Thursday, November 15, 2012


Have you ever wanted to create a sculpture out of something that you think you can't make a sculpture out of?

What do you think about a human made out of rocks and wire?  What do you think about this?  Can you see the hands and the feet and that there is a face in the wire?


  1. this rocks! it looks like it weighs a ton. i wish we could try this some time

  2. this is legit. we should do it. i like rocks.

  3. This looks amazing. ITs even bigger then life size and looks like it e a challenge to make. I would love to try this someday.

  4. this is really fricken cool this probably the best thing i have seen yet

  5. i really like this idea whoever thought of this did a good and they made it so good.

  6. this is really cool its really cool how they used the wire so the rocks would stay put

  7. i like how the rocks bring out the person in the wire. if there were no rocks it wouldnt look like a person

  8. i think it is kinda cool and how it is made of rocks. if they could do it with out the wire. i can't get over that it is made of rock and wire

  9. This is interesting. The wire outlines all the rocks and it is pretty cool. This seems like it would be hard to keep it up because it is heavy.

  10. I dont really like this. Rocks should just be left on the ground. It is a waste of raw material.

  11. This is so weird I never would of thought someone would do this sort of thing. I do not like this very much, I think this is just to weird. Its really creative though, I dont know how people think of this stuff.

  12. This is really cool! A human made out of wires and rocks would be really interesting! I think that it would be difficult to make one. It would also be very time consuming.

  13. this is really cool how they made this animals out of rocks. i would rather make a different animal. the animal that i would choose would be a ostrich. it would be better thatn theirs and it would make me more famous.

  14. I'm not sure I really like this sculpture ... It's really creative and i never would thought in something like this, but at the same time is really wierd and I think they just waste raw of materials ...

  15. This looks pritty cool. the wire makes it look very interesting. the rocks are big and i dont see how they could have made that.

  16. I personally don't like it. Its to plain and boring. I could use a little color.

  17. this art is Really cool. This would make a very fun art project!

  18. that must weigh alot. it would take alot of work. but it turned out really cool.

  19. this doesnt really seem like its art. i dont really like this. it seems just pointless

  20. I like how they played with the size of the rocks. Like how the fingers are smaller rocks as are the arms. I dont really like it though

  21. this looks really fun. i wish we would try something like this as something like a whole class project.

  22. I like how they gather all the rocks and make it into a shape of a person

  23. This is pretty cool looking. It would be hard to get the rocks into the metal cagging unless there was some sort of way you could squeeze them in. This is an all around cool project.

  24. This looks really cool. It would be a really fun project.Its not something you see everyday.

  25. I think that this is cool. But it is kind of boring. There is no color in the picture, so i think that it could use that. But i like how different it is.

  26. that is so cool!!! i wish i could do something like that!!! it must take a long time to do that!!!

  27. garignac. garignac. if you can get the reference you win the knowledge that you are a geek like me.

  28. This is crazy! It's cool but funny how simple art can be. I mean really who thinks of making rocks into art?

  29. i kinda thing but the way its crouching that it means 'theres things that bring us all down no matter the waight' i think its cool but thats the way it looks to me so it kinda brings me down a little

  30. i think that this is very creative. it would be not as difficult to make this. i like the use of rocks to fill the metal wire.

  31. This looks hevey and hard to make

  32. i always loved sculptures and this just proves how people can be so creative with normal object you find at home or outside. they turn regular objects that you see everyday and turn it into an amazing peice of art. its awesome.

  33. this is awesome i wish i could do that

  34. It is interesting but i wouldn't want to take the time to create it.

  35. this looks very hard to do i couldnt imagine lifting and making all of those wires and bend them so it looks perfect. unless you had someone else lift the rocks.

  36. I think its cool how people used rocks to create rocks. I think it would be pretty hard to make all the rocks fit so that none of them fall through the wire that supports them. I think this wouldnt be to bad to try on a much smaller scale though.

  37. This is pretty amazing. It looks very are and alot of work to do. especially adding the rocks into the wires. I would assume the rocks would be to heavy for the wires.

  38. OHHHHHHHMG! this would take skill. making the frame of it and putting rocks in it! definetly not a job for a gay boy! He (she?) wouldn't be able to lift the rocks! Most normal men can easily do it though!

  39. This rocks! ( haha pun) I found this very cool and interesting. I wonder how hard it was to do this.

  40. this looks very interesting. I can't see what it looks like, but I feel like it rocks judging by the other comments. We should try to do this for a project next year.

  41. I have once made a small thing out of rocks. I think it would be intresesting project and be very hard but amazing to do.

  42. This looks like it would be a cool artwork to make. It is a very interesting thing that you could do to pass the time and make art out of rocks.

  43. his looks amazing. ITs even bigger then life size and looks like it e a challenge to make. I would love to try this someday.

  44. Theres nothing here??

  45. I like it alot. I like rocks. Lets do this for a project.
