would probably notice it cause i can notice if things are not similar. If i would have noticed it i would hav ethought it was real for acuple seonds but than realize that it was just part of the wall. I think it is a really cool way to make art.

  43. It just makes you wonder who was the mastermind behind the brick sculpture. I would be curious to come across something so different like this

  44. I like how its small and simple. To me I think some cool art is small.
