Friday, February 1, 2013

What can you do with a single line?

Ok I know what you are thinking, a single line can't create a work of art.  I am sure you would all like to do a work of art with only a single line and get a good grade for it.  But, if your work of art had a line that looked like these I would give you an A+.

That is right, the above work was created with a single line.  The color changes but the lines never cross.  This artwork is the brain child of an artist by the name of Geoff Slater.  He actually had the thought several years ago, and decided to try it to see if he could actually create a work of art in a single line. He says it takes some planning, but in the end the works are very unique and hav earned him some honors.

So do you think you could create a work of art with a single line?  Remember he started with simple projects before tackling this last one.  Would you be willing to even try?  Can you think about how you would even start this project?


  1. I definatly could not do anything close to this kind of art. I wouldnt even try to attempt this either because i know it would look terrible. I do like this kind of art though it really catches your eye and i wish i could do this.

  2. I really like it. The trees look so good. I think we could do it. But it would take us a really long time.

  3. I realy like this art. I wish we could do it in class even though it would take alot of time. I think would have to find the basic shapes and shadows of what you were going to create and then figure out what pattern would work best for that shape. It would take alot of thinking.

  4. this is cool, i could never do this though. its cool cause theres not much detail but that what makes it cool. theres only like lines and stuff

  5. This is really cool. I would try this, but I would start by drawing the outline then adding the line on the inside after.

  6. i really like these paintings. these people probably have alot of time on there hands.

  7. this is really cool but really hard i did this in my old school i hated it.

  8. I think this looks cool. But it would take a really long time to do. But all the different lines make it look really cool.

  9. Umm that is definitely not happening. It looks awesome but that is way too hard to do.

  10. this seems tedious i really dont want to think how long it would take to paint. one line...thats cool but i cant think about it without getting a headache.

  11. I think it is really cool how it only uses simple lines to make pretty detailed things. the bike one is very detailed but only uses lines.

  12. mY FAVORITE ON IS THE ONE OF THE BIKE AND GUY BECAUSE OF THE amazing detail put into it wile it only used lines. all the lines are simple

  13. this is pretty cool how the used a line to create these images. You would have to be pretty creative to do this! It would be a fun art project to do.

  14. IT would be so hard to find out where to put the lines to make them look like that!

  15. these are cool. i couldnt do this. i dont know how to do this

  16. pretty crazy art we got here. they probably got paid to do this and are making a killing, let them do it so they can bring in that cash.I will not interfeer with there job.

  17. I like doing little squares of these because they are easy. These are insane. Not sure how people can take time todo these but oh well! They must love it, because they look good.

  18. Wow. so many lines. it is very cool. i may note the key word may be able to do that.

  19. This was very well strategically placed on where your line would start and end. It would be very difficult to do this. Also, the color helps it very much on what everythign is made out to be.

  20. This look very difficult, and it also looks time consuming. It is really cool.

  21. There are alot of lines. I don't think that it would be too terribly hard to draw though. The end result is very cool.

  22. this is not one line. heres alot of lines. i wish i could do taht

  23. i think this art work is way too liney.

  24. these are boats. i have boated before. does that make me a sailor or like a pirate? AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

  25. these are cool but i would never to it. They look like they would take alot of time.

  26. there is no way that this is only one line i just cant believe it at all.

  27. At first i thought, "Yeah they did their drawings with lines, whatever" but then looking at the first painting i finally realized that they were painting these with only using one line and then it astonished me. After figuring that out, then looking at the biker really blew my mind. I think a project like this would be fun to do.

  28. The picture wouldn't take long, it would be all the times that take forever. I probably wouldnt try doing this project because all the lines would make me frustrated.

  29. these are pretty kool but i would hate to take all the time to do it.

  30. This is very cool but way too many lines. It wouldnt take long but theres alot of lines. Its pretty cool

  31. This is really cool,but I could never do this. Its cool, because there's alot of lines.

  32. htis si pretty looks simple..i would prolly try it just because of that

  33. This would be a project that would take so long, maybe on the lines yes though. I really think this is a creative idea and we could do this, i could it would take me a little while though. but it is really interesting.

  34. I don't know if I would be able to do art with a single line. It would be really difficult, but in the end it looks really neat! I would try it but I don't know how well it would look. I would need to plan a lot before even attempting at drawing anything!

  35. i dont think i would be able to do this. I men its cool but i would get lost and screw up to many times but i think it does look cool.

  36. I'm currently working on a book called Wreck This Journal, and on one of the pages it says to create a never ending line. Some people made them really artist....

  37. The bottom one is pretty cool because making that from only one line would take more than skill. The close up of the shoe is my favorite because it is more gradient and less choppy with the colours. The house would be my second favorite because it feels homey.

  38. There is no way I would be able to do a project with only one line. I give the artist huge props because I would never be able to do this. They made it look realistic.

  39. These pictures probably took a lot of thinking ahead. At first glance I was not aware the image was made with a single line. Amazing.
