Thursday, December 27, 2012

Escher Illusions

The Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher was known for his mathematically inspired art. I know what your thinking, math and art don't go together, but actually they go together all the time.  Escher did not have any mathematical training, but most of his math was done visually and by instinct.  I guess he had some great instincts.  

His work created some of the first optical illusions.  He loved to draw stairs that went nowhere and water that flowed up.  If he always tried to find a way to make you think about art.

Which one is your favorite?  What is some of the unique and unusual things that you can find in these drawings?


  1. I can't really tell what they are trying to do in the works, but i like it. It is just hard to understand.

  2. This work what i would say is confusing,cuz there r so many things going on in these pictures that its hard to follow was going on.

  3. i think this art is cool the bird to fish one isnt like the other. the other ones look 3-d the fish just look cool.

  4. this one is really cool. i like the 3D of it. the hand one is kinda creepy, but it would be my favorite.

  5. Illusions are my all time favorite. I love looking at one point of a photo then looking at another and finding something totally different inside it. It's very mind blowing. I love the painting with the two hand drawing eachother. very cool.

  6. this one is really cool. i like the 3D of it. the hand one is kinda creepy, but it would be my favorite.

  7. This project would be cool for someone to do but it is really confusing! My favorite is of the hand drawing. It is neat how people can make things look way different and make it pop off the page.

  8. My favorite would have to be the one with all the stairs. It would be really confusing to be in that house. There is people in every part of the house and It looks awesome.

  9. The fish one is my favorite. The shadowing is pretty cool, and so is the texture and designs.

  10. This is really cool and would like to learn how to do this i class. I find it cool that some of the objects pop out at you.

  11. these are really cool although it almost gives me a headache trying to figure it out.

  12. My favorite one would have to be the fish. It is like a mirror image of the fish on the opposite side.

  13. I think I remember seeing something like this in Mrs. Woods' class. Very cool.

  14. My favorite is probably the castle one. It looks really awesome. As awesome as they look and all i dont know how much of a fan i am of them just for the simply fact that they confuse me a lot. BUt other than that these are awesome.

  15. These were always my favorite as a child. They inspired me to start drawing and I'm really just in love with them. I love the trick of the eye type of art.

  16. My favorite one is the hand that look like they are drawing each other. They are really cool, but they are confusing because there are so many things put into one painting. I still think they look awesome. I would never think of doing this kind of art work personally.

  17. I like the bird that turns into a fish. It looks very interesting and i like animals. I would like doing a project like this with animals turning into other animals.

  18. These are so cool. I love optical illusions. I hope we do something like this sometime.

  19. This is pretty sweet with the black and white. I like the optical illusion in the stairs one.

  20. the hands are my favorite piece. It's really awesome how he uses a great amount of shading to make it look like they are popping out at you

  21. I like how he transition into different picture. also like how he did pictures only using black and white

  22. My favorite is the hand drawing the other hand. This is unique because not may people would think of it.

  23. These are really cool illusions, and i think it would be cool to do this sometime. i just think it looks really hard, and i would probabbly get board of it after awhile.

  24. My favorite would have to be the one with all the stairs. It would be really confusing to be in that house. There is people in every part of the house and It looks awesome. I would like to actually try this one.

  25. My favorite on wuld have to be the one with the hands. The cool part about this is that he made it look like he was drawing his own hand. I would find this really intresting and hard to do.

  26. My favorite would have to be the stairs. Its interesting because you turn your head one way and one stair case is going the right way and you turn it the other way and its all wrong.It would be hard to create these kind of drawings because I would get all confused on what exactly I was drawing.

  27. These are very cool works of art. they make you have to think a little bit, but they are way to complex for me.

  28. These pieces are so good. It so weird how they take one picture and can completely change it into something else. I really like how real they look!

  29. These pictures are really cool. It is cool how they can change one object to look like something else. Like the birds and the fish, that was really cool, i wish i could do that!

  30. This is really cool and I would like to try it some time

  31. i like this picture because it looks challenging.but looks like a pretty fun thing to.

  32. This is very cool, it would be hard to make it look like they where three dimensional objects. I like they one where it looks like the hands are coming off the page and drawing themselves.

  33. I think this is really interesting and very difficult at the same time! i like how in one of the picture one hand is drawing the other and vice versa

  34. These pieces are very cool and attract the eye! I think that these would be very hard to make and I wouldn't like to try these at school.

