Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day and Night in the same work

Have you ever wanted to create a work of art that has both day and night in it?  Well photographer Stephen Wilkes has done just that.  He positions his camera in a specific spot and turns it on for as long as 15 hours to catch both a night and day image in the same shot.

day night combined The Flatiron NYC1 New York City, Day and Night Combined By Stephen Wilkes (Photo Gallery)
New York City
It is fun to find the line where the image switches from day to night. In the one above it is right around those bushes.  This one was also done around a Sept. 11th memorial, you can see the lights in the background.
day night combined Central Park NYC1 New York City, Day and Night Combined By Stephen Wilkes (Photo Gallery)
I love this one in winter, but I don't think I could have stood up in his crane all day and froze in the name of art, could you sit still with him all day?
day night combined Washington Square Park NYC2 New York City, Day and Night Combined By Stephen Wilkes (Photo Gallery)
Perhaps you like the angle of this one better.  From the picture can you tell where the sun was compared to him?
day night combined Coney Island1 New York City, Day and Night Combined By Stephen Wilkes (Photo Gallery)
This is a fun one of Coney Island.  You can see all of the beachgowers enjoying the hot summer day and all of the carnival riders having fun at night.  Could you have sat in the hot sun and got the shot? 


  1. i think its cool that he wants to do this. i dont have enough time for this but he probly gets paid for it. i think it is pretty cool overal.

  2. i dont even get the point of this and dont see how it is art.

  3. All I see are the words KARMA JELLO, but the 'M' is a weird leaf and the 'L's are mushrooms. I think I should start writing my name with symbols....

  4. I don't understand this at all. I don't get how this is a day and a night.

  5. this doesnt look like anything very challenging or fun

  6. I don't really even see how this is supposed to be art. There is not even really a point of this.

  7. The m looks like the symbol for weed and the L are weird mushrooms. i dont know how that applies to day and night but i suppose there is some explanation behind it. it just looks weird.

  8. This is really weird and not really my type of art. It isnt really very interesting to me. This is not my favorite at all

  9. That last one looks like both day and night are going on so it is my most favorite one out of all of these. I could not tell that the one picture in the winter was on a crane. I think all of these are really good.

  10. These are very creative pieces of art

  11. These are very creative pieces of art

  12. i would say this is more photography than art, they all take little skill or creativity. all you'd need is some photoshop.

  13. These are very pretty pictures and it would be cool to try this.

  14. I love these. the contrast is so cool and I think it would a fun project to work on.

  15. this is so cool i think this would be a fun but hard project to do

  16. I especially like the one where it splits top and bottom! But these ones I like the most. If i could I would like to see more of these in the exhibit.

  17. This is amazing and to cool . this is probably the most interesting artwork ive seen

  18. This is amazing. These are the pieces of artwork that I am interested in. Not only is there so much going on, but it shows the difference between day and night which is way more sweet!

  19. I really like this one. My favorite one is when they are on the beach, the rides at night look super cool.

  20. This looks like it would be really fun to make. It is amazing how they have half of the picture as a bad side and the other half as the good side. This would be a fun project to do.

  21. This is really cool how small it is. It is really creative and I wonder how long took to make it.This look really hard. I would not like to do something like this.

  22. this is my kind of art. i like taking raw photos and doing something specacular with them. i actually really like photography and might make it a hobby of mine someday.

  23. I've actually seen these before, when they hired this guy to take a picture of a play. In the main picture, the 2 stars were hugging, and in the mirror they were kissing. I really like this guy's style.

  24. These are really beautiful. It's really interesting to see day and night side by side when they are so different.

  25. it is very cool to see the crowds in the streets and the beach and rides at night and to see the difference in the day and night

  26. I think this looks neat. I think we should try it this year. It is interesting to see the difference during the times of the day.

  27. I really like the photos because it shows the same image but with in a different way. I find the one in Washington Square the most interesting because it uses the buildings as the dividing line.

  28. These are crazy good. They had to get a perfect photo to match it with the other. I like these photos a lot. It is very unique. I am think this is very interesting.

  29. I like how they did this. How one side is bright and the other side is darker. It makes me feel good when i look at these pictures

  30. I love the night and day effect in the New York City one. I honestly like New York at night better than during the day. During the day it's just too loud and at night its soothing and kinda quiet. I love the street lights. They say that new york city is alive 24 hours.

