Monday, December 3, 2012

Forcing the perspective

Depending on your perspective of any situation you might see something different than someone else.  Well what if a photo forced you to change your perspective on a situation?  Can you force your brain to make it change the image to the right way?

Do you see the world different?  Do you have a creative idea you would like to try?


  1. The bike one was really easy to see, but some of these are very very difficult to change. I'm not sure how the last picture worked. Its kind of interesting how it changes the perspective.

  2. These are cool i guess. Nothing that "amazing" but they are creative. I seen someone perfectly angled a basketball hoop with the sun, so it made it look like the sun was a basketball and it was going through the hoop during sunset. Distance is a pretty cool thing.

  3. i dont really get these paintings. the best one is the girl holding the tower up. they are just paintings to make people look big and small at the same time. they are not very good paintings.

  4. these are really cool. Very creative to do some of these. these would take weeks to do but could be fun to do

  5. These are really cool. It is very creative. They would be fun to photograph.

  6. i really think its cool how your mind can change things when you dont even know it. It would be fun to do some thing like this or to just ever do some things envolving cameras because there are some amazing thngs that can be created useing the mind

  7. I think perspective is what makes art so cool. I think that without perspective the art wouldnt mean as much. This is something that i find to be very difficult.

  8. This is my favorite persepetive out of all art. I love how cool they can make things look and how amazing they can place them selves to make it look realistic.

  9. This is sweet. He needs to do more of this kind of art. I think we should to something like this.

  10. I think that this is such a cool idea. It makes you look at things differently. Its very creative. We should try this in art.

  11. these are really cool and how these people get the perfect shot and angles are amazing

  12. These are pretty cool pictures but i wouldn't consider them art. I don't think I would spend time doing this. Pretty interesting though.

  13. these are very cool, but wierd, i won't think that this would be a good peice of art

  14. i love this art. I would love to try this and it would take along time. This art rocks

  15. This art is amazing. But personaly, i wouldnt waste my time doing it. Its still interesting though.

  16. I really like this, its super cool I see pictures like this on facebook sometimes. I like the cloud one it looks like their really grabbing that cloud. Ive tooken a picture where i grab my friends head and it looks like my hand is really large and their head is really small.

  17. it is interseting. I like it. it is cool how the pictures are all differently angled

  18. That is really wierd and crazy!!! i got how they did that its crazy and i love it!!!

  19. i love forced perspective. it is just so cool.

  20. These are mind boggeling. I like seeing the pictures then realizing what they actually are.

  21. this is amazing, i like it so much, i love how it its like unpide down but at the same time right side up

  22. these are very cool and creative. i like how you can see it in different directions. i really think it would take skill to do this.

  23. this art is kind of cool. it would be nice if we could do something like this.

  24. This art is pretty cool. I think that this is cool and i like how people are upside down. I wouldnt be able to do this.

  25. this is pretty cool. its kinda wierd though. i dont think some of thiese would be that hard.

  26. these pictures are really cool. i think they are very creative and i wish i could do something like this!

  27. This pictures are so cool. I would like to try to take some of this kind of pictures.

  28. These look soo cool. I think this would be easy to do.

  29. Now this is my favorite art. they make it look like they actually are falling or grabbing smaller things but actually they are just sitting up right. I like this. Plus it's probably the easiest art there is.

  30. these pictures are really cool they look like everybody is falling or some other people are holding things i really like this

  31. This is really cool. I like the way that it looks. I think it would be easy to do.

  32. This is really cool! Some of the pictures you can see the change, but some are way harder to see.

  33. This artwork is really interesting. If you look at it at different angles you can tell what they are doing. I think it would be really chanllenging to do this.

  34. This is a unique way to use the cameras perception. I like how it makes the brain think.

  35. these are really cool. we should do this. love itttt

  36. i think this art form is really interesting. it would be hard to do unless you are a good photographar.i think it would be fun to do it but i dont think this art form is a class yet.

  37. this is really cool i can see both ways. its interesting how peope can just change the view of the picture by how far an object is

  38. these pictures are really easy to do and they are really cool looking.

