Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Like learning to draw anything one of the most difficult things to draw are hands.  There are so many lines, wrinkles and differences in someone's hands that it is hard to create a realistic drawing.

One thing that you need to look for when drawing hands are the shadows.  The shadows will give the hands the depth and the realistic markings that they need.  Also don't forget the highlights.  Sometimes where the light hits is just as important as where the shadows are.
As you can see you don't have to shade everything dark, but there is not just shading on one side of the hand or on the side of it.  Both sides have some coloring to give the rounded feeling of a 3D object.
Does it help to look at pictures like this when thinking about drawing your own project?  I don't want you to copy but does this help show the shading?


  1. i get kinda creeped out when i see just hands because i think of people coming ought of no where and just grabing u. just creepy

  2. i really like these pictures they are really cool. on the top one the light on the hands really brings out the picture

  3. i think this helps alot show how to shade and where to shade and etc. Also i think its very good wish i could draw hands this good. Guess i should practice more.

  4. I think that is project is going to be challengeing, but a lot of fun.

  5. i think this is very cool cause i think the hardest things to draw are human features. i think if a person can draw hands they can draw almost anything.

  6. these are ptretty good pieces of art. i could never pull it off. but they get paid so they should be better then me.

  7. The shading and detail are amazing! they look like actual hands. Plus I dont think it would take too much time to draw

  8. the hands are cool. they look 3d. i like 3d.

  9. these look really impressive. we are working on this right now and i hope to make it look like this. This is very good.

  10. these are really cool i tried them today and it was super hard. i really want to learn how to shade that good

  11. i like how there is very dark shading in some spots and then almost no shading or none at all.

  12. This is really cool because of the shading. It is difficult to shade hands but they did good. I think that I wouldnt be able to draw anything that good.

  13. I do not like these hands projects. I would like to draw something different. The shading to do on these are pretty good.

  14. Yes, this helps with the project, because it shows you where you need to shade it. It was hard to shade the hands, but they make it look way easier than it really is.

  15. These hand projects werent that easy. i wish i could draw hands like this. they are really good at shadding.

  16. I wish I could draw hands this good, these hands look really good! My hands look so bad compared to these hands, I had a tough time with the hand drawings. Shading the hands were really hard Im not sure why but I struggled.

  17. This project wasnt that easy, but it wasnt very hard. I liked drawing the hands but the shadding was harder. You had to shade at the right angle, and my hand kept cramping up

  18. this person is very good at drawing and shading hands. this was a fun project but also really hard at the same time

  19. i think this was a great drawing. and the pic would help beacuse it show where the high lights would be when by shadows

  20. These hands are great they almost look realistic.

  21. This is pretty cool how it looks like the hands are coming off the page. There is alot of awesome shading parts on this hand. This is kind of like what we are doing in Art I.

  22. These look so real. I wish i could draw this good. I thought Drawing hands was really fun but didn't look as good as this.

  23. these are cool. i couldnt do that. i didnt like drawing hands.

  24. its amazing how people can take drawing utencles and make such amazing art and make them so realistic.

  25. These hands are really good. I wish I could draw like that.I dont like drawing hands though.

  26. these hands are good. i wish i could draw like that. i couldnt do this

  27. It is 3D. I want to reach out and grab the hands. This so much better than my hands.

  28. These hands that they drew are really good. Looking at these and comparing them to the ones i drew make mine look even worse than before. I hope we are done drawing hands.

  29. The hands are so good looking. I envy them. I could never draw something that good.

  30. That is really good. that would have been really helpful to my project. i still think there would have been no way i could have done them that good.

  31. that looks eally dificalt and i hate drawing hands

  32. These hands are almost as good as mine! I should have taught them how to draw them, gave them some pointers and maybe they would be better than me! but that takes lots of skill. not saying im that good even though I am!

  33. I wish I could draw hands like this. We did a project in Art 1 and mine wasnt even as close to being as good as these hands. They look 3d and are shaded very good.

  34. I remember doing the hand project and just wanting to throw all hands off a cliff. They are difficult to make look good.

  35. I like drawing hands and i liked the hand project. Mine were not nearly as good as these.

  36. i like how they are 3D and just want to grab it. I think i wouldn't have the patience to do this nor the effort to do it. I would probably never to do this.

  37. These are neat. I like how these are 3-D and looks like you can grab them. You would have to be talented to do this.

  38. These are awesome how they make them pop out at you. You have an amazing talent if you could do this. I think we worked on something like this earlier in the year.

  39. Hands are very hard to draw. Yes it does help to look at a picture to help with shading and lighting. I kind of like drawing hands. Probably because I like shading so much.

  40. i wish i could draw hands like this

  41. i would like to be able to draw hands that good. they are difficult to draw for me.

  42. Yes, this really shows how you shoud shade hands. Really helps with drawing hands.

  43. It does help with shading! i wish i could draw hands and body parts as well as these artists

  44. These are really good. This would so helpful when i was doing my project. hands are hard to draw.

  45. shading is very hard. its cool looking though

  46. The bottom picture show the shading super well, and the bottom one looks super realistic. I would love to be able to learn how to do this just right.

  47. These are awesome and I love how they are 3d and the shading is done very well. This would be something I would like to try.

  48. These are amazing sketches. I always find it hard to do hands. I don't know why but they are just very challenging.

  49. it is cool how he can make the hands look like they are popping out of the paper. it takes a talent that some people dont have to pull it off

  50. Its inspiring to see drawings come to life on paper. The shading add a lot of dimension and gives it a very realistic effect. It helps to also look at your own hands to find shading and highlight

  51. I dont really get these but its all cool

  52. Wow these hands are incredible. These are hands look so realistic, but have that shading and style that make them look cartoonist but amazing. This is a great drawing.

  53. I would never be able to do this. It has so much detail to it and is so incredible. It looks so real and awesome.

  54. This is really cool. It also something I would never be able to do. It had to have taking along time to get that good at drawing hands like that.

  55. i would never be able to do this. i cant ever drawl hands. I think the details for hands take the longest and would be the hardest for me to do

  56. I get kinda creeped out When I see hands because I think of people coming out of nowhere and just grabbing you. But I guess it cool.I don't like it at all.

  57. The hands are awesome. I could not figure out how to shade them right when we did the project.

  58. The hands look so real! Especially the shading is amazing.

  59. It is insane how real the hands look! I think this would be a very fun, yet challenging project. For me, this would take a lot of time and practice. The shading looks very well done.

  60. I think it would be easier to look at a picture and draw it. I feel like it would help you see all the shadows and highlights of the picture. I really do feel like shadows help with the depth and perspective of a drawing of a hand.

  61. This is really cool because of the shading. it takes a talent that some people dont have to pull it off. I wish I could draw like that.I

  62. i really like these pictures they are really cool. on the top one the light on the hands really brings out the picture

  63. I love love love drawing hands. They can be so simple, yet intricate. The lighting and shadows are so fun to find. That was definitely one of my favorite projects we did.

  64. I can't really draw hands, but I try to stay professional and not just put them behind or in something.

  65. I'm not good at drawing hands so this make me feel bad about my drawings. Not something I want to do. I would hate to do this.

  66. This art work defiantly takes perception and along with observational skills to be able to precive the direction the light should hit the hand in orderd to give it a relistic type feel.Along with the observational skills to see the tiny creveses and lines you must form to creat proper joints and nails.i like the interecet look of the 3d formating for sure.

  67. These really stick out which makes them so cool and different then others. It looks very realistic.Most people are going to buy something that sticks out to them.
