Tuesday, February 5, 2013


This sunday on the CBS sunday morning show they talked to the artist Charles Fazzino.  I was instantly fascinated by his work which reminds me of a 3D where's waldo puzzle. 

Fazzino is what they call a 3D pop artist.  He creates brightly colorful works of art that then pop off of the page with cut outs of the objects from his prints.  He has created such a powerful technique that he has often become the official artist of several big events around the world.  His latest commision was the official work of art for the super bowl.  This just proves that it is good to try different techniques and mediums to find your style, you might just make a career out of it.

It is said that you can look at one of his pictures a hundred times and find something different every time.  What are some of the details that you can see?  What amazes you about his works?


  1. I think it's cool how they made this little scene. It reminds me of Where's Waldo. It would be fun to try.

  2. I think this art is really really cool. I personally like the superbowl one. I would never be able to make this but this is all amazing art.

  3. This reminds me of one of those picture books where you have to find certain hidden objects. It seems like it would take a very long time to do! I wouldnt like to do this in Art.

  4. This art is so cool! I think it would be so hard to do it though

  5. The color and liveliness of the art can capture my attention very quickly. I find it interesting to try and pick out hidden little details. Overall pretty fascinating.

  6. I really like the color. There is a lot of detail in these pictures, its pretty amazing

  7. Its okay, and i love the colors. But it looks kind of normal, i mean, they don't have nothing special at all.

  8. I like how he puts so much detail into it. It is so bright. It catches my attemtion every time I look at it. I also like how he has a scene

  9. This is really cool. Theres's tons of detail and alot to look at. IT reminds me of where's waldo books.

  10. this is really cool. theres lots of detail in it. i wish i could do this

  11. i like how it is 3d. especially on the last one were it went off of the black. it uses different perspectives

  12. it is cool because it is 3d and uses alot of different perspecttives and on the last one it goes off of the black and makes it look cool

  13. I couldn't imagine trying to draw something like this. There is so much detail that goes into something like this. I do find these to be quite interesting.

  14. These are amazazing! If I wanted to show off I would paoint ones like these. But I don't like to brag. I could give these guys some pointers but they don't need to be any better, they are good enough. These are really neat though!

  15. these are so cool looking. it hurts my eyes. there is so much stuff there. it is to hard to look at.

  16. There is so much art into these pictures. It is great attention to detail. These may have taken a long time to make

  17. The pictures these guys drew are amazing. they probably made money doing this so it is okay. If you got paid to do this you would put time into that so let them do it.

  18. i really like the 3d castles they're really cool. this could be sonthing i want to try in my spare time

  19. its cool and its got a lot of detail in it, and i like it

  20. I like how this looks. I like all the colors and details. I think that it would take a very long time to do.

  21. This is a very wierd drawing. I would never want to do this. I like how there is so much stuff happening in this though.

  22. I love all of the colors in the painting. Also i love all the deatail. Another thing i like is how you can look at it everyday, but still find new things that you missed.

  23. These pictures are crazy good and kind of confussing but really good

  24. these pictures are not natrual. it could have been done better and should have been finished with a better finishing touch. i could have done better than what this guy did and mine would have sold for more.

  25. Alright dude has skill. Theres so much going on in each picture. Props to him for not quitting, because I definitely dont have the patience for that at all.

  26. This is extremely cool! You can obviously tell he loved doing this. There is so much in these pictures. Id love to do something like this. Its awesome.

  27. There is so many different objects showing in these pictures. There so much to look at that it makes me alittle dizzy. but overall i do like it.

  28. I feel like this type of art would take very long. although it would be worth the time because the end result is very interesting. I also like all the bright colors.

  29. these are cool. we should do that. i like the bright colors

  30. I could tell that this type of art work would take a while to do and have all of the light and dark colors combine

  31. this art work is very pretty but too busy. it is hard to take it all in.

  32. wow thats all i have to say about that. that had to take along time to draw

  33. that is really cool. the first thing i saw on the bottom picture is the monalisa on the billboard. it is really detailed and i could never do that.

  34. i really like these pictures they are really cool it is all awesome stuff. for example the new twin tower,monalisa,eifel tower and a whole bunch more

  35. the first word that comes to my mind when I look at these pictures is wow! There's so many little details I bet it took a long time to do these. There so cool though It reminds me of a Ispy book! There's random things in these pictures like hearts up in the sky, whats up with that? Overall though these are really cool and are interesting to look at.

  36. I like these scenes and how they created them. there really cool to look at. Very impressive art

  37. every time i look at these i see something i didnt see the last time. this keeps poeple interested and keeps them coming back to see it again i like how they made these

  38. i love these these r so colorful :) i can never do this much detail

  39. I like how much detail they put into these paintings. Everytime you look at it you see something else. I don't think that I would have enough patience to paint one of these paintings.

  40. I love these because they bring me back too the old days looking through Waldo books to try and find Waldo and his friends. The more you look at them, the more you see something new. I think the artist is a comical and interesting person.

  41. I personally think that this art is too much. The picture is too busy. However, everything in the picture is very creative and done well.

  42. woooooooooooooooooo far out so moving parts

  43. That is really cool!!! The first thing i saw on the first picture was the football in the air.

  44. I think it's cool how they made this little scene. It reminds me of Where's Waldo. It would be fun to try.

  45. This is really cool, you get to pick out a city and just put all the stuff its known for or stuff that is in it pop all around the page. I think this would be a really fun project to do.

  46. this is really cool, you can pin point things that you already know, and you can pin point things you would lik to know more about. i like how the artist uses a pop of colors, not just balck and white or a few colors.

  47. I was looking for Waldo (I found him in the first picture), but then I realized that I could spend my whole life looking for something that might not be there. I then went into a state of which I contemplated my life and found that I always look at things wrongly. I can't waste my time looking for Waldo, I have to let him come to me.

  48. This is so colorful and jam packed. It reminds me of a comic book or "Where is Waldo". I think it cool, but I would never try this. I do not have the patience for it.

  49. This is really cool. Theres's tons of detail and alot to look at. IT reminds me of where's waldo books.