  39. These designs are very unique and very creative. I would have a hard time thinking of an idea for something like this. I honestly thought the picutures look realistic.

  40. My favorite picture is the one with the hand grabbing the cloud. I wish it was somehow possible to actually grab a cloud. My next favorite was the guy blowing the people down.

  41. THat is cool. my favorite is the guy being picked up by the hand. i dont think i jave that much creativity to do that.

  42. this art looks very fun. i have done stuff like this in the past but i didnt know that this is art.

  43. These are really cool. It shows that all you need is a camera and some people to make some really cool pictures. These are definetely creative also.

  44. This art is very cool. My favorite is the one that the two people are coming of the water. My second favorite is the hand grabbing the cloud.

  45. These may be the most creative pictures I've EVER looked at in the past 10 seconds. They show creativity and skill. Grab a camera and a friend and go make some yourself is what I see!

  46. my favorite was trhe first one because i didnt relize it was even tilted until after about 5 minuts. it insipres me to do hidden picture drawing or someething like that.

  47. these would be really fun to do. we should do a project like this in spring or something like this because it makes you think.

  48. the two people that are comng out of the water are pretty realistic because i dont know why. it is mezmerizing

  49. this is kinda cool. i liked the one that the hand was "grabbing" the small guys shirt. its was neat.

  50. i think this woukd be so fun just to go out and do on any day. just for fun. my favorite one is either the pool or the dock.

  51. This project is really neat and it would be fun to try. Some of my friends tried to do somethings like this in Minneapolis. I think if would be fun for us as a class to do it!

  52. I like these kind of pictures and how they make you look at things. I really like the one of a person grabing a cloud out of the sky.

  53. I absolutely love looking at these kind of pictures. It's so cool.
    I want to try one of these. My favorite is the first one with the girl in the water. It actually looks like she's just sitting with water all around her. I also like where the guy looks like he's blowing the people in the background away.

  54. i love when people take these kinda pictures with cool objects where its not even remotely possible, but looks so realistic. I have done a few like this in our photoshop perspective, and some of my own at cool places. Its crazy how your eyes and brain can change the perspective and understand it.

  55. I like this a lot because it takes a whole no perspective into play, I would definitely want to get me holding joe in one hand, Because hes a tank and not many people are strong enough to do that. But this is probably my favorite out of all the artworks.

  56. ive seen these before and just never found interest in them mostly because it is just a person 20 yards behind someone to make it seem like they are holding em up.


  58. I think these pictures are really fun and popular. I took a picture like this at the leaning tower. It did not turn out because a Chinese boy was in the way. Anyways these pictures are very common and i like them.

  59. I like the cloud one the best. I try to do this but it never works.

  60. My favorite one is the one with the bike. I know quite a few people that try to do pictures like this and they end up turning out really cool

  61. how like how creative these people are. could never have the ideas to do that. i always have wondered how far back you have to be?

  62. This is really cool. I like the way people see the world and how they be that creative.

  63. These are really cool. Very creative to do some of these. These would take weeks to do but could be fun to do. I would like to try this.

  64. The are very creative ways to do and make art. I would love to do one of these but it would take a very long time. I would like to do the city one with the person hanging and the guy running.

  65. I love these kinds of pictures. they make you think of how they did it in order to make the picture look cool. There was one picture i found with someone "smashing" the ground in the sand like hulk with sand rippling around them and people jumped in the air in different ways to look like they were flying backwards and being pushed away. I would like to try one these pictures to get people to take a double look.

  66. These are some really cool pictures. It really changes how you see certain pieces of art. I think trying to do one of these pictures would be so fun, yet it seems pretty tricky too.

  67. These are really cool. I find these would be fun to do. A few friends of mine while in Minneapolis for a Mission Trip did this like we were eating a cherry. It was pretty fun to do.

  68. This would be a fun project to do and I would like to try it.

  69. this looks cool and fun to do i would like to try this. it would be fun

  70. I love these kinds of pictures that people take, they are kind of like brain teasers. They mske you brain work harder to make i the right way up. These are very cool and creative.