  35. The Stairs one is my favorite. It is confusing, yet completely understandable. I love how it is neverending. It reminds me of dreams I sometimes have, they are eneverending!

  36. These art pieces are not only very good, but incredible brilliant. The creativeness of the new ideas and the synchronization of the pieces are outstanding. I love how they are in somewhat of a mirror type image, not really mirror, but opposites.

  37. cool they did go on the three diameles

  38. These pieces of art are very creative. My favorite is probably the hand one because it is very unique.

  39. I dont like them they are giving me a headache, but they are extremely fascinating as far as creativity goes. I just couldnt do something like that it seems impossible and disorienting.

  40. I really like the hands. They are always giving me something to look at. The stairs is another drawing that confuses me.

  41. This looks really confusing to me, but it would be fun to try. I like the fish and goose one. I like how it starts out as a fish and then it turns into a goose. I also like the stair ones and how some are up side down. The stairs ones are probably the hardest.

  42. These looks really cool. I really like the one where the hands are drawing each other. I think this would be fun to try sometime.

  43. I love the shading and the layers in the pictures. My favorite is the hands one. We should do this one sometime

  44. This is very funny, I was making comments and I came across the idea for project that we are currently working on in class. This pictures are amazing, and show us, humas how tricky our minds are.

  45. I like the artwork of the birds n fish best. It seems almost as if the picture is moving as you scroll. Its very trippy and eye catching.

  46. i absolutely love this. i love how it is so coool and interesting. This is by far one of my favorites.

  47. I like the stairs the best. Its so cool how you can look at it with different perspectives.

  48. I like the stairs the best. Its so cool how you can look at it with different perspectives.

  49. i really like the fish the most, i think its very pretty. it also is very cool the transition from the goose to the fish.

  50. These are very neat. Its cool how they all have different perspectives.

  51. These are very neat and kinda make my brain hurt. Like how they have different perspectives.

  52. These are some cool optical illusions! But how does some one think about these? Let alone how long did these take to do?

  53. This looks so cool. It looks like your in a maze and you can not get out.

  54. I think this is super cool. It would be hard to make the 3D objects. I really like the hand one.

  55. This is amazing the way that this art tricks you mind. Making it think that something is doing one thing while looking one way, but then you look at it another way, and it's doing something completely different.

  56. My favorite one was probably the fish one. Its really cool how it goes from birds in the sky to fish in water. It also amazing how he makes everything 3D in his drawings.

  57. i think this looks cool. it is cool how they go from ducks to fish. it is cool how he makes them into things that actually look 3d.

  58. This is really cool how small it is. It is really creative and I wonder how long took to make it. I would like to do something like this.

  59. i really like these sketches. i could look at these for a while and get lost in them. if i tried drawling something like this i think i would confuse myself.

  60. I think these look very cool and unusual. I think that my favorite one is the 2 hands drawing each other. I like the other ones too, I think its interesting how these pictures can trick your mind so easily. I really like to look at optical illusions. I think it's cool to look at the stair to see where hey lead to, only to find them colliding with each other.

  61. looks very wounderful. Very touching in the heart. love it one day one of my kids could do good .

  62. i like how the maszen is. it is so cool

  63. This artwork is super trippy but I love it. It's so unique and interesting. I could look at these for a long time

  64. These pieces of art are actually really cool. I love how he got so much detail into his drawings and made it look so realistic.

  65. It is so crazy how he can do that. They`re such a good optical illusion. My favorite optical illusion of his would have to be the fish one. That one just intrigues my interest the most.

  66. I love thise because i like illusions and how well they can perceive this pictures then put them onto paper

  67. My favorite one was the first one with the fish and the birds. I was surprised when I realised that they made fish with the silhouettes of the birds.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. I really like the top one and how it changes from birds to fish

  70. This is very cool, it would be hard to make it look like they where three dimensional objects. I like they one where it looks like the hands are coming off the page and drawing themselves.

  71. I like all of them they all build onto each other, the birds on top of the fish and the different levels on the upwards water are built on top of the previous level.

  72. i like the one whit fish in it, i think it is really cool how someone can come up with a drawing like that that messes with the brain.

  73. I think these all look very confusing. I had to look at a few of them a few times to understand them. I think these would be a hard project if he would have to do it.

  74. I really love illusion that really mess with your mind. My favorite artwork from above is the birds and fishes. You would never think that would happen.