  31. I really love how they have the day and night effect. It's so cool how they use the lights during the night. They make the night still look alive and somewhat like the day.

  32. I love all these and how they are so detailed. So nice how there's so much light and it looks really awesome.

  33. These are really cool pictures and i like how they turned out. I would do something like this and hang it up for decoration

  34. I think this is really sweet. I like how its one picture but there are two pictures in it. This is something that would be fun to try.

  35. This is amazing! I think we should learn this. It would be very cool to learn how to do that.

  36. This looks weird. I personally don't like it in my opinion.

  37. Am I looking at a painting or a picture? I really think that most of the images I looked at looked fabricated. Yet I still liked how they showed the day and night. And how all the color's all came together to make the painting or picture look really bright.

  38. I think that all of these photos look very nice. I do not think that I would have the time and the patience to wait to take the photos at the perfect time like the artist does.

  39. I like how they have the same picture but in night and day in the same picture. This would be fun to try.

  40. This is creative , But also it takes to long .

  41. These all look so cool! I like how in the first one the cars look like they are moving. Super cool idea.

  42. These I don't understand at all. I can't understand the words but I mean it's art so it doesn't have to make sense

  43. This is something different that actually looks pretty sweet. I like the transition between day and night in the pictures.

  44. i dont even get the point of this and dont see how it is art.

  45. These pictures are actually like pretty, like how the sun is setting its dark and everything is lit up. It's also pretty how on the other side it's daylight. One of these pictures would be so cool to make, but difficult.

  46. These pictures are really really pretty! This photographer is super talented and obviously knows a lot about different angles. My favorite one is the first picture of day and night.

  47. I like how this artwork is in super precise detail. My favorite on would be the beach one. This seems pretty challenging.

  48. This seems like something very hard and time consuming to do. I really like the winter one. I think t would be cool to do a winter one but with christmas lights and decoration. Like a movie on hallmark during christmas, all bright and full of christmas joy.

  49. These pictures look really cool. They edited them very well, and it looks very modern and realistic.

  50. I like on how all of these art pieces are different shades of colors. I like the 3rd one down where it changes from dark to the like but then one side has leaves and the other side doesn't.

  51. This is really cool. To me I see 2 point perspective in this. Putting both of them together must have been hard since there is the shadows and shades. Coney Island is my favorite.

  52. This is really cool, I like the snowy one the most but the beach one is really cool too. He did a good job editing it to look like just one picture taken.

  53. Wow, these look amazing. I like the beach and the city one the best. They all look pretty neat though. Photography is a pretty awesome thing.

  54. These looks so cool. I like city paintings. Its cool how different they look from night compared to day.

  55. I really like this artwork it looks really cool how they did day and night, and how they added all small details and all the colors were added 😄

  56. This is really cool. My favorite on would be the beach one.
    I really like how they have the day and night effect.

  57. I think that this is really cool and that the beach one is probably my favorite

  58. m I looking at a painting or a picture? I really think that most of the images I looked at looked fabricated. Yet I still liked how they showed the day and night. And how all the color's all came together to make the painting or picture look really bright.

  59. I really like the first one and the one of Coney Island. I feel like it would be fun to see the end product and put it together, but I don't feel like it would be fun sitting there all day. Especially the one in the winter.

  60. I like this one because it kind of shows two different sides to just one area. It makes the mage feel like it has two different seasons.

  61. m I looking at a painting or a picture? I really think that most of the images I looked at looked fabricated. Yet I still liked how they showed the day and night. And how all the color's all came together to make the painting or picture look really bright

  62. These look like normal pictures. But they are so well done that they can get someone to look at it and say "wow".

  63. These pictures are nice. I like these pictures. They are very creative.

  64. I like the concept of the collisions of night and day it almost makes the art work look more diverse in a manner of color.It makes it seem larger as well and somewhat frightens you to see how truly simple night and day are to see them together. The winter picture is my favorite it has some what of a mystical forest type feel.

  65. I really like the first one and the one of Coney Island. I feel like it would be fun to see the end product and put it together, but I don't feel like it would be fun sitting there all day. Especially the one in the winter.

  66. I have never seen anything like this . They look amazing and it makes you see day and night at the same time. Its weird how it shows both cause in real life you'll never see that.
