Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Painting of a woman

This painting was created by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1508 in Milan, Italy.  It is a simple study of a young woman that is painted on a wooden panel.

Pinned Image

This painting was even featured in the movie "Ever After" which was a Cinderella type story. 

Leonardo Da Vinci did many paintings of women, and he often did studies of some women that he would later use as his main models in larger paintings.  This is a very simple picture, however, it has very beautifl details and the blening of the shadows on the face are done so softly it could have been a photograph except for the fact that the hair is done very roughly.

What are your thoughts on this piece?  Do you like it or could you live without it?  Do you think it is finished?


  1. there is no picture, so i dont know what to say. either that or it was just an all white painting. so if it was an all white painting he did a good job, and proabably spent alot of time on it. but its pretty cool i like Da Vinci hes a pretty talented dude.

  2. i dont think i am a fan of this painting. i like the shadding in it. also seems like it kind of has a 3D effect to it.

  3. this painting has no meaning to me. the girl is just looking at the ground. you cant really tell what she is looking at and she never looks at you. she is the worst painting ever.

  4. i like te colors of it and how they mix but other wise its not my favriot, its like half or not heven half done

  5. I love the shadding carcle look to it. This is neet.

  6. i dont think its finished he could do the hair alot better i love this otherwise though

  7. I can't see the painting but of what i read, it must be a very interesting painting. wish i could see it

  8. This is a pretty cool peice of art. I feel like it took this person a really long time to do. This is better than anything i could ever do.

  9. There is almost a simple feeling that makes the piece even more dramatic. Leaves you asking questions. Its a beautiful piece of artwork.

  10. there is no picture, so i dont know what to say. either that or it was just an all white painting. so if it was an all white painting he did a good job, and proabably spent alot of time on it. but its pretty cool i like Da Vinci hes a pretty talented dude.

  11. there is no picture so i dont know what to say about it.

  12. I wasn't able to look at the picture. I'm not sure what you want me to say since I didn't see it.

  13. like te colors of it and how they mix but other wise its not my favriot, its like half or not heven half done