  71. I've seen these types of pictures and think its super cool. i think that this is a great idea and id love to do this in a big city

  72. I think that it is an easy way to make creative and interesting pictures. I have seen these before and I think that they are pretty cool!

  73. One day I went to Disney World, and I went to the Epcott Center. I tried to make it look like I put the Epcott Ball on my shoulders. We couldn't quite figure it out, but it was still gonna be cool picture.

  74. I always try and think in creative ways. All of these pictures look like something i would try to do! I love taking pictures, these would be very fun to take.

  75. These kind of pictures are so cool. They really tease your brain.These are very creative ways to take pictures

  76. The pictures are very cool but also weird. Its very creative how they could come up with these ideas.

  77. I kind like these pictures. One time we did that. It wasn't very good though. I think if I was going to do it I would make it look like I was almost going to step on someone.

  78. It is amazing the accuracy and precision there is no mistakes. It would take a lot of meticulous time. Would you have the people stay there as you paint or take a picture then draw it?

  79. This is pretty legit and the very first it actually took me a bit to find out what was going on. These pictures really play with my brain.

  80. These are super cool and I dream of being able to create somthing like this, but it is beyond my mental capability to move the camera and actors to just the right location.

  81. this is also one of my favorites. I love this style of art. THis is also very cool and i would love to try it.

  82. I don't see the world differently and I don't have any ideas but I really like these pictures because they look like they were fun to make. I would like to see these guys take these pictures and see how they turn out.

  83. These pictures are so cool and I feel like they would be so fun to make

  84. Doing pictures like these are on my bucket list! Its all about perpective

  85. Doing pictures like these are on my bucket list! Its all about perpective

  86. These are very cool but yet creepy pictures. I would not try something like this.

  87. I actually have done a picture like this before and I find them very fun. Very neat but [retty easy to do.

  88. I love this. I think it potrays todays art very well. Especially with the actions involved.

  89. I think this is so cool. Because it shows the different ways you can look at things. It shows different perspectives and shows how people can have different views.

  90. I think this is really creative. It gives you a whole different perspective on art and just life in general!!

  91. These images are really outside the box. It makes you take a double take and examine the image more closely. It makes you see the them in totally different ways

  92. it is cool how he makes it look like people are grabbing people or how it looks like it is falling and people are trying not to fall

  93. well this is neat. perspecive is everything even when you arent talking about photos. but it just shows you that perspective does make a differnce.

  94. This is really cool. They're like optical illusions and are cool to look at. I like the idea of this art; it's simple and anyone can do it.

  95. This is really cool. I love the way it's an optical illusion. It really tricks the mind.

  96. These are fun. We did a couple of these for exploratory art. It would be neat to do on of these with birds somehow. I think I have seen one before where it looked like birds were coming out of a jar, and that would be fun.

  97. The bike one is pretty cool and so is the one with the hand and hes blowing the rest of the people away

  98. These pictures are really fun to look at. I really like the swimming pool one. It looks like they're coming out of a portal or something.

  99. I actually really like these pictures. I love how they make it actually like someone is picking up a tiny person. This is something I think I would definitely love doing.

  100. I love these pictures! I think they are really fun to take and really fun to try and figure out how they took them. Its cool how they make it look like its something its not.

  101. I love these pictures. I know how they do them, but mine probably wouldn't turn out that good. I would love to do this in the future sometime though.

  102. I think these picture look ok. They are a lot about timing and just getting lucky. I wouldn't have the time to do it.

  103. I love how simple the idea is for these. But it seems as if they are doing more than just sitting and working with angles and perspective.

  104. I think that it is an easy way to make creative and interesting pictures. I have seen these before and I think that they are pretty cool!

  105. This is pretty cool. There are so many ways to do this type of photo. I think the photo with the guy grabbing the cloud is really interesting. I think that one is the best.

  106. these are really cool how they use your mind against it self to make you think that a guy is walking and the ceiling or a gay hanging side ways from a pole

  107. I really like this one. It is so awesome to see how they made it. I don't believe I would be able to do this

  108. This is really werid but at the same time it's amazing. I really want to know how they did that. My favorite is the cloud one.

  109. I love all these pictures. They are all so cool, some took me a minute to figure out. I would love to take pictures like this.

