Thursday, January 3, 2013

Skoglund art

Sandy Skoglund is a photographer and an installation artist.  I would hope you all know what a photographer is, but maybe you don't know what an installation artist is.  An installation artist is someone who basically creates large art projects that encompass a room or the room itself can be considered art.  These projects are usually very large and take several months to create and sometimes it takes that long just to set them up.

Sandy has combined both of her art forms to create installation pieces that she then photographs into artwork that can be sold.  She occasionally adds real people to her created people for her photo shoots.  She also loves to use bright colors with dark colors and edible items in some of her work.

This one is called Radioactive Cats.  The man and the woman are real people, but the cats have all been sculpted and painted that bright green color.

Fox Games

The Cocktail party
Body Limits

Breathin Glass
Raining popcorn
A Breeze at work

So which work is your favorite?  What do you like about her work and what do you find different or unique?  If you could do a project like this, what exactly would you do?


  1. i think this art is very different i dont really like the cats. im just not a cat person and the art looks a little wierd.

  2. i am very scared of these paintings. if i walked into a room i would have dead sprinted out of it. but they make money doing it so let them keep doing it.

  3. i think this type of art is really cool but different.i like how interesting it is. also how they use real people in the art. my favorite would probably be Radioactive Cats. but they are all pretty neat

  4. This type of art is interesting,I've never seen anything like it. When i look at it I think of the movie house of wax for some reason. These paintings are very unique I personally dont really like them but they're still pretty cool!

  5. This really cool and interesting. I like how she has the same thing repeating. This type of art is unique. I really like the Radioactive Cats.

  6. This art would be a amazing art project! i think we should do a class project on it!

  7. this is so awesome because its so unique, i mean they put cheetos on people, thats awesome

  8. All this art work is very confusing. I do not like it very much.

  9. It is very different. I like it. You don't get to see this very much.

  10. im really interested in this, its really eye catching and creative. it shows a nice contrast with the colors too.

  11. What kind of person wastes BACON????? The other ones are good though.

  12. This one is not one of my favorites. Although, I do like the glass, and popcorn ones. this is a creative project though

  13. this is weird. it lookes messy but neat, i like the bacon one, it took me while to figure out what the medium was.

  14. This is a very odd type of art. I think that the bacon one is kind of a waste of time and bacon. The Cheese puff one is a little cool.

  15. This artist has a strange way of expressing his artistic ability. My favorite one is the bacon people and chair. I also like the one made of Cheetos its a unique medium.

  16. this is cool and strange at the same time

  17. I personally do not like any of these arteworks not because they are bad at al mans but they just have too much of one color in each of them that makes me angry.
