Monday, December 3, 2012


We are all scared to fail.  It means we did something wrong or that we are perhaps unable to do the task at all.  It never feels good to fail, but sometimes you have to fail in order to succeed. 

 One of my favorite quotes is from Thomas Edison.  It took Edison almost 2000 tries to get a working lightbulb but when asked about all of these failures all he would say is that he found 2000 ways how not to make a lightbulb. 

Here are some other famous failures.

There are even more examples of people who were considered failures but became huge successes.  So please keep in mind that if you never try anything you will never fail, but you will also never find success.
Is there anything that you have ever tried and failed at?  Did you just give up or did you try again?


  1. this is really wierd. they are all letters and no art. how is this even art when they just put things and dont draw anything.

  2. These are kind of inspiring. It's cool reading about famous people's failures and they still ended up famous and rich, and somehow changed the world in their own way. People say that you have to fail to succeed. But i think that you need to tell yourself that what you're going for, is truly what you want to do. Just because you failed at something doesn't mean you should keep going for it, it's your choice if you want to succeed or not..I went for things that other people wanted me to do, and i pretty much failed most of all of them, i never got back up, i just accepted what happened and moved on...but once i told myself on what i wanted to do, i went for them and succeeded. You just have to have your mind on the right track.

  3. i like this because it shows that even famous people can fail. And failed at wrighting my own book because i just had nothing to wright about.

  4. I think its cool how these people have failed yet continued to do art and ended up famous. This just shows that hard work can almost take you anywhere. I will still probably never continue on with art in the future just because i always fail.

  5. These are very insipiring. but I just don't get how its art. But very inspiring words.

  6. This is really neat. Most people probably think that these people never 'failed' but this shows how they were not perfect. Its kind of inspiring in some way.

  7. These are full of inspiration, and i dont see how this would be called a peice of art.

  8. This art is full of insperation. Is this an art tho or a quote?

  9. These quotes are unique. Full of insperation, but they arent really art... They are just quotes

  10. it seems that these people are very relatable. but they arent, these are all lies.

  11. The are very weird because the fact that theyre true makes it awkward. Even though they were famous people never say what was in their background. Its weird I think.

  12. These quotes are pretty amazing and true peices of art

  13. This quotes are kind of inspiring, but i dont we can call this art.

  14. this is funny but true becuase even though they are really famous doesnt mean that they have any embarrasing moments in their life.

  15. some of this does not make sence

  16. This is pretty cool. It proves we all make mistakes. I think that this is inspirtational

  17. This is cool. I like how it shows that even people who have accomplished big things have had trouble. I think that the quotes are good too.

  18. I really like these quotes! They are really inspirational. These quotes mean to me if you have trouble doing what you love, don't stop just keep trying.

  19. Theses quotes are cool, but it doesn't really look like art work to me. I am not really a fan of this art work.

  20. These are very ironic. The thought of people doubting successful people just shows how people can push them harder to do better.

  21. these pictures are really cool. and i like how its saying they failed but yet there still very successful.

  22. this doesn't really seem like art but there cool things to read. It's ironic that they came back and proved them wrong

  23. i like this one. i couldnt do this. i looks hard

  24. nevermind that other post. this is inspirational. i like this

  25. Well i tried basketball in the 3rd grade it was only a camp, but still i tried and it was fun at first, but it just wasn't me. So then in the 8th grade i tried again, but still i didn't last. I only lasted a day in practes and sense i never really played i was realy confused so i quit. I still play basketbal (well sorta) but only the game horse and im really bad at it so i need a longer word. Also when we play i play in my driveway with my brother and dad because they mostly play aginst eachother so i don't have to do much and when my mom plays shes worse so we mostly laugh at her.

  26. Amazing what people can do when they set their mind to it. When i was little i couldn't read very well and didn't underestand the teachers, so i taught myself.

  27. I think these are really cool. It shows not to give up. I tryed basketball in 7th grade but wasn't very good so i quit. But i'll been in dance since i was really little and i used to be very bad at it. Now im one of the best in the class and get solos.

  28. There were times when i gave up on something because i couldnt do it anymore. For example, i gave up on driving in snow because i cant drive in snow. But there were times where i was having a hard time snowboarding but i still kept trying.

  29. These are very cool. its great to know that people had a dream and didnt give up and now they made it. it is inspiring to know that if you keep trying you can make it work.

  30. thats cool!!! i like how they all mean something and its just not random things.

  31. This is very true and people often dont realize that most famous people didnt just get it handed to them. They had to work at it and pick them selves back up.

  32. These are really cool stories. They often can inspire people when they think they cant accomplish their dreams. Never give up.

  33. i dont think this is art but it kind of insperational. i wouldnt like to do this

  34. Failure is for people who try to do many things. At least they get out there and try! rather than being scared to fail.

  35. I don't find these quotes art work. On th eother hand they are inspirational.

  36. sometimes when I do an art project I fail miserably, but then i just try harder and fix it most of the time. Failure isn't fun, but it is nice to know that some very successful have failed along their way to greatness.