  110. I love all of these. THey are so amazing for being so simple to do. I love how sometimes the easiest things to do can turn out to be one of the best types of art

  111. no i dont see the world any differnt. But i think that this art is very cool and i think that i wou
    ld want to try something like this

  112. I really like how they made this. The illusion on this is really cool. I like the tower of piza and the persons legs make it look like they are pushing it up.

  113. I love all these pictures. They are all so cool, the fourth one took me a minute to figure out. I would love to take pictures like these.

  114. I like all of these pictures. They are all cool to look at. I would love to have the opportunity to take pictures like these for are art class.

  115. I think this is amazing. I like howbthey used different perspectives to make cool pictures.

  116. I like these a lot. It´s cool how they make it look like they are holding the buildings.

  117. I think perspective is what makes art so cool. I think that without perspective the art wouldnt mean as much. This is something that i find to be very difficult.

  118. THeses pictures look some much fun to make. I really like how creative these people are.I really like the pool one.

  119. Illusions like these always interest me. A lot of the time it seems almost impossible to look at without seeing something you have already saw, but if someone who sees it different shows you their was of looking at it you can never see what you saw again or unsee what you just learned. Its just very fascinating how the brain depicts different things for different people.

  120. I am really creeped out by some of these. I don't think that it is that hard to take pictures like these. I like the one where the person is grabbing the cloud.

  121. I like this art but it looks weird. i like the cloud picture, it looks really good. i think that all these pictures are really good.

  122. I like these pieces it's the type of thing where you have to take a second look at just to understand whats going on.

  123. I think that these are really cool. I really like the second and sixth one.

  124. These perspective drawings would be super hard to do. It looks very cool but I would mess it up somewhere. This does seem like it would be fun to do.

  125. I like how these make you think on how they work and what is happening in them but I don't think that they would be fun to do because I think if you move just one bit then the picture would be messed up.

  126. I would really like to try these. This would be a good project. I would definitely do this if I had the chance to.

  127. I would definitely try this. They look very cool to try. You would get to do some pretty crazy things.


  128. I love how simple the idea is for these. But it seems as if they are doing more than just sitting and working with angles and perspective.

  129. Its cool how the you can make pictures like this. I like who your brain and make it to the original picture and make it like normal, but I like these ideas.

  130. I like pictures a lot. I like them because they are pretty creative and they are also kind of funny to.


  131. I actually really like these pictures.
    This is pretty cool. There are so many ways to do this type of photo.

  132. I really like how they can make it look like it's a total different scene in some of them. My favorite one is the one where it looks like someone is grabbing the cloud. I would want to try one like that.

  133. I like how they make it look like it's actually happening when in some pictures it involves personification with colors.

  134. really think its cool how your mind can change things when you dont even know it. It would be fun to do some thing like this or to just ever do some things envolving cameras because there are some amazing thngs that can be created useing the mind

  135. I really like the first image. I love this style. It's very cool, and I would like to take a picture like this sometime

  136. I really like the realistic aspect of these photos. They're very creative and cool looking. It would be fun to try these.

  137. I think these are super fun. I think this would be a fun project to do. I would like to be able to find the right angles to make them look realistic.

  138. this would be a pretty cool project to do. At the same time it looks kinda weird. i love this style

  139. this looks cool. it would be fun to try

  140. very clever form of art taking pictures in a certain manner in order to change the way you perceive the image. How the guy who appeared to hang off of a cement Pilar or pole but was actually laying side is all in the positioning the angle of your view we are so used to pictures being upright instead of side ways that is how we first perceive it.

  141. I like how these make you think on how they work and what is happening in them but I don't think that they would be fun to do because I think if you move just one bit then the picture would be messed up.

  142. These are very interesting. I have seen people post pictures like this on instagram and i've always wanted to try doing it. I think it would be fun too see how they turn out.

  143. I really like photography that makes you think about things. I enjoy seeing how they mess with your brain all just in the perspective. I think it would be a fun photography project. I also think many would enjoy it.

  144. This looks like a fun project to do. there are many different things you could do with this. its crazy how perspective changes everything.
