Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Burning art

Now from the title you would think I am talking about burning artwork, but in a way you are both right and wrong.  I found a work of art that was created by candle smoke.  Yes you heard right, candle smoke.  The artist attaches paper to the ceiling and then holds a candle so far away from the paper depending on the shading that he needs.  They he puts the papers together to get his work of art.  Make sure you look at the details.

What are your thoughts on this artwork?  What would you like to do that would seem unrealistic?


  1. i am surprisedhat the paper wouldnt burn when shading the darkers spots. i am amazed on how he could get the small shaded spots and lines.

  2. that would be really hard to make. if i would try i would end up burning the paper. it must take forever to make that.

  3. This is interesting how it is made. i never heard of anything like this. it would be cool to see how they do this.

  4. it is very interesting to how much detail the artsit gets in his work. i think the artist has to be very patient to get just the right amount of smoke on the paper. i dont think i could be that patient to do this.

  5. The amount of detail in this artwork is amazing! Making this type of art would take extreme paitence and caution. You would also have to have a really good eye for detail. Wish I could do that!

  6. these photos look very old but they are made on a grid. they have to be done very good and there can not be any mistakes. i could have done it way better than what they did.

  7. To me, this seems impossible. Even if i tried, it would take me a lifetime to make one half decent.

  8. this art would be hard to make. it's really cool and creative but i wouldn't want to take the time to make this

  9. Wow! very cool artwork! I wondr who would have been th first person to do this... and i bet many have accidently burned their work and had to start over. but again, these are pretty cool and creative.

  10. This is very cool. I could probably do this but it would take forever. It looks really hard.

  11. This looks so awesome! I dont even know how they did this! It seems like it would be very time consumiing and take alot of har work.

  12. This art is really cool, i wonder how long it took to burn and put all of the peices together.

  13. this art looks really challenging and looks like it would take forever. I would love to try this art tho.

  14. This looks cool for being smoke. I think it would take a long time to do. This looks very hard. This is a unique way of art

  15. This look like it would take a long time to finish. It also looks very hard. Its very unique and really amazing

  16. I can't think how long it would take to make it. it is amazzing how it looks for being made form smoke. one of the coolest technets i have seen.

  17. i think this is rather intresting but i think it could be dangeruse though if ur useing fire, it looks really hars too

  18. this is kind of cool. this would be a very hard project to do. the way they use the candle smoke is pretty cool though.

  19. I think this would be pretty fun but i dont like the way it looks. I think it would probably take quite a bit also

  20. It looks so hard, but I'm not really interesting in this kind of art...

  21. This looks like it would take forever to do.

  22. this is really cool becuase who would of thought of using candle smoke in their paintings to make it shaded. i would of never thought of it. plus i looks like its a printed picture.

  23. This is really cool, but it would be very time consuming. The end results are really interesting.

  24. This shows the creativity that one can bring to the art world.

  25. this is cool. i like it. i couldnt do this

  26. i love how u can use candle smoke for shadows. its really cool

  27. This is really unique and cool I never heard of anyone doing this type of thing. Seems kind of dangerous as well since you have to use a candle to burn paper. It looks like it would take a lot of time to, you would really have to be careful doing this.

  28. genuenly interesting. you know what would make this better? bacon. the sweet delicious porky goodness used as art

  29. This is actually kind of cool. I think this is a neat style of art and i would like to see more of it.

  30. This is a cool style of art. I feel like thinking of doing this must have been extremely random. I dont think we should ever try this because it seems difficult.

  31. this art style is very cool, but i think it would take along time to do. it looks very challanging. it would take alot of skill to do that style of art.

  32. thats cool and old haha. it looks hard to do. i would do that.

  33. this is hot! i would enjoy doing this in art class some day

  34. This really trips my trigger! It's cool how they do it, seems very challenging. Really neat form of art!

  35. these are really cool. It would be hard to get these that delialed but they look cool

  36. this guy is old. he reminds me of my grandpapi. my grandpapi is old too. he is one of those old people who sit at a gas station in the mournings dringing coffee with all of th eother old people.

  37. I really like this guys technique. I like how he uses a candle and the smoke to make all of the details. Its crazy how some people are so talented and they can do this very carefully and make it turn out to actually be something.

  38. This is probably one of my favorite pieces of art work that i have ever seen. It is so unique in so many ways. This is definitely one thing that i would like to try in art. Although it would be very very hard to get the specific details or the glasses, and other characteristics, but i think it is worth the way they look.

  39. He's doing that and I can barely light a candle, wow just wow. BURN BABY BURN.

  40. I really like this one i dont how he doesnt start the paper on fire. i would like him to do one of these of me.

  41. This is really cool. If I tried this I would just end up with a pile of ashes. I would accidentally burn the paper instead of creating art work with it

  42. This is really neat. this guy obviously has a great imagination. I don't know how he doesn't set the pictures on fire.

  43. That would be really hard to make. If i would try i would end up burning the paper. It must take forever to make that. This guy has an amazing imagination.

  44. Holy Cow!!! This guy is very talented if he can get that much detail with candle smoke. I would like to try the candle smoke idea or even burning certain papers of wood to make a project.

  45. This would be a lot of fun, but I would run out of patience for this project.

  46. This must take an extreme amount of patience and skill to be able to do sucha thing.

  47. nah i dont think i am that talented to do this

  48. i think this is cool. but i don't really want to this i think it would take a long time.

  49. This is amazing, but would be very difficult. I feel like you would have to start over alot to make it the way you wanted it to be. Because you can not control smoke or fire. This would take alot time.