  37. I try to draw something really good, but it turns out bad, so I just give up and try to draw another thing. I can draw a few good things. I like reading about famous people's failures, because it seems like they're perfect and they never do anything wrong.

  38. These are very cool ideas of how to express things that have happened to you in a more elegant, and easier way. I have failed at a few things, and i did keep trying and kept trying and eventually i did succeed. I love these ideas and think that they are so inspiring and can change peoples lives.

  39. "failure defeats losers, and inspires winners". i really like this but just dont see how it ties together with art.

  40. It almost inspired me to do my homework, almost

  41. these are pretty interesting and cool to read. But they aren't really art work, but still pretty cool.

  42. This is actually really inspiring. It's cool to think that really well known people have failed but never gave up and came out extremely successful despite their failures

  43. This makes me feel alot better about myself knowing about their faliurs, and knowing how they became very successful people. This is really cool.

  44. when we lift you may not be able to get the a certain wight but you just have work harder and keep being able to work your way back up with never quitting

  45. I think its cool how these people have failed yet continued to do art and ended up famous. This just shows that hard work can almost take you anywhere. I will still probably continue on with art in the future just because i like it.

  46. People never really look at failures but successes. But once brought up I really thought how much all of these people could have given up so easily but have try again and changed the world in all different ways. I did try basketball my 5th grade year. I wasn't very coordinated with my hands so I gave up. Next thing I know I found the game of soccer and I'm in love with the game.

  47. This is very inspirational because they failed but yet they got back up and tried again that is really cool.

  48. These are so ironic because they "lacked imagination", yet they still manage to get back up and prove everyone wrong. I love how they don't care about what others said.

  49. This is interesting because these people are such an inspiration now it is silly to think that at one point they were failures.

  50. this is pretty werid and confusing

  51. that is weird . it is all letters and no art

  52. It is very inspirational. You should always try something new even if you might fail. Try new things

  53. In some point in life we are going to fail. These's quotes are so inspiring. Just like the famous motto. If you don't succeed, try try again.

  54. It just goes to show everyone is human and makes mistakes. It is so funny because of the irony.

  55. there are many thing i ve tried to do and they ended up going really bad. Most of the time i just start over so its better. I like things to be perfect

  56. These are really cool. I have always failed at making noses in your art class, but I belive that one one day, maybe, I could draw a nose if I tried incredibly hard.

  57. I used to fail at riding my bike but I ride my bike everyday now.

  58. These are very inspiring but I don't feel like these are very much artwork.

  59. I fail at a lot of things and this inspires me to keep trying.

  60. These are really inspiring because even they biggest, best, and brightest people have had failures and been rejected. It's just a nice reminder that we're all human

  61. I disappoint the people that love me the most and this really helps me think. These are one of the most inspiring and creative people in this world and they messed up but they just got right back up and fixed what needed to be fixed.

  62. I love how this shows that everyone is human. We all make mistakes. We can learn from it or do it again.

  63. I love how it shows that even if you fail at something if you dont give up anything is possible. You just have to keep going and keep your head up all the time no matter what.

  64. I don't really get how these are artworks. But I like them anyways because it lets you know that even all of the best people in the world. Will fail at something and to never give up.

  65. I like reading these because they are inspirational and very intresting and unlikely

  66. These are inspiring. It shows that anyone can be anything they want to be. Don't let anyone put you down. Be who yoju want to be. Go for your dreams.

  67. This shows even if you fail big that doesn't stop you from achieving big things. Even the biggest can fail or have a bad start like Walt Disney. Everyone can make mistakes.

  68. this is really weird. they are all letters and no art. how is this even art when they just put things and don't draw anything.

  69. I already knew a lot of these, but it seems really empowering to have these inspirational and successful people be so human

  70. I've tried some painting techniques, but they didn't always turn out. I didn't just give up, I tried them again. It was fun to see how something was bad before, but could be better with practice.

  71. In my lifetime I have tried many things and most of them I failed. But I didn't just let myself go down like that, I got back up and tried again until I succeed.

  72. I think these are really cool. It shows not to give up. I tryed basketball in 7th grade but wasn't very good so i quit. But i'll been in dance since i was really little and i used to be very bad at it. Now im one of the best in the class and get solos.

  73. Most of the time when I fail I will try one more time. If that time fails I'll give up and just drop whatever I was doing. I get too frustrated to try and try and try again. I get mad that I can't do it right the first time.

  74. I don't really get why people get so frustrated when they fail. You didn't get what you wanted, but you still got to learn not how to do that thing

  75. So many people fail and so many people say something when they do. I don't like doing things twice. My dad has always do do it right the first time so you don't have to do it again.

  76. I think its cool how these people have failed yet continued to do art and ended up famous. This just shows that hard work can almost take you anywhere. I will still probably continue on with art in the future just because i like it.

  77. This shows not to give up on your dream. Just because someone says you can't do it or dont have enough talent for it.They don't know what your capable only you can know. Because look how far all of these people have come in there carrier even after they almost gave up.

  78. I really like these. A lot of people will point out all of your failures and just ignore the good things you do. You just have to ignore what people say and push yourself and believe in your self.