  75. I can't really tell what they are trying to do in the works,but it looks cool.

  76. I can't really tell what they are trying to do in the works, but i like it. It is just hard to understand. very cool and makes me wonder what you are seeing

  77. These illusions are actually pretty dope. They are all trippy as well. But anything an illusions is trippy

  78. i really like how 3d the second one looks like. i wish i could do that

  79. This is a really cool work of art. These optical illusions are really cool and weird to look at.

  80. My favorite is probably the castle one. It looks really awesome. As awesome as they look and all i dont know how much of a fan i am of them just for the simply fact that they confuse me a lot. BUt other than that these are awesome.

  81. These works are pretty neat. The stairway one is really trippy .

  82. I think that all of these look very good and they trick my mind. It is very creative and all of them look very good I wish I was able to make something that looks as nice as this does.

  83. I love the first one with the birds then it fades into fish. Those are super unique and cool art pieces. It would also be very fun try.

  84. My favorite would have to be the one with all the stairs. It would be really confusing to be in that house. There is people in every part of the house and It looks awesome.

  85. This probably took a lot of trying and failing to make this. It messes with my brain. I think they are soo creative.

  86. This would be really hard i know that im not good enough to draw even close to this, but whoever did is really good at drawing, and has a talent for drawing allusons

  87. This project seams super challenging. I like how it is 3D, and is many stories tall. I really like this piece of art especially the stair one.

  88. this project looks very hard to accomplish and takes a good artist to do it. the way the stairs come together makes this pieces of art nice. the drawing with the hands looks very nice, i like how the hands touch each other.

  89. It's cool but confusing at the same time. I wonder how long it took to do that.

  90. I think this work is cool but it is also super trippy. It probably took forever to do this. I would never be able to do anything like that.

  91. All of these artworks are really cool but very trippy at the same time. I would like to know how to do the stairs one and I feel like it would be a lot of fun to do them.

  92. I like these projects, they look really cool and make you think on how they work. They look hard to make and that they would take a long time to do. I don't think I could make that.

  93. This looks really cool. I would really like to do this. I just don't know if I could.

  94. it looks really cool. it's one of those pieces were you have to take a second look. very eye opening

  95. These are very cool to look at it. It would take a long time to make it so detailed though. This is a very unique and different type of art.

  96. these are really cool. my favorite one is the hands. it looks so unique and realistic.

  97. I like the one with all the stairs.It so cool how you can make it like that. It looks very unique but pretty cool.

  98. This is amazing and it looks very hard to do the way that this art tricks you mind. Making it think that something is doing one thing while looking one way then you look at it another way, and it's doing something completely different.

  99. This artwork is interesting looks nice, and i think it would be really hard to draw one, i wouldn't really like to do something like that:)

  100. I think this is really interesting and very difficult at the same time! i like how in one of the picture one hand is drawing the other and stuff

  101. I like the optical illusions of these drawings. I think they are really creative.

  102. I like of how these are a 3D type. I like the 3rd one because it
    is like a labyrinth type thing. The second one is good but looks like it is in a coliseum in the background.

  103. My favorite one is the one with a waterfall. I think it's cool how he made it look like the water is flowing upward. I like how it looks.

  104. I really like these because it really shows an illusion and doing these projects are confusing but in the end they are really cool to look at.

  105. think these look very cool and unusual. I think that my favorite one is the 2 hands drawing each other. I like the other ones too, I think its interesting how these pictures can trick your mind so easily. I really like to look at optical illusions. I think it's cool to look at the stair to see where hey lead to, only to find them colliding with each other.

  106. Looking at these pictures in gives me the thought of Harry Potter.

  107. These are trippy. I couldn't try to focus on one thing at a time without getting a headache. These are really cool though.

  108. These are really confusing to me. I don't understand how people can make them look like an optical illusion. Sometimes it's hard to find the illusion

  109. these are hard. i remember doing these in class. they werent fun

  110. I like his work with pencils. It is quite amazing all the things you can do using visual math and shading.

  111. I think this is fun. I think this is creative. This makes me think more than other art pieces.

  112. i like the design they used here i think it would be very fun to do

  113. i really like this piece. it really tricks your mind, you have to take a second look.

  114. This looks really cool. I like how it is black and white. It is cool how they don't start or stop at a certain place it just keeps going.