  50. That would be really hard to make. It would take me years to do this. I would probably just burn the whole paper.

  51. I really like this idea. i like how good it looks! id love to try this for and art project

  52. I think that this is very unique and extremely hard to achieve the look that you would want. I think that it would take a lot of time and patience.

  53. This art is very cool. I like how big it is. I would like to go skydiving, its seems unrealistic because im scared of hights

  54. This guy is crazy! I cannot believe he does this with candle smoke. I like the way he does it squaer by square. I would be scared to start the whole thing on fire!

  55. this looks very cool but very dangerous. i wouldnt mind trying it.

  56. I really like this kind of art. A little bit because I like to play with fire. I would surly think that they wouldn't look real. If you are burning them they should look like they are about a hundred years old.

  57. This art is very cool but it looks like it would be very challenging to do. I think that it would take lots of time and practice to be able to do this and make it look. There are lots of details and it looks like you would have to be really skilled to be able to make this look good. But i think it would be fun to try sometime

  58. This looks like it took lots of time and effort to make this happen. Nothing would probably fall into the right place you want it to but sometimes that is just what happens in todays modern art

  59. this is very interesting. However it looks quite difficult. It would be soemthing very fun to try

  60. This artist is incredible. I couldn't imagine the strength it would take both mentaly and phyicaly to make something this awesome. I can't even draw a realistic face with a pen and paper

  61. Oh my lord! How did anyone come up with this technique?

  62. Oh my lord! How did anyone come up with this technique?

  63. I have never seen anything like this. It would be cool to try.

  64. I wonder how people thought of this! But also who was the first to accomplish this. And yet Get all of these details and would you need different types of paper.

  65. This the coolest thing ever! If I tried this I would just burn the paper but this would be cool to watch someone do.

  66. it is cool that he can make pictures using a candle. it has to take a long time for this to turn out and not burn what he is using to make the picture on

  67. This is really cool how small it is. It is really creative and I wonder how long took to make it. I would like to do something like this.

  68. That takes some artistic talent. Being able to make art with a candle and not start anything on fire. also the picture looks so authentic. It is a real master piece.

  69. That sounds really cool but hard we should make it a test and try and do it.

  70. Truly brilliant, the artist used such a common object to make the portrait very realistic. If I were to attempt this form of art I might accidently burn the whole piece itself

  71. This is a really unique way of making art. I would have never thought of doing this. I'm sure it is really hard to get the right shading. I would never be able to do it.

  72. This looks hard due to trying not to set it all on fire

  73. This is really pretty cool. I think it's cool that he can make art work by using fire and not setting the paper on fire. This would be something i would kinda like to try.

  74. This is really cool because who would of thought of using candle smoke in their paintings to make it shaded. i would've never thought of it. plus i looks like its a printed picture.

  75. I think this type of art work is unique and very creative something that i would try . Also looks like it would take a whole lots of patiences.

  76. This looks very nice. I want to know what made him even think about doing this. I think it would be a fun thing to try if we ever had a day to do nothing else in class.

  77. I think this look pretty cool. Its kinda creepy how real it looks. I think my friend Tori is a really good artist, and she could accomplish this.

  78. I would love to try this. I think it would be amazing to learn how to even do this and put it all together. I think this is very cool

  79. I think this art is jaw dropping. Its creepy how real it looks. This would take ages to do by the looks of it, and very hard to do.

  80. This is cool and it looks very bizarre,maybe that why I like it.But this looks like it took a long time and i hate waiting.I also hate hard worker because I very lazy.

  81. This is pretty neat, its not something that is common. Its cool cause it is something they came up with.

  82. I think that this is a very good piece of art and it looks amazing at how real it looks. I could never imagine how long this must have taken him to make. He must have lots of patience.

  83. I like the fact that they used candle smoke. What a cool way to make art! I think this would be super cool to try sometime.

  84. THis probably look so much time to do. He probably burn the paper to much alot and had to start over. But it looks really good.

  85. this painting is very nice, i bet it took a long to complete. the face is very detailed and it looks very good.it is impressive that the the art work was done by using candle smoke.

  86. I like these pieces of art. I burn my projects for ag. I just don't think I would be able to do it.

  87. You have to be so amazing at art to burn your art and make better art like it blows me away how people can do that kind of stuff.

  88. I think he's artwork is very interesting. I think it would be a lot of fun to try. I would just be worried about setting the paper on fire by accident.

  89. I think this is very interesting. His artwork seems realistic and puts a person in front of you that's just on a piece of paper.

  90. t is very interesting to how much detail the artsit gets in his work. i think the artist has to be very patient to get just the right amount of smoke on the paper. i dont think i could be that patient to do this.

  91. So, each piece of paper is done separately. I don't have the patience. Maybe if I did a small piece of paper. It might take time to learn how to do, but I do think this would be a very fun project.

  92. These are very fun and looks very hard. I have seen videos on instagram and always wanted to do it. I wish we could do this as a project.

  93. this artwork is simply amazing to see someone peace art work together sectional by sectional together without seeing the entire image. Well I at least don't see him using a smaller image to look off he has to imagen its placement then construct the peace needed to fit into that spot. The most amazing thing is he does it with no ink no pencil no paint he does it with soot or smoke residue.

  94. This looks really difficult, and it is impressive how he can get so much detail out of it. It would be fun to try something like this. I would be worried I would accidentally catch a piece of it on fire and it would be ruined
