Thursday, January 3, 2013

Metal men

Korean artist Yeong-Deok Seo creates imposing figurative sculptures using tightly knit configurations of welded bicycle chains and industrial steel chains.


So what are your thoughts on these sculptures?  Can you think of any other types of materials or objects that you think he should try or that maybe you would even like to try?


  1. i think this art would be fun to do. it would take a while to do it because its metal.

  2. this seems like it would be way too much work. i think it would be a boring art project in my opinion. but its kinda cool

  3. It looks cool. Also, it would take way to long to do that i would get bored of doing.

  4. I am not really a fan of this art work. it is borning and not very colorful. It seems like it would also take alot of time.

  5. this is fantastic i would enjoy to try this sometime. i could really have fun with this art

  6. This looks cool. I think that it would take a long time to do. But i think that it would be fun to do.

  7. AWESOME! very cool, i love it. I would love to see him make something or someone out of like shoe strings, or cds. Very cool work, korean dude.

  8. these are very kool and had to have taken a long time.

  9. I am not really a fan of this art work. it is borning and not very colorful. It seems like it would also take alot of time

  10. this is cool. i like it. very awesome

  11. I think that if someone did this with recycle metal that would be really cool plus help the enviroment because steel takes along time to decompose. the sculptures look really cook

  12. This is very interesting. I would imagine that this is pretty heavy.

  13. this is really cool. I like the way they are so life like. The only thing I don't like about this is that they are not colorful

  14. This is a really cool project to do. It looks like it would take a while to make the metal look like this. This would be cool to do in class with scrap metal.

  15. I think this would be super hard. You would have to be able to shape the metal which would require a lot more skill than us as high school students have.

  16. this is so cool!!! i think the first one is a bike chains! this would take a lot of work because you would need to make sure the chains dont sinch

  17. It looks like they took chains off of bikes and swings to make these. They are cool but imagine them in your wake up at like 12 to go to the bathroom and you see this humanly figure. I would freak out.

  18. These pieces of art look like they took chains off random things, and stuck them together to make people. I do think this is really cool and a unique way of expressing art. This project would take a lot of time getting supplies, and sticking it all together.

  19. i think it is really neat, it looks like some are from bicycles, i have accidently gotten cut on a bike chain so i dont know if this would be dangerous to someones health.

  20. This is really cool.This would be hard to do. I wonder how long it took to do this. I would like to try this but not as a grade.

  21. I really want to try this. The bike chain one is my favorite. The rest of them are really awesome but i would like to try the one with bike chains.

  22. I like how they put in the effort to put pieses together and make a person out of metel.

  23. I really like this art it looks very good and looks like they really put a lot of time and work into this sculpture. I feel as if this would have taken forever to make and the fact that he stuck with it to make the person out of it is amazing.
