Thursday, January 3, 2013


So you are probably wonder what Zevs is or actually who Zevs is?  Zevs is not a technique it is a french street artist who's identity is not known, but his artwork is very unique.  Zevs takes common logos and makes them look like they are smearing down the sides of buildings.  He calls them "liquidated logos."

So I am wondering, is this art or is this vandalism?  And why do you think that?


  1. I would consider that more vandalism than anything. It just doesn't seem that unique or interesting to me. I feel like anyone could make it seem like a logo was melting if they really wanted to.

  2. i think the coca cola one is the best. tho other ones dont look like they had much time put into them.

  3. This is cool I consider it to be art because they are being creative with symbols. I like the first one the best, because the red goes good with the building.

  4. umm im not sure if i like this art very much. i wouldnt say its my favorite. i guess its kinda neat.

  5. I really like this art because of the paint that runs below it. I am a big fan of things that have the reflection type thing below it. Sweet art for sure

  6. I feel like this "art work" is vandilism and illegeal. Defiantly not a fan of this art work.

  7. this looks really cool. idk if it would be that hard. its not as cool as other artwork.

  8. I really like this alot this looks awesome. I wish we had signs like this in Sioux Falls. I wonder how much time they have to put into doing a sign looking like that! They all look really cool and catch my attention.

  9. Well, i don't really like it. Maybe the ones in the first picture are kind of cool but, i dont know, not my style.

  10. These look really cool, but it is vandlilism and illegeal. Desipit that i really like it.

  11. I think that this is vandalism more than anything. Not a huge fan of this.

  12. I don't really like this one. I would say it is kind of vandalism. not one of my favorites

  13. it cool the way he does it but unless he has permission it is vandalism but some of them cool kind of cool.

  14. this is pretty niffty it looks very grunge and punk. yet it still looks like art!

  15. I feel it is vandalism because it looks like some one just throught paint or something on it. I really dont see how this could be art.

  16. i dont like looks messy

  17. this is art, like kind of grunge art. i don't think it could be considered vandalism, he most likely asked if he could do this.

  18. Personally, I really do not like this artwork because it looks like anyone can do this and it looks like vandalism more than it looks like artwork which really makes it look worse.
